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��14�7�5� <br /> requ�red by RESPA, and Borr�wer shall pay to Lender the amaunt nec�ssary to mak�up the def�c�ency in <br /> accflrdance w�th RESPA, but�n no more tha�. �Z rnonth�y payments. <br /> U��n payment in fu���f a�� surn�s secured b�this Security Ins�rumen�, Lender sha11 pr�mp�Iy refund to <br /> Barrower any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower sha��pay all taxes, ass�ssm�nts, charg�s, f�nes, and�mpn��t��ns attr�butab�e ta <br /> the Pr�per�y whi�h�an a��ain priarity o��r this Security Instrument, �eas�hold payments�r ground rents an <br /> the Praper�y, �f any, an��ommun�ty Assoc�a�ion Due�, F�es, and Assessments, �f any. Ta the ex��nt�ha� <br /> these items are�scrov� �tems, Barrower�hall pay �hem�n�he m.anner pravided�n Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall pram�.p��y d�scharge any lien which has pri�r���o�er this Security Instrumen�unless <br /> Barrower: �a} agrees in vc�r�ting ta the payment of�he�bl�ga��on secured by the�ien�n a n�anner acceptab�e <br /> to Lender, but❑nI� so�ong as Borraw�r�s p�rform�ng �uch agre�nnent; �b} cantes�s the lien in good faith by, <br /> ar defend� agains�enfarcemen�af the��en�n, lega�pr��eedings vvh�ch in Lender's opinion�perate t�prev�nt <br /> th�enforcemen�af the�ien whi�e those praceedings are pending, bu��nly until such pr�ceedings ar� <br /> concluded� ar�c} secures fram the halder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordina�ing�he <br /> lien t�this S�curity Instrument. If Lend�r determines that any par�of the Froper�y �s sub��ct t� a�ien which <br /> can attain pri�ri����er this Security Instrumen�, Lend�r may g�ve Borrower a natice identify�ng the���n. <br /> �Vzth�n ��days of the dat��n v�hich�hat nat�ce �s gi�en, Borrower shal� satisfy the lien ar take�ne ar more <br /> af the ac�ians set for�h above�n�his Section 4. <br /> Lender may reqUir�Barrower�a pay a ane--time charge f�r a rea� es�a�e tax�er�f�ca��on andlor r�porting <br /> s�rv�ce used by Lender in cannec�ion with this Loan. <br /> 5. Pr�perty Insurance. Borr�wer shal� keep the improvements no�v e�isting ar hereafter er�cted on the <br /> Prope�y insured against lass b� fire, hazards inc�uded�vith�n�he�erm "ex�ended coverage," and any other <br /> hazards including, but nat limi�ed to, earthquakes and fl�ods, fflr which Lender requires insuranc�. This <br /> �nsuranc�shali be main�ained in the arnounts �inciuding deduc��b�e�e�e�s} and for�he p�riods that Lend�r <br /> r�quires. What Lender requires pursuant�o the precedin� sen�ences can c�Zange during�he term of the L�an. <br /> The znsurance carrier provid�ng�he insurance s�al.�be chasen by Borrawer subject to Lender's r�ght ta <br /> dzsapprave Borrower's cha�ce, whxch rzght sha�� no�be exer�ised unreasanab�y. Lender ma�r requzre <br /> Borrower to pay, in connection wi�h�his Loan, eith�r: �a} a one�-t�me charge far f���d zon�determination, <br /> c�rtif�cation ar�d tracking services; or�b} a�n�-tim�charge far fl��d zane de�ern�a�na��an and certi�cation <br /> s�rv�ces and subsequen�charg�s each time remapp�ngs�r��m�Iar chan�es�c�ur�hich reas�nably might <br /> affect such de�erm�na�xon or c�r��f�ca�xon. Borrower sha�l also�e resp�nsibie f�r the paymen��f any fees <br /> imp�sed by the Federa� �mergency N�ana��m�.ent Agency �n conn�c�ion with�he re�iew �f any fln�d zone <br /> determination resu�ting fra�m an�bj ec�ian by Borrower. <br /> If Barro�ver fai�s t�mainta�n any of�he covera�t� descri�ed ab�ve, L�nder n�.a�o��a�n insurance c�verage, <br /> at L�nder's apt�an and Borra�er'�expense. Lender�s under na ab�igati�n�o purchase any par�icu�ar�ype or <br /> amount of caverage. Therefore, su��.coverage sha�l cover Lender, bu�rn�ght or might nat protec�Borrower, <br /> Borrawer's equ�t�r in�he Property, or�he cantents af�he Praperty, against any ri�k, hazar�or�xab����y and <br /> nught pra�ide greater or�esser co�erage than was previously in eff�ct. Borr�w�r acknow�edges�hat the cas� <br /> of the insuranc�coverage sa obta�ned might sign�ficantiy��ceed the c�s�of�nsurance tha�Barrawer could <br /> have abtaine�i. Any amounts disburse��y Lend�r under�his Sectztin 5 shall becflm�additiona� deb��f <br /> Borr��er secured�y�his S�Curity �ns�rument. 'These amounts shali bear�nt�rest at the Note ra�e fro�n�he <br /> dat�of disburse�nen�and shal�be payab�e, w�th such �nterest, upon n�t�c�frnm L�n�er�o B�rrvwer <br /> reques�ing payment. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingl�Family-�annie MaelFredd�e Mac IJNIFORM 1NSTRUMENT Farm 3D28�1D1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi{N�}ti 3fl2� <br /> Wolters K(uwer�inar�ciaE 5er�ices Page 6 of 17 <br />