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��14�7553 <br /> If the Laan is subjec�to a law which sets maximum�oan Gharges,and that law is finally irxterprete�sa that <br /> the interest�r ot�er loan charges�o��ected�r to be cotlected in connection�vit�the Loan exceed t�� <br /> permitted limit�,then: (a}any such loan charge shal��e redue�d by the amount necessary to reduc�the <br /> �harg��o the permitted limit;and�b}any sums already collected from Borrower�vhich exceeded permitted <br /> limits r�vi11 be refunde�to Barr��ver.Len�er ma�c�oose to mal�e this refund by re�.ucing the�rincipal ovved <br /> under the Note or b}�making a direct payment to Bonower. If a refund reduces prin�ipal,the reduction will <br /> be tr�ated as a partial prepayment with�ut an�prepaym�nt charge(�vhether or not a prepayment charge is <br /> provided far under the Note�.Borto�uer's acceptance�f any�uch refund made by d'u'ect pa�ment to <br /> Borrower wi11 constitute a waiver of any right of action Barrower might have arising ou�of such overcharge. <br /> 15, IV�vtices,�.1�n�tic�s g�ven by Borrower ar�e�der i�connection�vith this Security I�strume�.t mu�t�e in <br /> �vriting.,An.y not�ce to Bono�ver in connection�vith this Security Instrument shall b�deemed ta ha�e been <br /> given ta Borrawer when mailed by fust c�ass mail�r when actua�ly delivered�o Borrower's notice address <br /> if sent b�other�means.�otiee to any ane�3orrower shall constitute notice to all Borrowers unless <br /> Appli�ab�e Law expressly requires other�vise. The�atice address shal��e the Pr�perty Address unless <br /> Borrower has designa�ed a substi�t�notice address�y noti�e to Lender. Borrower sha11 promptly notify <br /> Lender of Borra�'er`s change of address.If Lender specifies a pracedure for reporting�orrower's change <br /> of address,then Borrower sha11 anl�report a change of address through that specified procedure. <br /> Ther�may be anly on�designated noti�e address under this Se�urity Instrument at any�ne ti��.Any natice <br /> to Lender sha11 be given b�delivering it or by mai�ing��by first cla�s mail ta Lender's address st.�.ted here�n <br /> unless Lender has designa�ed another address by notice to�3orrower.Any noti�e in connect�oa with�h�� <br /> Securit�I�str�ment sha1�not be de��n�d to hav�been i.ender unti�actually receiv�ed by Lender. If <br /> any not�ce requ�.r�d by this Securi�y Ins�rument is a�so required under Applicable Lavv,the Appiicable Law <br /> requirement wi11 satisfy the correspanding requvremen�under this Security Instrument. <br /> 1�. GoWerningLavi►; Se�erability;�tu��s af�onstruetian.This Security Instrument shai�be governed by <br /> federal law and the 1aw of the jurisdi�tion�n which the Prope�ty is located.All rights aad obligations <br /> cantained in this Security Instrumer�t are subject�o an}�requi.rements and limitat�vns c�f Applicabl�La�. <br /> Applicable Law might explicitty ar implicitly at�ow the parties to agree by contract or it might be si�ent,but <br /> such silence sha��not be con�trued as a prah�bition against agreement by contract. In th��vent that any <br /> pro�isifl�or clause of this Securi�Ins�ru�ent or t�.e 1�Iot�conflicts v�it�.Applicab��e�a�v�,such conflict shal� <br /> not affeet other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be gi�en effect vvithout the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As used in this Security�n.strum�nt: (a}�vords of the mascu�it�e gender sha�i mean and�nc�ude corresponding <br /> neuter�rords or words of the feminine gender; (b)wards in�he singu�ar sha11 mean and include the plural <br /> and vice versa;and�c��he word"may" gives sole discretion without any obliga�i�n t�take any aGti�n, <br /> 'I l. Borrower�s Cvpy.Borrawer shal�be given ane copy of the No�e and of�his Security Instrumen.t. <br /> '�8. ��ar��fer of the PrapB�ty or a �eneficiallnterest ir�S�arrowe�r.As used in�his�ection 18, "Inter�st i� <br /> the Property"`means any lega�or beneficial interest in the Froperty,�ncluding,but not limited to,those <br /> beneficial interes�s�cansferred in�.bond for deed,contract for deed, installment sales contract or escro�v <br /> agreement,the intent of�hich is the transfer of titl�b�Bano�v�r at a fi�.ture date ta a purchaser. <br /> If a��or any part of the Propert�r or an�Interest in the Property i�soid or transferred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> n�tural person and a benefi�ial interest in Borrower is sold ar transferr�d}without Lender's prior�r�tten <br /> �onsent,Lender may require immed�ate payment�n fu11 of alt sums secured by th�s Security Instrument, <br /> Howe�er,this optivn shall nvt be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibit�d by Applicable Law. <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac LJNIF[7RlIA INSTRiJMENT WITH MERS Farm 3428 1141 <br /> �IMp� VMPfiA(NE}�93U2}.OQ <br /> Vllofters Kluwer Fi�acrcial Se�vices Page 92 at 17 <br /> q�333 691145 �233 �5(3 1217 <br />