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, <br /> ��14�7�95 <br /> [3E�ED �F TRUST � <br /> Lvan Nv: ������3�6 {C�ntinued� Page � <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. ln additian ta the Note,this Deed ❑fi Trust secures a���uture ad�ances made by Lender�o Trus�or <br /> whethe�- or nvt fihe ad�ances are made pursuan�to a commitment. 5p�cificaily, wi�hvut lim�ta�ian, this Deed �-F Trust <br /> secures, in addi�ian t� the amounts speci�ied in the No�e, aIl �u�ure amounts Lender in its discretion may loan t❑ <br /> Trustar,tog�ther with ali infierest�hereon. <br /> Trustor presently assigns to Lender �a�sa knawn as Beneficiary in fihis []eed of Trust} all of Trustor's righ�, tit��, and , <br /> interes� in and tv a�� presenfi and #uture leases ❑f the Praperty and afl Rents fr�m the Property. [n addi�ivn, Trus�tor <br /> gran�s�❑ Lender a Uniform Cvmmercial Code security interes�in the Persvnal Proper�y and Rents. <br /> TH1S DEED �F TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSI�NMENT DF RENTS AND THE SECURITY lNTEREST [N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSdNAL PR�PERTY, CS G1VEN T� SECURE �A} PAYMENT �F THE lNDEBTEDNE55 AND �B} PERF�RMANCE ❑F <br /> ANY AND ALL DBLIGATI�NS UNDER THE NDTE, THE RELATED D��UMENTS, AND TH1S DEE❑ �F TRUST. TH�S <br /> DEED ❑F TRlJST, 1NCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT DF RENTS AND THE SECURITY �NTEREST !N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, IS ALS� G1VEN Ta SECURE ANY AND ALL �F TRL]ST�R'S �BLIGATI�NS UNDER THAT <br /> CERTAiN C�NSTR!]�TIDN L�AN AGREEMENT BETVIIEEN TRl15T�R AND LENDER ❑F EVEN DATE HEREVIIITH. ANY <br /> EVENT �F DEFAULT UNDER THE C�NSTRUCTIDN L�AN A�REEMENT, �R ANY �F THE RELATED �7QCUMENTS <br /> REFERRE❑ T� THERE�N� SHALL ALSD BE AN EVENT DF DEFAULT UNaER TH1S DEED ❑F TRUST. TH15 ❑EED �F <br /> TRUST 1S GIVEN AND ACCEPTED flN THE F�LLDIIVING TERMS: � <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDRMANCE. Except as otherwise proWEded in this Deed of Trust, Trustor sha[� pay to Lender all , <br /> amoun�s secured by this Deed of Trust as they become due, and sha[l striGtly and in a �ime�y manner pertvrm a�i of <br /> Trus�vr's obligativns under�he Nate,�his Deed of Trust, and the Re�ated Documents. <br /> � <br /> C�NSTRUCTI�N MDRTGAGE. This Deed of Trust is a "consfirucfiian mortgage" for the pur�oses v� 5ectivns 9-334 <br /> and 2A--3�9 0�the l]ni�Fvrm Commer�ial Cvde, as those sections ha�e been adop�ed by�he 5tate af Ne�raska. <br /> PQ55E5S1�N AN❑ MA�NTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trus�ar agrees that Trustor's possession and use o�F the <br /> Property shall be go�erned by the�oElowing pra��sions: <br /> Possession and Use. Llnti� the�flccurrenc� of an E�en� v� ❑e�ault, Trus�or may {�} remain in passessian and <br /> control❑f the P��perty; �2} use, operate or manage the Prap�rty; and �3� collec�the Ren�s�rom the Property. <br /> Duty tv 1tiJlaintain. Trustar shall ma�nfiain the Prvperty in tenantab[e conditian and prvmptly perfiarm afl repairs, <br /> rep[acemen�s, and main�enance necessary�❑ preserWe its value. � <br /> Campliance With Enviranmental Laws. Trust�r rep�-esen�s and warrants�a Lender that: �1} ❑uring the pe�ivd of <br /> Trus�or's�wnership of�khe Property,the�re has been na use, generation, manufacture,starage,treatmen�, disposal, , <br /> re�ease or �hreat�ned re�ease o� any Hazardvus Suhstance by any persnn on, under, about or frvm the Prvperfiy; � <br /> {�,} Trusfivr has no knowledge of, vr reason�a belie�e�kha�t there has been, excep�as pre�iously dis�Iosed �o and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writtng, �a} any breach ar violation o� any En�ironm�ntal Laws, �b} any use, <br /> generafiion, manu�acture, sfiorage, fireatmen�, dispasal, re�ease or threatened release ❑� any Ha�ardous Subsfiance <br /> on, under, abvut or fr�m �he Prvperty by any priar ❑wners or occupants a-� the Proper�y, ❑r �c} any ac�ual or <br /> �hreatened li�igation ❑r claims af any kind by any pe�-s�n relating �o such matters; and {3} Except as pre�iously <br /> disc[osed ta and acknow�edged by Lender in writing, 4a} nei�her Trustar nor any�enan�k, con�kractor, agent�r v�her <br /> au�horized user af�he Praper�y shafl use, genera�e, manufa�ture, store, treafi, dispose of❑r release any Hazardous <br /> Sulastance on, under, ahvu�or firom�he Praper�y; and {b} any su�h acti�ity shal! be conducted in compliance with <br /> all app�icable federal, state, and Iocaf laws, reguiations and ❑rdinances, including withaut iimitat�on a�! <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trusta�- authorizes Lender and i�s agen�s to en�er upon the Pr�perty tv make su�h <br /> inspec�ions and �ests, a� Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem apprvpriate t❑ determine compliance of �he <br /> Properfiy vuith this se��ion of�he Deed o# Trus�. Any inspec�ions ❑r tests made by Lender shall be fflr Lender's . <br /> purpos�s only and shall not be construed ta �reate any responsib�lity ❑r liabili�y ❑n the part of Lender to Trus�or or <br /> fia any ather pe�son. The t-epres�nta�ions and warran�ies con�ained herein are based ❑n Trus�or's due diligenGe �n <br /> in�estigating the Property#or Hazardous Subs�tances. Trustor hereby �'�} releases and wai�es any future c[aims <br /> against Lender for indemnity or con�ribution in the event Trustor hecvmes �iable �or cleanup ar ❑ther costs under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees�a indemni�y, defend, and hvld harmless Lender against any and a!I claims, Eosses, <br /> lial�i�ities, damages, penal��es, and expenses which Lender may directfy❑r indirec�ly sustain or suffer resulting�rom <br /> a breach o-�this sect�on ❑#the D�ed of Trust❑r as a consequence o� any use, generafiivn, manufa�ture, sfivrage, . <br /> dispasal, release vr threa�ened release❑ccurring prior�o Trustor's❑wne�ship or in�eres�in�he Prvperty, whe�her or <br /> not the same was or sh�uld ha�e been knawn to Trus�or. The pro�Esions vf this se�tion of�he Deed ❑f Trust, <br /> including�he❑laligation t❑indemn�-�y and defend, sha[I surWi�e the paymen�o�f the Indebtedness and the sa�is�ac�ion <br /> and rec�n�eyance���he [ien❑�this Deed ❑f Trus�and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisition of any in�erest <br /> in�he Proper�y, whether hy foreclvsure�r otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vlraste. Trustor shail nat �ause, c�nduct ❑r permi� any nuisance nor commit, permi�, or suf�er any <br /> s�ripping ❑f or waste vn or ta the Prvperfiy or any partEon of the Proper�ty. Withou� iimiting th� generality af the <br /> foregoing, Trustor wilE n�t remo�e, or grant to any othe�party the right to remo�e, any�imbe�, minerals {�nc�uding <br /> ail and gas�, coal, clay,scaria, s�il, gra�e�or rack products withou�Lender's priar writ�en consen�. <br /> Rem�rral of Impra►rements. Trustor shall not demvlish ar remo�e any]mpra�ements from the Reaf P�-operty wi�hvut <br /> Lender's prior wri�ten cansent. As a c�ndi�ion to�he remo�al❑f any lmpra�emen�s, Lende�may require Trustor�o <br /> make arrangements satisfactary to Lender �a replace such ImproWemen�s w�th [mpro�ements of at least equa! <br /> �a�u�. <br />