<br /> T�ansfer of th�Proper�y or a �ene��ial In�terest in �arrower. If all or any par�of th�Pr��rer�y or ar�y in�eres�
<br /> �n it is sold or �ransferred �or if a beneficial in�erest �n Borr�v�er is sold nr transf�rred a�d Borrower is nat a
<br /> na��ura1 person) withou� Lender's prior vvri�t�r� consent, Lender may, at ��s option, requ�re immediate pa�ymen� in
<br /> full af a�� sums se�ured �y this 5ec�.rity �ns�bru.men�. Hawever, th�s op�ion shall not be exerc�sed by =Lender if
<br /> e�erc�s�is prahi�i�ed b�federal�aw as�f the�.ate of this Security�ns�rum�n�.
<br /> �f Lend�r �xerc�ses this option, Lender shall gi�� Borr�wer notice of ac�elera�ion. The n���c� shall prov�de a
<br /> p�rxad of no� less than the minimum num.her of days esta�lished by Appli�able Lav� fran�. �h� date �h� na�ice is
<br /> d�livered or mailed v�ithin wh�ch Borro,w�r rnus� pay all sums secured hy �h�s Security Instr�.�ment. �f Bflrrovver
<br /> fails �� pay�hese sums prxor �o the exp�ratior� of�his per�ad, L�nder may �nvoke any r�medies perm��t�d by th�s
<br /> S�curity�nstrument vv��hout furth�r noti��or dLemand or�Barrovver.
<br /> Bvrrower�s Right to Re�n�tate. If Borrow�r meets certain condit�ons, Borrflv�er shall hav+� the rxgh� to have
<br /> er�forcement�f this Securi�y Instrument dis�on��nued a� any time pri�r to�he ear�ier of: �a� 5 da�s �or s�ch ��her
<br /> p�ri�d�s Applicab�e La�v n�ay specify for rei�statemen�}hefore sale of�he Praper�y pursuant��a any po�ver of sa��
<br /> ��nta�ned in �his S�curity Ins�rument; or ��� entry of a judgmen�t �nforcing �his Security �ns�rumen�. Those
<br /> cond����ns axe �ha� Borrower: �a} pays L�nder a�l sums wh��h�hen would be due under�hxs �ecurity �nstrumen�
<br /> ar�d�he Contrac�as�f no a�ce�eration h�.d a�ct�rr�d;�b}cures any defauXt of any fl�her c��enan���or a�greemen�s;�c}
<br /> p�.ys a�l expenses incurred in enforcing�h�s S�cur�ty 7nstrument, �ncludin�,bu�not�i.mr��d ta,reasa�abi��t�orne}�s'
<br /> �e�s t�the ext�n�permit�ed�y law; and�d}�a�kes such action as Lender may reasonably requi�-e to assu.re�ha��h�
<br /> �ien of th�s Se�urity�ns�rum�n�, Lender's rights �n�he Property and Barrower's ob��gation to p�.�the sums se�ured
<br /> �y �h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� shall continue unrhanged. Upon reinstatement by BorraWer, this ��ecur�ty �nstrument
<br /> a�d the obliga��ons secured hereby sha11 rema�n fu��y effective as if no a�celera��an had accu��red. Hov��ever, th�s
<br /> r�gh�to r�i�xstat�sha��no�appiy in�he�ase of acc�Ierat�on under the sec��on�xtled Transfer of�he Prop�rty or a
<br /> B�nefi�ial Interest in Borrower.
<br /> �Ia,zard�us Sub�tances. Borrower sha11 nfl�cause or permit the presence,use, d�sposal, starage, �r release of any
<br /> �3a�ardous Subs�ances an or in�he Property.E'►orrawer shal�no�da,nar a�lflv�anyane else�a do�,ar�y�hing affec�ing
<br /> �h� Propert� �ha� �s �n vio�a�ion of any En�iranmen�al Law. The pr�ceding tv�c�� sen�ences sha1X n�� apply �o the
<br /> presen��,use,ar s�orage an�he Pr�per�af srr�al�quan�i�ies of Hazardous Subs�ances that are g�nerally r�cognized
<br /> �o be appropria�e�o norma�res�den��al us�s and to main�enance of the Proper�y.
<br /> �orr�wer shall prom.p�ly gi�e Lender writ�en r�atice of an�in�estigation,c�aim,demand, Iawsu��or other actran by
<br /> ar�y governmenta� ar regula�ory agency or pr:ivate part�y �nvolving the Property and any Hazardous Subs�ance or
<br /> En�ironm�ntal Law of vvh�ch Borrovv�r h�.s a��ua� knovvledge. If Barrower �earns, or rs n�tified by any
<br /> gavernmental or regulatory autharity,t1�a�any remo�ra�or other r�media�ion of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affect�.ng
<br /> �h� Praperty is necessary, Borrower shall prompt�y take a�l necessary remedzal ac�ions in ac�ardanc� with
<br /> �nv�ronmen�al Lavv.
<br /> A�used�n th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are�hase subs�ances defined as t�xic or h�.zard�us s�bstances
<br /> by Environmex�tal Law and �he fol��w�ng su�stanc�s: gasolin�, kerasene, o�her flammable or t�x�c pe�roleum
<br /> praducts, �ox�c p�st�cides and h�rbicides, �fliatile sol�ents, ma�erials containing as�es�fls or formaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oa�ti�e materia�s.As used in�his paragraph, "En��ronmental Law"means federal laws and lav�s of the state af
<br /> ��braska�ha�r�Iate�o heal�h,safety flr env�ronmental protection.
<br /> A�ce�erat�on; Remed�es, Lender shalZ g��e not�ce tv Borrower prior �o acce��ratian fol�nwing Borr�vver's
<br /> brea�h of any covenant or agreemenf�n this S��urity Instrument�r the�'on�ract und�r wh�Ch a���lera��on ��� �
<br /> �s permitted �but nat prior to acceleration �un�er the 5ect�on t��led Transfer❑f the Prope:rty or a �en��cial
<br /> I��eres� in Bvrrower, un�e55 Appl�cable Law provid�s o�herwi5e). The no�i�e sha�l specify: �a} the default;
<br /> �b} the action requ�red ta cure the default; �c} a da�e, not Iess than the min�mu�n nu�nber of da�s
<br /> �stablished by Applicab�e Law from the date the na�ice is given to Borrower, �y�wh�ch the d�fau�t must be
<br /> ��nred; and �d� that failure to cure the default an ar before the da�e specified in the notice may resu�� in
<br /> a�ce�eration of the sums secured b� th�s Securi�y Instrument and sa�e vf the Proper�ty. To t�e extent
<br /> �erm�tted by law, the natice shall further inform Borrovver flf the right to reinstate afte�r acceler�.tion and
<br /> �he right tfl br�ng a caurt action ta assert t�e n�n-existence of a default or any other defense vf Barrawer to
<br /> a�celeration and sale. If the default i� not c�ured on flr b�fore th�date�pecif�ed in the noftice, Lend�r at its
<br /> opti�n may require immediate payment �n full of a�I sum5 �ecured by thxs Security Irnstrument w�thou�
<br /> further demand and may invoke the powe:r �f sa�e and any other remed�es permi�ted b� .Applic�ble Law.
<br /> To the extent p�rm��ted by Iaw, Lender sha�l be entitled to col��ct a�l expenses incurred �n pur�u�ng �he
<br /> remedies provided in this Se�tion, inciudin�, but nat��m�ted to, reasonable attvrneys' fees and cos�s of tit�e
<br /> ev�dence.
<br /> If�he power af saZe is in�oked,TruSt�e shall record a not�ce vf default in each cflun�y in whi�h a�� part of
<br /> �h�Prope�-ty i� located and shall mail cvpie:s af su�h not��e in the manner prescr�bed by A►.ppl�cab��Law�o
<br /> �orrower and to the other per�ons pres�r�bed by App�i�able Law. Af�er the time required by A.�pl�cab�e
<br /> I.�aw, Trustee shall gi�e public not�c� of s���e to the persons and in the manner pres�ribed by Applicab�e
<br /> Law. TruStee,without demand an B�rro�ver, shal�sell the Property at pubIic auctian ta�he high��t bxdder
<br /> at�h�time and p�aCe and under the t�rms cl�s�gnated in�he no��ce of s�le in�ne or mor�parcels a�d in any
<br /> order 'I'ru5tee determines. Trustee �nay postpane sale of ai� or any parce� af the Pr�per�y by puUl�c
<br /> arnnouncement at the time and p�ac�af any pr��iously s�hedu�ed sa�e.Lender or its des�gnee may pur�hase
<br /> �he Froper�y at any 5a�e.
<br /> �J�vn r�ceipt af payment of the pric� bid, 'Trustee sha�� deli�er to �he purchaser Trust�e�'s de�d �onvey�ng
<br /> �he Property. The recita�s �n the Trustee'S+�eed �hal� be prima facie ev�dence of the tru��s af�he 5��tements
<br /> �2�44-2�14 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.4�58-37�0-2413L2.3.1.8D3
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�3d Page 4 af 5 www.�omplian��systems.com
<br />