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��14�7�5� <br /> A�� �nsurance po�icies requ�red b� Lender and renewais of suGh pol�c�es sha��be subject to Lender's righ�tfl <br /> d�sapprove such po��c�es, shal� �n�iude a s�andard mar�ga�e c�ause, and sha��name Lender a�mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an addi�iona� loss pa�e�. Lender shall have�he r�ght�o hold�he polic�es and renewa� �er��f�ca�es. �f <br /> Lender requires, B�rrower shal�promp��y giv�to Lender a�� rece�p�s of paid prerniums and renewal no�ices. <br /> �f Borrower obtains an� form of insurance co�erage, no�o�herwis�required by L�nder, f�r damage�o, or <br /> destruct�on of, �he Proper��, such po�icy shall includ�a s�andard m�rtgage�lause and sha�I name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlar as an addi�ional loss pa�e�. <br /> �n�he e�ent of loss, Borrower shaii give promp�n�t�ce�o �he insurance carrier and Lend�r. I.aender may <br /> make praof�f�oss if not m.ade pr�mp��y by Bor�rower. tJn�ess I.�nder and Borro�er o�herwis�agree in <br /> wri��ng, any insurance pro�eeds, wheth�r or nfl��he und�r�y�ng insuran�e was requir�d by Lender, shal�be <br /> app�ied�o restorati�n or r�pair of the Propert�, if the restora�ion or repair is econom.icall� feasible and <br /> Lender's security zs not lessen�d. During such repa�r and restaration period, Lender shall have t�e right t� <br /> h��d such insurance proc�eds until Lender has had an oppor�unity�o inspect such Proper���o en�ure the <br /> work has been comple�ed to L.�nder's satisfaction, provided�hat such insp�c�ion shall be undertaken <br /> promptly. Lender ma�dis�urse proce�ds for�he repairs and res�ora�xon�n a single pa�rment or in a seri�s of <br /> progr�ss pa�men�s as t�e work is compieted. Unless an agreemen�is made in writing ar App��cab��Law <br /> requ�res interest�o be paid on such�nsurance proce�ds, I�nder sha�i not be requ�red to pay Borrawer any <br /> in�er�st ar earnings on such prac��ds. Fees f�r pubiic ad�us��rs, or�ther�hird par�ies, reta�ned by B�rr�w�r <br /> sha�l na��e pa�d ou�of th�insurance proceeds and shall b��he soie abl�gat�on of B�rr�wer. �f the rest�ration <br /> ar repair is na�economicall� feasib�e or I.�;nder's secur�t�wou�d be�essened, the insurance proceeds sha�I�e <br /> a�p�xed to�he sums s�cur�d by�his S�curity Instrument, whether o�no��aen due, wi�h�h�e�cess, �f an.y, <br /> pa�d�a B�rr�wer. Such insurance proceeds shail be applied in the�rder pro�ided far in Sect�on�. <br /> If Borrow�r a�an�ions�he Pr�pertyy Lender may f�le, negot�a�e and settie any a�a�lab�e insuranc�claim and <br /> related matters. �f Borro�ver does not respond v�r��hin 3D da�s�o a n�t�ce from Lender that the insurance <br /> carr�er has�ff�red to sett�e a claim, �hen Lender may negot�ate and se��le�he claim. The 34�day per�ad���1 <br /> �eg�n w�.en�he no�ice�s gi�en. �n ei�her even�, flr if Lender acquires�he Proper�y under Se��ion 2�or <br /> otherv��se, Borrower here�}� assigns to Lender�a} Borrou�er's righ�s�a any �nsurance proceeds �n an amoun� <br /> not to exceed the amounts unpaid under�he No�e or th�s Se�ur�t�r �nstrument, and�b} any other of <br /> B�rrov�er's righ�s �other��ian the r�ght t� an�refund af unearn�d premium�s pai�by Borrawer}under a�� <br /> insurance pnlicies co�rering the Property, insofar as suc�righ�s are applicab��to the co�erage af the <br /> Propert�r. L.ender may use the insuran�e proCeeds eith�r t�repair or restore the Proper�y ar t�pay amounts <br /> unpa�d und�r�he No�e or th�s Securi�y Instrumen�, whether or nat then due. <br /> C. �ccupancy. Borrower s�a�I occupy, establish, and use�he Property as Borr�wer's principa� resid�nce <br /> �vithin 60 days af�er the e�ecutiQn af this Security �nstrument and sha��can��nue�o accupy the Proper�y as <br /> B�rro��r's principai residence for at least one year af�er�he da�e af o�cupancy, unless Lender a���rvvise <br /> agrees �n vvr���ng, whx�h consen�shall nnt�e unreasonab�y vvithheld, ar un�ess extenuat�ng��r�umstan.c�s <br /> exist wh�ch are beyond Barrow�r's con�ra�. <br /> �. Prese�r►atifln, Maintenance and P�atection of the Property; Inspecti�ns. Borrower s�a�1 no�destroy, <br /> damage or impair�he Proper�y, aliow the Propert� to deteriora�e o�r comm�t was�e on�he Proper�y. Wheth�r <br /> or no�Borro�ver is residin� in�he Property, Borrov�er shal�ma�n�a�n�he Proper�y �n order��preven�the <br /> Property fram.deteriora�ing�r decreas�ng �n va�ue due to its cond���on. U�Iess it �s determined pursuan��� <br /> Se�ti�n 5 that repair or restoratian�s not��onamica��� feasible, Borrawer shall promp�ly repair the Pr�per�y <br /> �f damaged to avoid further deter�Qration ar damage. If�nsurance flr�ondemnati�n proc�eds are paid �n <br /> �onnec��an with damage to, vr the taking of, �he Pr�perty, Borrovver sha���e responsib�e f�r repairing or <br /> r�storing th� Prop�r��an�y i�`L�nder has re�eased proceed� f�r such purp�s�s. Lender may disburse pr�ceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amiiy-�anni�Ma�l�re�die Mac UNIFQRM[NSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3Q28 llal <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�f�1302} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inan�ial 5er�ic�s Pag�7 of�7 <br />