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� <br /> ��14�7�9� <br /> aEED �F TRUST . <br /> Lvan Nv: 'l q'l 2�8'1363 ��ontinued} Page g <br /> �7acuments t� Trustee ar Lender or �a which either v� them may be ❑�herwise enti�led, may be exercised, <br /> �oncurrent�y or independen�ly, frvm�ime to time and as aften as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and either of �hem may pursue inconsistenfi remedies. Nathing �n this ❑eed ❑f Trus� shall be construed as <br /> prohibi�ing Lender from seeking a deficEency�udgment agains�t the Trustar�k❑the exfient such action is perm€tted by <br /> [aw. E�ec�ion by Lender t❑ pursue any remedy shall nat exclude pursuit o� any ather remedy, and an elect�on ta <br /> make expendi�ures or�❑ fiake a�tion ta perform an abligatEvn of Trustvr under �his ❑eed af Trust, after Trus�ar's <br /> �ailure to per�vrm,shall nvt affect L�nder's right ta declare a defaul�and exercise ifis remedies. <br /> Request far Notice. Trus�or, on behalf of Trustor and Lender, hereby requests tha�a �opy of any Nv�ice vf De�aul� <br /> and a copy❑f any N��ice of 5ale under this �3eed of Trus�he mailed �o them at the addresses set�orth En the fi�st <br /> paragraph of this Deed ❑-�Trust. <br /> Attvrneys' F�es; Expenses. lf Lender insti�u�fies any suit �r a��ion to enforce any o� the �erms of this Deed ❑� <br /> Trust, Lende�r sha11 [�e entitled �o recv�er such sum as�he �aurt may adJudge reasonabfe as at�orn�ys' fees at firial <br /> and upon any appeal. 11Vhe�her ar not any �our� acfiian is invo��ed, and to �he extent not prvhibited by (aw, all <br /> reasvna}�le expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's apinian are ne�essary at any �ime �or the pratec�i�n af its <br /> interest❑r the enforcernen�af i�s rights sha�l become a part of the [ndebfiedness payable vn demand and shafl bear <br /> interes�at the N�te rate from�he date of�he�xpendi�ure until re�azd. Expenses co�ered f�y�his paragraph inc[ude, <br /> without limitation, howe�er subje�t to any limits under applica�ale law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's �egal <br /> expenses, whe�he�- ❑r not there is a lawsuit, including a��arneys' fees and expenses for bank�uptcy proceedings <br /> tincluding efFvrts�o modify❑r vacate any automatic stay vr injuncfi�on}, appeals, and any anfiEcipafied post-judgment � <br /> collectian ser��ces, �he cos�vf searching records, obtaining �i�le reporks tinGluding foreclasure rep�rts�, su�r�eyors' <br /> reparts, and appraisal fees, titfe insurance, and fees fv�- the Trustee, tv the extent permi��ed by applicable law. <br /> Trustor also wilf pay any court cos�s, in additian to all ❑�her sums pra�ided by law. � <br /> � <br /> R�ghts vf Trustee. Trustee shai! ha�e afI of�he rights and duties af Lender as se�k�orth in�his section. <br /> POVIJERS AND ❑BLIGAT��NS �F TRUSTEE. The�v[lowing pra�isions rela�king to�he pawers and vbligations v�T�-us�ee <br /> are par�vf fihis Deed❑€Trus�: � � . <br /> Powers of Trustee. In addition to afE powers❑�Trustee arising as a matter of law,Trustee shall ha�e the power t� <br /> �ake the�a��owing ac�ions wi�h respect�o the Proper�y upon�he wri�ten �-equest o�Lender and Trus�or: �a}jain in <br /> preparing and fi[ing a map ❑r pfa� o� fihe Real Property, includEng �he dedication o-� stree�s vr other rights ta the ' <br /> pubfic; {b} join in granting any easemen� or �reating any resfiriction on �he Rea[ Prope�ty; and �c} join in any <br /> subordina�ian ar❑th�r agreement a�fecting this Deed❑f Trust❑r�he in�eres�of Lender under�his I�eed of Trusfi. <br /> Trustee. Trustee sha�l meet all qua�i�ications required for Trus�ee under appfi�able law. In addi�Eon to �he rights � <br /> and �remedies set forth above, wifih respect tv al! or any park o�the Property, �he Trustee shal� ha�e the righ�tv <br /> forec�ose 1ay notice and sale, and Lender shall ha�e th� righ�to fvrecEose by�udicial �roreclosure, in either case in <br /> acc�rdance wi�h and�k❑�he�u[f extent pravided by applicable Eaw. � <br /> 5uccessvr Trustee. L�nder, afi Lender's optivn, may from time to�ime appain�a success�r Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appoinfied under this Deed of Trust by an instrument executed and a�knowledged by Lender and recflrded in the <br /> office of�he recorder ❑f HALL Caunty, S�a�te ofi Nebrasl�a. The ins�rument shali con�ain, in addition to all ❑ther , <br /> matt��s required by sfiate Iaw, the names o� the ariginal Lender, Trustee, and Trustvr, the bovk and page �or � <br /> camputer system re�erence} where this Deed o� Trust is recv�ded, and the name and address ❑f �khe succ�ssor <br /> trustee, and�he instrument sha�i be exe�uted and a�knaw[edged by all fihe laeneficiaries under�this Deed ❑f Trust❑r <br /> their su�cess�rs in interest. The successor firustee, without cvn�eyance ❑f the Property, shall succeed �o all the <br /> title, pvwer, and dut�es canfe�-red upon the Trus�ee in this Deed ❑f Trust and lay applicable law. This pracedure�vr <br /> suhsti�ution o�Trustee shall govern ta the exclusian of aIl other pr��isians for substitu�ion. <br /> N�T�CES. Any notice required to be gi�en under this Deed vf Trus�, Encluding withaut limitatian any notice o-� de�au[t <br /> and any nvtice o�sale shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be effe�fiive when a�tua!!y defi�ered, when a��ually re�ei�ed <br /> _ by�e�e�acsimile �unless otherwise required by faw�, when deposited wi�kh a natianalEy recagni�ed v�ernight cou�-ier, vr, if <br /> mailed, when deposited in#he Uni�ed Sta�kes mail, as first�lass, certi�ied vr regis�ered mail p�stage prepaid, direc�ed�o <br /> the addresses shawn near the beginning o�fihis ❑eed of Trus�. Alf copies ❑f notices ❑#foreclasure from-�he holder of <br /> any �ien which has priori�y ❑ve�-this Deed ❑�Trus� shai� be sent fia Lender's address, as shvwn near the beginning of <br /> �his Deed ❑� Trust. Any par�y may change ifis address for nvtices under this Deed o�Trust by gE�ing farmai written <br /> natice �a the other par�ies, specifying �hat the purpvse af the no-tice is to change the party's address. Fvr notice <br /> purpvses, Trustor agrees tv keep Lender inf�rmed at a!!times o�Trustvr's curren� address. Unless ❑therwise pro��ded <br /> or required by law, i��here �s more�han vne Trus��r, any nofii�e giWen by Lender�v any Trustvr is deemed�a be notice <br /> given ta al�Trus�ors. <br /> MISCELLANE�US PR�V151DN5. The�vflov+r�ng miscellaneous prv�isians are a part❑f this ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. This �eed❑t Trus�t,together with any Related ❑ocumen�s, constitutes�he �ntire understanding and <br /> agreement a��he parties as fiv the matters se�-�orth in this Deed ❑f Trust. Nv al�era�ivn of or amendment ta this <br /> ❑eed of Trus�shal� be effecti�e unless given in writing and signed by�he party ar parties sough��v be charged ar <br /> bound hy the aiterativn❑r amendmen�. . <br /> Annual Repvr�s. �f the Property �s used ��r purpvses a�her than Trus�or's �-esidence, Trus�vr shall furnish to <br /> Lender, upon request, a certi�ied sta�ement o� net ope�a�ing Encame recei�ed from the Property during Trustor's <br />