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��14�7��4 <br /> � <br /> x <br /> DEEr3 �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: '1 D'12gD727 �Continue�� Page 3 <br /> encumbrances, and o�ther claims, �B} to pro�ide any required insurance an the Proper�y, �C} t❑ make repairs �a the <br /> Prvperty or t❑ comply with any alaligafiion to maintain Existing lndebtedness in gaod standing as �equE�ed be�aw, �hen <br /> Lender rnay do so. f�f any actEon ar pra�eeding is commenced that wou�d mafierially afi�ect Lender's interests in �he <br /> �roper-�yr then Lender on Trust�r's hehalf may, but 45 no�t r�quired fio, fiake any action �hat Lender belie�es to k�e <br /> apprvpria�e t❑ prvte�t Lender's in�kerests. All expenses in�urred or paid by Lender �vr such purposes will �hen bear <br /> in�eres� at the rate charged under the Credi� Agreement tram �he da�e incurred ❑r pa�d by Lender t� �he da�e ❑f <br /> repaymen� by Trus�or. All such expenses will become a par�of the lndeb�edness and, at Lender's ❑p�ivn, will {Ay 1ae <br /> payable on demand; �B� b� added tv �he balance v�the Credit Agreemen� and be apportivned amvng and be payable <br /> with any instaflment payments to become due during either {�} �he term af any applicable insurance palicy; vr �Zy �h�e <br /> remain�ng �erm �f the Credit Agreemen�t; or ��} he treated as a haE�vvn payment which will be due and payabfe at�he <br /> Credi�Agreement's maturity. <br /> VIIARRANTY; ❑EFENSE OF T1TLE. The fallowing prvvisions reiating�o ownership of�he Praperty are a pai-�k o��his ❑eed <br /> ❑�f Trust: <br /> Titie. Trustor warran�s that: {a� Trustor holds good and marketa�Ee tit�e o� recard t� the Properky in fee simple, <br /> �ree and ciea�- a� all liens and encumbrances ❑ther than fihase set fvrth in �he Real Pro��rty description vr in the <br /> Existing lndebtedness section �elaw or in any titie insuran�e policy, title report, or�inal fiitle opin�vn issued in�a��r <br /> v�, and accepted by, Lender in conneefiian with this ❑eed o�Trust, and {b} Trustnr has �he full right, pawer, and <br /> author��ty to execute and deli�er�his Deed af Trust to Lender. <br /> De�ense o� Ti�Ee. Subject ta the excep�ian in the paragraph ai�o�e, Trustvr warrants and wi�� fore�er defend �he <br /> fiitle fio the Praperty aga�nst�he f awful claims vf al� persons. <br /> E�CISTiNG INDEBTEDNE55. The�ollowing pro�isions cancernfng Exis�ing Indebtedn�ss are a part v�this Deed❑�Trus�: <br /> Exis�ing Lien. The lien vf this ❑e�d of Trus� securing the Indebtedness may be secandary and inferior fia an <br /> existing lien. Trustar exp�ressly co�enants and agrees to pay� ar see to the payment o�, the Existing �ndebtedness � <br /> and t❑ pre�ent any de�Faul�vn such indebtedness, any default under fihe instruments e�id�nc�ng such indebtedness, <br /> ❑r any defaul�under any se�urity documents far such indebtedness. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trusfivr wili l�e in defaul� under this Deed o�Trust i�F any vf the following happen; 4A� Trustc�r <br /> commits fraud or makes a materiai misrepresen�ation at any t�me in connec�ion wi�h �he Credi� Agreement. This can <br /> in�lude, �ar example, a fafse statemen� about Trus�vr's income, assets, liabifities, ar any other aspects af Trustar's <br /> . �inancial cvndi�ivn. �B� Trus�tor does no�meet�he repayment�terms o-�the Credi�Agreement. {C} Trustor's acfiion ❑r <br /> � ina�tivn ad�ersely affects the coilateraf or Lender`s righfis in fihe colfa�eral. This can include, �or example, failure t❑ <br /> main�ain required insurance, waste ar des�ru��i�e use ❑�the dwelling, failure ta pay taxes, death o�all persons liab�e on <br /> the account, trans�er of title or sale vf the dweiling, crea�ion ❑# a senior �ien vn the dw��iing without Lender's � <br /> p�rmissivn, fvreclvsure I�y the hvlder o�ano�her lien, or the use o��unds or fihe dw�iling�or p�rohihited purposes. <br /> RIGHTS AND RE�1�lED�ES DN DEFAULT. Upon the vccurrence of any EWent af Default under any indebtedness, ar <br /> should Trustor camply wi�h any v�f Trus�or's abEigatEons und�r this Deed of Trus�,Truste� or Lender may exercise <br /> any❑ne ar mvre vfi�he fvll�wing rights and remedies: <br /> Accelera#ion Upon Defau�t;AdditEvnal Remedies. I�any Even�vt De#ault accurs as per the�erms v#�he Credit <br /> Agreement secured hereby, Lender may decEare all �nde�t�dness secured by this aeed ❑f Trust to be due and <br /> payable and�he same sha��thereupon }�ecvme due and payable wi�hout any presen�men�, demand, protest or <br /> no�ice of any kind. Thereafter, Lender may: � <br /> {a} Either in persvn vr 1�y agen�, v►ri�h �� wi�haut bringing any action ❑r prviceeding, or by a �recei�er <br /> appointed by a cvurt and wi�hvu�regard to the adequacy of its security, en�er upan and take possessian <br /> of�he Prvperty, or any part thereo�, in its ❑wn name ar in�he name o�Trustee, and do any ac�s which i� � <br /> deems necessary�r desirable�o preser�e the Walue, markefialailifiy or rentabi�ity���he Prvperty, ❑r part�� <br /> , �he Praperty or in�erest in the Property; increase the incame from �he Property or prvte�t the security ❑f <br /> �he Proper�y; and, with o�r without taking possessivn vf fihe Praperty, sue for ❑r ❑therwEse cal�ect the <br /> rents, i55Ll�S and prafits ❑fi the Prvperty, in�luding those pas� due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> . cos�s and expenses of opera�ion and co�lection a��vrneys' fees,to any indeb�edness secured 1ay this I�eed <br /> ❑f Trust, al� in such arder as Lender may determine. The entering upvn and taking pnssessinn �f �khe <br /> Property, the collectivn vf such rents, issues and profi�s, and �he applica�ion therevf shall nv�t cure a�- <br /> wai�e any de�aul�❑r notice af default under this Deed of T�-ust or in�alida�e any act done in respvnse ta <br /> such d��ault vr pursuant to such no�ice a�default; and, nv�withstanding the�vn�inuance in possessi�n ❑� <br /> �he Property nr�he �ollec�ion, receip� and app[icativn ❑f rents, issues vr pro��ts, Trustee or Lender sha�! <br /> be entitied �❑ exercise e�ery ri�ht prvvided �or in the Credit Agreemen� or the Re�ated Documents,vr by <br /> law upon the occurrence o�F any even�❑f default, including�he right ta exercise fihe pvwer❑f sale; <br /> �b} Commence an acfiian fia �orecfose this Deed of Trus�t as a mar�gage, appoint a rece��er or specifically <br /> � en�ar�e any of�he ca�enan'�s hereof; and <br /> �c} ❑eEiver��Trust�e a wri�ten declaration ❑f de�ault and demand�For sale and a writt�n noti�e ofi default <br /> and el�ction to cause Trustvr's in�eresfi in the Prvperty t❑ be sn�d, whi�h notice Trusfiee sha�l cause t❑ be <br /> du�y filed�or re�vrd in the appr�priate❑ffices of�he Coun�y in which the Prvper�y is loca�ed; and <br /> �d} W�th respec�ta a�l or any part o�F the Persanal Property, Lender shall ha�e a11 the righfis and remedies <br />