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��14�7553 <br /> If Lender ex�rcises this�pt�on,Lender sha1�give Borro�ver natice of acce�erati�n. The notice sha�l provide a <br /> �erivd vf not l�ss than 3�days fron�the date t�e notice is gi�ren i�accordan���ith Sectio� I S�it�in which <br /> Borrower must pay a�i sums secured b�this Security Instrument. If BQnotiver fai�s to pay th�se sums prior�� <br /> the expirat�on of this period,Lender may invoke an�remedie�permitted by this Security Instrument�vvithout <br /> further n�fltice or de�and an Bonov�+�er. <br /> '�9. Bor�c�wer"s Right to R��nstateAfte�Accel��ration.If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borro�ver <br /> shall have the right to have enforcement of this Secur�ty Instrument discQntinued at any time prior t�the <br /> earliest of: (a)fi�e days before sale of the Property pursuant to any po�ver of sale contained in this Security <br /> Instrument;(b)such ather period as Applica�le La�v migh�specify for the termi�ation of Bonower's r�ght to <br /> reinstate;ar(c}�ntry of a.judg�ne�t enfQ�ci�g this S�curit�Instrurnent.T�o�e condit�ans are t�at Borrav�er: <br /> (a}pays Lender alt sums wh�ch then wau�d be due under this Securi�ty Instrument and the Note as if no <br /> accelerati�n had occurred; (b}cures any default of any other co�enants or agreements;(c�pays al��xpense� <br /> i�curred in enforci�g t�his Security�astrument, �,but not limited to,reasonable attorn.eys'f�e�, <br /> pr�perty�nspect�on and va�uation fees, and ather fees in�urred for the p�rpose of protecting Lender's interest <br /> �n the Proper�y and rights under thi�Security Instrument;and�d}tai�es such action as Lender may <br /> reason�.bl�r require tQ assure that Lender's�nterest in the Pro�ert�and righ�s under th�s Security Instrument, <br /> and Borrower's obligation ta pay the sums secured by th�s Security�nstrument,�ha11 cantinue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require that B�rrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one or more of the follow�ng <br /> farms,as s�lect�d by Lender: �a}cash;��)money or�ler; �c}cer�ified cheGk�bank check,treasurer's check ar <br /> cashier's chec�,pravided any such ch�ck is dra�rn upon an institutian whose deposits are�nsured by a <br /> federal agency, ins�menta�ity�r entity;or�d}Electronic Funds Transfer.Upon reinstatement by Borrot�ver, <br /> this Security Ins�rument and obligation�secured hereb�shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had <br /> accurred. However,this right to re�ns�ate shal�not apply in the case of acc��eration under Sect�on 1$. <br /> Z�. S��e of Note; �hange of Loan S�rvicer;Nati��of�rievance.The Nate Qr a partial�nterest in the <br /> Note�together with this Securit�Instrumeat}can be sold on�or more time��vithout priar not�ce to <br /> Borro�er.A sale might result in a change in the entity(known as the"Loan Ser�xcer"'}that collect�Periadic <br /> Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage Ioan servicing <br /> obligat��ns under the Note,th�s Security Instrurr�en�,and Appticable La�v. There atso might be one or more <br /> changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a chang�of the Loan Ser�icer, <br /> B�rrotiver will be gi�en�vrit�en notice af the change which wi�l s�a.te the name and addres�of the�ew Laan <br /> �erv�cer,the address to which payments sh�u��be made and any ath�r informa�tion RESPA requires in <br /> connection with a n�tice of transfer of se�-�ricing. If the N�te is sold and thereaf�er the Loan is ser�iced by a <br /> Loan Servicer other than the purcha�er of the Note,the mort�age loan ser�icing obligatians�o Banawer wil� <br /> remain with the Loan Ser�icer or be transf�rred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and are not assumed by the <br /> Note purehaser un�ess other�v�se provided by the Note pur�haser. <br /> Neither Borrower n�r Lender may commence,join,or be joined to any jud�c�a1 actian�as either an <br /> individual litigant or the member of a ctass}that ar�ses from the other party's actions pursuant to th�s <br /> Security Instrument or that alleges that the ather pariy has breached any pro�is�on of,or any duty owed by <br /> reason o�,this Security In.strument,unti�such Barr�wer or Lender has notifi�d the other party(with such <br /> no�ic�given in compl�ance with the re�uirements�f Section 15�of such alleged breach and afforded the <br /> nther pa.rty heret�a reasona�le period af�er the gi�ing of such notic�to take corrective action.If Appl�cable <br /> Lav�provides a time period whi�h must elapse before certain action can.��taken,that time peri�d will be <br /> deemed to be rea�onable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acce�eration and opportunity tn cure <br /> �iven to��rrawer pursuant to Section Z2 and the notiGe of accelerat�on gi�en to Borro�ver pursuan�to <br /> S�ction 18 sha11 be deemed to satisfy�he natice and apportunity to t�.ke correcti�e act�on pravisions of this <br /> Section��. <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�L1NlFQRM INSTRIJMENT WITH MERS Fom�34281/41 <br /> Wokte�Kluwer Financial Services ��Ps�Page113 of47 <br /> q4333 G91145 0233 25U 1317" <br />