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��14�7�75 <br /> satisfact�on, prov�d�d that�uch in�pect��n sha�1 be under�aken pramptly. Lender may pay far the repairs <br /> and re�t�rat�on �n a��ng�e d�sburs�ment or�n a serx�s of pragress paym�nts as the v�ork is campleted. <br /> Unles� an agr�emen�is made�n�vr�ting�r App��cab�e Law requires in�eres�ta be paid on such <br /> Misc�ilaneous ProC��ds, Lender sha�� n��be requxred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings an such <br /> M iscellan�ous Proc�eds. �f�he restora�i�n or repa�r�s not ecan�mically feasible or Lender's security w�uld <br /> b��es��ned, �he N�iscellaneous Proc��ds sha��be app�ied to the sums secured by�his Secur�ty Instrument, <br /> wheth�r�r n�t��en due, wi�h the excess, �f any, pa�d to Barrower. Such Miscei�aneous Proce�ds sha�l be <br /> app��ed�n the flrder pro�ided for in Sect�on 2. <br /> �n�he ev�nt of a total tak�ng, des�ruction, or�ass in va�ue�f�he Prnp�r�y, the Miscel�aneous Proceeds shal� <br /> be applied to the sums secured by �his�ecur�ty �nstrun�en�, whe�her or not then due, with the excess, if any, <br /> paid t� Borr�wer. <br /> �n�he e�vent of a partial taking, destruction, or l�ss in�a�ue af th�Property in whzch th� fa�r marke�va�ue of <br /> the Froper�y zmrnedia��ly before th�partial taking, des�ruction, ar�oss�n�a�ue�s equa��o or greater than th� <br /> amount af th��ums secure�by this Se�uri�y ��strum�n��mmed�at��y before the par�ial taking, des�ruction, or <br /> loss in value, un��ss Borrower and L�nder atherw��e agre��n wr��ing, �he sums secured b�th��Se�ur��� <br /> Instrument shaZ�be r�du�ed by the amount af the M�scel�aneous Proceeds multiplied by the follovving <br /> fra����n; �a} the t�ta� amount of the sums�ecured immedia�e�y before the partial taking, des�ruCt�an, or�oss <br /> �n�a�u�d���ded b��b}the fair marke��alue af th�Proper�y immediately before the part�a�tak�ng, <br /> des�ructian, or loss in value. Any baiance sha11 be pa�d to Borrower. <br /> In t�e e�en�of a par�ial �aking, destru�tion, or lass �n wa�ue of th�Pr�p�r�y�n which the fair market�alue of <br /> the Proper�� imme��a�e�y before the par��a� ta.��ng, destruc�i�n, or Ioss �n value is le�s than�he amount of the <br /> sums secured znzmed�ate�y before the par��a�taking, destruction, or ioss in value, uni�ss Borrawer and <br /> Lender o�herwzse agree in wr��ing, the N�iscellaneous Proceeds shali be applied to the sums se�ur�d by th�s <br /> Securi�y Ins�rumen��he�her or not the�ums are then due. <br /> �f the Property is abandon�d b�Borr���r, or if, after notz�e by L�nd�r to Borrov�er tha�the�ppasin.g Part�r <br /> �as defined in th�n���senten�e}Offers t�make an award�o sett�e a elaim far damages, Ba�-rower fails�o <br /> resp�nd�o�.ender wz�h�n 3�days after�h�date the no��c�zs g��ren, Lender i�au�har�2ed�o co��ec�.and apply <br /> the Mis�el�ane�us Prac�eds ez�h�r�o res�orat�on or repair�f�he Proper�y or��the sum�secured�y this <br /> Secur��y �ns�rument, whether�r not then due. "�pp��ing Party" means�he�hird party tha�nwes B�rrower <br /> M��ce��an�aus Prflceeds or the par�y agains�v�hom Barrower has a right of ac�ion in regard�o M�scel�aneous <br /> Praeeeds. <br /> Borr��er shall b�in�efault if any ac�ian�r pr�cee�ing, whether c��ri�or cri�na�, is begun�ha�, in Lender's <br /> �udgm�nt, ��uld r�su�� �n forf�i�ur��f the Pr�per��ar o�h�r n�aterial impairment of Lender'� interes�in the <br /> Property ar rights under�h�� S�curx�y �n�trumen�. BQrrav�er can cure such a d�fau��and, if acce�eration has <br /> occurred, r��nstate as pr��ided�n Sec�ian �9, by causing the action or proc�eding�o b�dismissed vc��th a <br /> ru��ng tha�, �n L�nder'��udgment, pre��udes f�rfei�ure of�he Pr�perty or�ther materia� impa�rment�f <br /> Lender's interest in the Proper��or rights under this S�curi�y�nstrument. The pr�ceeds of any award or <br /> cla�m for damages tha�are attributable to the impairment of Lender's �nter�st�n the Proper�y are hereb� <br /> assigned and shali be paid t� Lender. <br /> A�1 Mis�elia.neous Proc�eds that are n��a�pXzed t� restorat�on or repair af th�Property sha�1 be app�ied zn th� <br /> arder pro��ded for in Section Z. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singte Fami(y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNt��RM�NSTRUMENT �orm 30�8 1141 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N��t13Q2j <br /> Walters Kluwer Financia[Ser�ices Pag��n of�7 <br />