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<br /> f� ��14�7�95
<br /> [3EED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: 'I D'1�8�36� �Contitlued} Page 3 .
<br /> Lender's Right tv Enter, Lender and Lender's agents and rep�esentat��es may enter upon the Rea� Praperty a� al�
<br /> reasonable times to attend �k❑ Lender's interes�s and �v inspect the Real Property #ar pu�poses af Trus�ar's
<br /> cvmpliance wifih�he terms and cond�tions o��his Deed❑f Trust.
<br /> Comp[iance with Governmental Requirements. Trustor shall promptly comply with all laws, ordinan�es, and
<br /> regulatsons, now or hereafter in effect, of all go�ernmen�al aufihvri�ies applicable to the use or ❑ccupancy of the
<br /> Property, including wi�hout limitation, �he Americans With ❑isab�lities Act. Trustor may contest in govd fai�h any
<br /> such law, ordinance, or regula�tion and withho[d compliance during any pr�ceedEng, �ncluding appropriate appeals,
<br /> so long as T�us�or has notified Lender in writsng pri�r ta doing sv and so long as, in Lender's sole apinion, Lender's
<br /> inter.ests in �he Prvper�y are not jeopa�dized. L�nder may require Trus�or fio pos� adequate security ❑r a surety
<br /> bond, reasonably sa�is�a��ory ta Lender,to pratect Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Duty tv"Pratect. Trustor agrees neither t❑ abandon o� lea�e una�tended the P�-vperty. Trustvr sha11 do aiE other
<br /> ac�s, in addi�ion�❑those ac�s set�ar�h a�a�e in�his section, which from the character and use of the Property are
<br /> reasonahly n�cessary ta pi�ot�ct and preser�e�he Prvperty.
<br /> Constructivn Laan. l�some or all vfi the proceeds of�he loan creating the lndebfiedness are t� be used to cons�rucfi
<br /> or complete canstruc�tion ❑f any lmpro�ements an the Property,-the lmpro�ements shall be c�mpleted n❑ fafier than
<br /> i the maturi�y date of the Nate 4ar such earlier date as Lender may reasonably establish} and Trustor shal� pay in full _
<br />, aI� C�5�5 and expenses in connectivn with the work. Lender will disburse loan proceeds under such terms and
<br /> conditians as Lend�r may deem reasonabfy necessary�a insure that the interest created by this L�eed of Trust shall
<br /> ha�e priority aWer all passible liens, including those a�f ma�erial supplie�-s and workmen. Lende�may require, amang
<br /> ❑�her �hings, that disbursemen� requests he supp�rted by receip�ed bills, expense affida�its, wai�ers vf Iiens,
<br /> cvnstruct;an pragress reports, and su�h other documentatian as Lender may reasonably requ�st.
<br /> DIJE flN SALE�CONSENT gY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's optivn, declare immed�ate�y due and payab[e af� sums
<br /> secured by this aeed of Trus�upon the sale or transfier, without Lender's prior w�-it�en consent, of ail or any part vf�he
<br /> Reaf P�operty, o�-any infierest in the Real Property. A "sale or transfe�-" means the c�n�eyance o�Real Proper-ky v�any �
<br /> right, �i�le ar interest �n the Real Praper�y; whether legal, bene�icial or equitable; whether vvluntary or in�oluntary; .
<br /> whether by ou�right sale, deed, insta[lment sale contrac�, land cantract, contrac� for deed, leasehald interes� with a
<br /> �erm greater�han three t3� years, lease-vp�ion confiract, or by saEe, assignment, ❑r�rans�er ofi any bene�ricial interest in
<br /> or to any land t�-ust holding�t�t�e ta the Real Properky, ar by any v�her methad ❑f con�eyance af an int�res� in the Real
<br /> Property. lt any Trus�or is a carpvrativn, partnership or fimi�ed liability �vmpany, transfer a[s� includes any change in
<br /> ownership af mo�-e than�wenty-fi�e percen� ��5°/0} ❑��he vating stock, par-�nership interests or Iimited liability �ompany
<br /> in�erests,. as the case may be, of such Trustor. HnweWer, this ❑p�ion shall not b� exerc�sed by Lender if such exercise
<br /> is prahila�ted 1ay�edera! iaW v�-by Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AND L1EN5. The �vllowing prvvisions relafiin� ta the �taxes and liens ❑n �he Property are part �f�his aeed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen�. T�-us�or shall pay when due tand in all e�ents prior�o delinquency� all�axes,speciaf taxes, assessmen�s,
<br /> charges {including water�and sewer�, fEnes and impositivns leWied against or on account❑f�he Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due alf claims for wark done on ar for ser�ices rendered or materiai furnished t❑ the Praperty. Trustor
<br /> sha[l maEntain�he Prvper#y free af al� liens haWing p�-iori�y a�er ar equal�o the interesfi o�Lender under�his Deed o#
<br /> Trust, �xcept far the lien ❑f taxes and assessments not due and excep� as ❑therwise pro�ided in �his Deed of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Right�#o Contest. Trustar may wi�hho�d payment❑f any tax, assessment, ar claim in connecfiian with a good faith
<br /> dispute a�er the obligatian to pay, s❑ Iang as Lender`s interesfi in fihe P�vperty is na�jeapardized. If a iien arises ❑r
<br /> is filed as a result o# nonpayment, Trustor shalE within fif�een {'l5} days af�er the �ien arises ar, i� a lien is filed,
<br /> within fi-�t�en �'15y days a�t�r T�ustor has n�tice o�the �ilin�, se�ure the discharge of the lien, �r ifi requested hy
<br /> Lender, depasi�with Lender�ash vr a sufFicient corparate surety bond or othe�-securi�y satisfactary to L�nder in an
<br /> amount sufficient to discharge�the lien plus any casts and at�vrneys' fees, or❑fher charges that�vuld accrue as a
<br /> resul�❑f a fvre�lvsure❑r sale under�he lien. In any contest,T�-ustor shail defend itself and L�nder and shall satEs�y
<br /> any adWe�-se judgment be�vre enfo�-cement against the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additional obligee
<br /> und�r any surety bond furnished in the contest proceedings.
<br /> E�idence o#Payment. Trustor shaE[ upon demand �urnish�v Lender satis�actory e�idence of payment o�F fihe taxes
<br /> or assessmen�s and shall aufihvr�ze the ap�ropr�ate go�ernmentaf ❑ffi�ial ta d�fi�er tv Lender a� any time a written
<br /> s�atemen�❑f�he taxes and assessments againsfi the Property.
<br /> � No�ice v�Cons#ruction. Trus�kor shall nvtify Lender afi least fifteen �'i�y days betore any worl�is commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, ❑r any materials are supplied to the Property, i�any mechanic's lien, ma�eriaf inen's lien, ❑r
<br /> other lien �ould be asserted �n account ❑f the wark, services, or mat�rials. Trustor will upan request vfi Lender
<br /> - #urnish to Lender ad�an�e assurances satis�actvey to Lender tha� Trusfior can and will pay the cast af such
<br /> impro�emen�s.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAIIJ�AGE INSURANCE. The fal�owing pro�is�vns relating�o insuring the Proper�y are a part of this Deed of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Main#enance �f insuran�e. Trustvr shall procure and main�ain palicies ❑f �ire insurance with standard extended
<br /> co�erage endorsemen�s on a rep�acement basis #ar the fulf insurahle �alue cvvering,afl lmpro�emen�s on the Rea�
<br />