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; <br /> ��14�7�95 <br /> � <br /> �3EED �F TRUST � <br /> Lvan Na: ���Z�'13�6 {C�ntlnued} Page 8 <br /> ❑acuments �o Trustee or Lender ❑r t❑ which eithe�r of �hem may be o�herwise entitfed, may be exercised, <br /> �oncurr-ently or independent�y, �rom time to time and as a-�-ten as may b� deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and either of them may pursue inconsistent remedies. No�hing in this Qeed a� Trus� shall be construed as <br /> prahibiting Lender from seeking a de�f��ien�y judgmenfi against the Trus�or ta the exten�such actian is perm�t�ed by <br /> Iaw. Electian by Lender to pursue any remedy shall na� exc�ude.pursuit vf any vther remedy, and an el�ctian �o <br /> make expenditures or to take a�tion to per�orm an ab�iga�ion vf Trustor under this ❑eed o-�Trust, after Trustor's � <br /> failure to perfarm,shal[ not affect Lende�-'s righ���declare a de-�au��and exercise its remedies. <br /> . � <br /> Request for Nvtice. Trustor, on �ehalf of Trus�or and Lender, hereby reques�s that a copy a�any Not�ce of�efault ! <br /> and a c�py❑f any No��ce ❑�Sale under�his Deed af Trust be mailed to them a��he addr�sses set farth in the first � <br /> pa�-agraph❑#�his �eed af Tr-us�. <br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lender Enstitu�es any suit ar ac�ion tv enforce any ❑� �he terms ❑� this D�ed of <br /> Trus�, Lender shall be en�i�led fio recv�er such sum as�he cour�may adjudge reasanable as attvrneys' fees at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhether or not any caurt action is in�al�ed, and to fihe extent n�� prohibi�ed by lawr all � <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's opinion are ne�essary at any time for �he profiecti�n vf its <br /> in�eres�or the enfvrcemenfi of sts righ�s sha�� be�ome a part of the �ndebtedness payable ❑n demand and shall bear ; <br /> interest at fihe Nv�e rate from the date af the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses coWe�-ed by this paragraph include, � <br /> withou� iimita�ian, howe�er subject ta any limits under applicabie law, Lender's attv�neys' �ees and Lender's legal <br /> exp�nses, whether ar no�ther� is a lawsuifi, including attorneys' fees and expenses far bankrup�cy praceedings � <br /> {in�luding efforts ta modify or�a�ate any automa�ic stay or iniuncti�n}, appeals, and any anticipated post judgment � <br /> collec�ion se�vices, �he cost ofi searching recards, obtaining ti�le reports �Encluding �oreclasure repvrts}, sur�eyors' ' <br /> �-epor�s, and app�-aisal �ees, title insurance, and fees �For fihe Trustee, to the exten�k pe�rmit�ed 1ay applicalale law. <br /> Trus�or als❑will pay any cvu�cas�s, in additifln�❑all ❑ther sums pro�ided by law. � <br /> Righ�s vf Trustee. Trustee shall ha�e alf v�the righ�s and du�ies of Lender as set forth�n this secfiion. � <br /> P�WERS AN�❑6L�GATIDNS aF TRUSTEE. The�ollowing pro�isians rela�sng to the powers and ❑bligati�ns of Trustee , <br /> are part o��this Deed�f Trust: <br /> Pawers of Trustee. ln additivn�o all pawers ❑f Trus�ee arising as a matter a�law,T�-usfiee shall have the power t� ; <br /> �ake the fallowing ac�ions with respec�to the Praperty upan the wri�ten reques�af Lender and Trus�vr: {a}join in � <br /> preparing and filing a map ❑r pfa� �� �he ReaE Property, including �he dedicafiion of s�reets or vther �-ights t� the � <br /> public; �h} jvin in granting any easement or creating any �estrE�tion ❑n the Real Property; and �c� �ain in any � <br /> subordina�ion vr oth�r ag�reemen�af�Fecting this Deed❑f Trust or�h�in�eres�❑f Lend�r under�h�s ❑eed❑f Trust. <br /> � <br /> Trustee. T�-ustee sha[I meet a�� qua�i�ica�ians �-equired for Trus�ee under applicable law. ln addi��on ta the rEgh�s <br /> and remedies set #orth abo�e, with respect tv all ❑r any par�t a��he Praper�y, the Trusfiee sha�l have the right t❑ <br /> forec�ose by notice and sa�e, and Lender shall ha�e the �ighfi tv foreclvs� by�udicial foreclosure, in e�ther case in ; <br /> ' accvrdance with and to�he full exfien�pravided by applicable Iaw. <br /> i <br /> Su�cessor Trus#ee. Lender, at Lender's optian, may from time ta�ime appoint a suc�essvr Trust�e to any Trustee <br /> � <br /> appointed under�his ❑eed o�Trus� by an instrumen� exe�uted and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in �he <br /> ❑ffice vf the r�c�rder a-� HALL Cvunfiy, State ❑fi Nebraska. The instrumen� shall contain, in addition �a alE ather <br /> mat�ers requ�red hy sta�e law, �he names ❑f the ariginal Lender, Trus�ee, and Trustor, �he boak and page �or <br /> compu�er system reference} where fihis Deed a� Trust is recorded, and �he name and address o� �he suc�essvr <br /> �rus�ee, and the instrumen�shall be executed and acknowledged by a[I�he benefiiciaries under this Deed of Trust or <br /> their successors in interest. The successvr trustee, withau� con�eyance ❑�the Property, shall succeed �v a[[ fihe ; <br /> titEe, power, and duties con�erred upon�he Trustee in this ❑eed❑f Trus�and by appli�al�ie law. This proc�dure�or � <br /> subs�i�u�ian�t Trus�ee shal�go�ern fiv�he exclusion o�a1�ather pro�isions�or subs�itution. <br /> � <br /> NOTICES. Any no�ice requ�red ta be given under�his Deed of Trust, inc�uding wi�hout limitativn any noti�e o�defauit <br /> and any no#ice ❑f sa�e shall be gi�en in writing, and sha�l be e�fiecti�e when a�tuatly deli�ered, when actual�y recei�ed <br /> by�elefacsirnEle �unless oth�rw�se required by law}, when deposi�ed with a natianaliy recv�nized o�ernight courier, vr, i# � <br /> mailed, when depvsited in the United S�ates mail, as first class, �erti�ied or regis�e�-ed mail postage prepaid, directed to <br /> �he addresses shown near the beginning o��his �eed v�Trust. A1� copies ❑f no�ices of�oreciosure �ram the holder❑f <br /> any lien which has priv�-ity o�er this �3eed of Trust shal[ be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the i�eginn�ng ❑f <br /> -�his Deed vf Trust. Any party may change its address fvr na��ces under thts ❑eed vfi Trus� by gi�ing fvrma! writ�en <br /> notice tv �he ❑�her par�ies, specifying tha� �he purpose af the nati�e is to �hange the party's address. For notice <br /> purp�ses, Trustor agrees ta keep Lender in�formed a� all times vf Trustor's current address. Unless otherwise pro�ided . <br /> ❑r required by law, if�h�re is mo�e�han ❑ne Trusfiar, any notice given by Lender�o any Trustor is deemed fiv he notE�e <br /> gi�en fiv all Trustars. � <br /> i1rIISCELLANE�US PROVlS��NS. The�ollowing misce��aneous pro�isions are a part of�his Deed of Trus�: - <br /> Amendments, This Deed af Trust,fiogether wi�h any Related �vcumen�s, cons�itutes the entire unde�-standing and <br /> agreement ❑f the parties as to the ma�ters se�farth in this D�ed ❑f Trust. No al�erat�on ❑�ar amendment�o this <br /> Deed of Trus�shalf be effe�tive un�ess gi�en in w�-iting and signed by�he party ❑r par�ies sought�0 1�e charged or <br /> b�und by�he a�teratian ar amendmen�. <br /> Annual Repvr�s. I�# �he Prvperty is used far purpases vther than Trust�r`s residence, Trustvr sha[C furnish to <br /> Lender, upon reques�, a cer-tified statement o� nefi operating incvme re�ei�ed from the Proper�y during T�-ustor's <br />