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i � <br />' ��14�7�95 <br /> ❑EED �F TRUST <br /> L�an No; '1�'i�S'i 36� �Continued} Page 9 <br /> previvus �iscal year in such �vrm and detail as Lender shall require. "Net ❑perating income" shall mean a�l �ash <br /> receip�s fram the Property less all cash expenditures made in cvnnectivn with�he operation af�he Praperty. <br /> Cap�ion Headings. Cap�ion headings in this ❑eed of Trust are -�or con�enien�e purpases only and are not to be <br /> used�o in�erpret or define�he pro�isions ❑�this ❑eed❑fi Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall be no merger v�the interes�or esta�e created by fihis Deed of Trust wi�h any afiher in�erest ar <br /> estate in the Property a�any time held by ❑r for the benefi�of Lender in any �apacity, w�thau�the w�-itten consent <br /> af Lender. <br /> Governing Law. This Deed v�Trust will be goWerned by federal law applicable to Lender and, ta the ex�ent not <br /> preempted by federal Iaw,the iaws vf the 5tate o�Nebraska without regard to i#s �onflicts of law provisions. This <br /> ❑eed vf T�us�has been accep�ed by Lender in the 5tate vf Nehraska. <br /> Choice af V�nue. lf there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request�o submi��a the jurisdiction of the <br /> caurts o-�Hall �ounty, Stafie❑f Nehrasf�a. <br /> No V11a��er t�y Lender. Lender shall nvt be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any r�ghts und�r�his Deed ❑�f Trust unfess such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed hy Lender. Na delay or amission on the part of Lender in exe�-cising any right <br /> shall ❑perate as a waiWer of such right o�- any other righ�. A wai�e�-by Lender o�a pro�isivn ❑f�his Deed vf Trust <br /> shall not prejudice or cvnstitute a wai�er of Lender's right afiherwise �❑ demand strict c�mpliance with that <br /> proWision or any ❑ther pr��ision ❑f �his ❑eed ❑� Trust. No prior wai�er by Lender, nor any course vf dealing � <br /> between Lender and T�-ustvr, shall �ons�i�ute a wai�er v� any ❑f Lender's rights or ❑f any o�Trus�or's ❑bligativns <br /> as �o any �u�ure transactions. Whene�er the consent �� Lender is required under this Deed vf Trust, the granting <br /> ❑�such consent by Lender in any instance shall not constitute cant�nuing consen'��o subsequent ins�ances where <br /> such consent is required and in alI cases such consent rnay be granted or withheld in�he so�e discretEon a�Lende�r. . <br /> Se�erahilEty. if a court of compe�kent jurisd�ctian finds any proW�sion of this ❑eed af Trusfi�a be illegal, in�alid, or <br /> unen�orceable as fia any ci�-cumstance, fiha� finding sha�� not make the offending pra�ision EElegal, in�alid, ❑r <br /> unen�or�eabie as �o any ather circums�ance. 1f feasible, the offending pro�isivn sha[l be cansidered modified sa <br /> that it becomes lega�, �alid and enfiorceala�e. lf the ❑�f�fending pro�ision canno� be so madified, it shaE! be <br /> �onsidered deleted frvm �his ❑eed o� Trust. Unless otherwise required by [aw, the illegality, in�alidity, ar <br /> unenfar�eability ❑f any provisian af this Deed of Trus�sha�! not affec��he legality, �alidity ❑r enfarceahility ❑f any <br /> other prvvision❑t�h�s I�eed of Trus�. r <br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. 5ub�ec�to any limitations sta�ed in this ❑eed at Trus� on �ransf�r❑f Trustar's interest, <br /> this D�ed of Trust shali be binding upon and inure �❑ �he benefit of�khe parties, their successors and assigns. lf <br /> vwnership a�the Property laecomes �ested in a persan other than Trustor, Lender, wi�hout notice�a T�ustor, may <br /> deal wi�h Trustor's su�cesso�s wEth referenc�ta this Deed o�Trust and the �ndebtedness by way o-��orbearance ❑�- <br /> extens�on withaut re[easing Trus�vr f�om the obligatians fl��his Deed o�Trust❑�-i�ability.under fihe lndebtedness. <br /> T�me is o##he Essence. Time is of�he essen�e in the per�vrmance v�€this ❑eed o�Trus�. <br /> Waiver vf Homestead Exemp�ion. Trustor here�y re�eases and wai�es aI! rights and benefits ❑� the homestead <br /> exemp�ivn kaws❑f the 5tate vf Nebraska as fio all fndebtedness secured by�this ❑eed o�Trus�. • <br /> DEFIN�T��NS. The folEowing capita�ized wards and terms shaEl ha�e�he fo��owing meanings when used in thrs Deed ❑f <br /> Trust. Unless spe�ifical[y stafied tv the cantrary, aii �eferences to dallar amounts sha�l�mean amaun�s in lawful maney <br /> ❑f the United Sta�es of Ameri�a. 1�Vords and terms used in the singuEar shall in�lude �he plura�, and th� plura� sha�l <br /> include the singular, as the context may require. V1lards and terms nat ❑�herwEse defined in this Deed o� Trusfi shall <br /> ha�e the meanings a#�rii�uted�to su�h�kerms in the Uni��rm Commercial Code: . <br /> Benefi�iary. The word "B�neficiary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrvwer, Th� w�rd "6orrower" means STAR�STKA GR�UP UNLIMITED iNC and incfudes a11 cv--signers and <br /> c�-makers signing�he Note and all�heir successors and assigns. <br /> Deed vf Trust. The v►rords "Deed ❑f Trus�" mean this Deed of Trus� among Trust�r, Lender; and Trustee, and <br /> includes withvu� limi�a�ian a�I assignment and securi�y interes-� prov�sions rela�ing ta the Personal Praperty and <br /> Ren�s. . <br /> Defaul�. The wvrd "De�ault" means the De�ault set fiorth in�his Deed of Trus��n the s�c�ion�i#led "Default". <br /> Environmen�a! Laws. The words "Env��vnmentaE Laws" mean any and all sta�e, f�deraE and local s�a�u�es, <br /> regulatians and ordinances �relat�ng to the protect�on ❑� human heal�h vr the envirvnment, includEng without <br /> limitation the Camprehensive En�irvnmental Respanse, Compensa�ion, and LiabifEty Act o� '�98�, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Secfiion 95��, et seq. t"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorizativn Act❑� '�988, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materials T�anspvrta�ivn Act, 49 U.S.C. 5ec�ion '18D1,e�seq.,the Resvurce <br /> Conser�attvn and Reco�ery Ac�, 4� U.S.�. Section 69��, et seq., ❑r oth�r applicable s�ate or federaC laws, rules, <br /> ❑r regulations adopted pursuant thereto. . <br /> E�rent af Defaul�. The wards "E�ent of De�aul�" mean any of the e�ents of defaul�set fvr�h in�his L�eed v�Trust in <br /> the e�en�s vf de�ault s�ction o��his Deed a�Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The ward "Guaranty" means the guaranty�rom guaranto�, endors�r, surety, ❑r accommvdation party to <br />