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��14�755� <br /> i��eres� from tihe da�e af disbursemen� a� the same ra�e assessed �n advances under �he Contrac� and sha�� be <br /> payable,���h xnt�res�,upan na��ce from Lender to Borravver requesting payment. <br /> Inspectian. L�nder or i�s agen�may make reasonab�e entr�es upan and inspec��ons of the Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> give B�rr��rer nat�ce at�he�ime of or pr�or�a an inspect��n spec�fying reasonable caus�for�he ir�spec��on. <br /> Condemr�at�on. The proceeds of any avvard or claim for damages, dir�c�or consequen��a�, in connec��on wi�h any <br /> candemn�.��on or ather�ak�ng af any par� of�he Pr�per�y, or f�r �onveyar�ce �n �ieu of condemnatian, are hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event af a�a�a� af�he Proper�y, the prace�ds sha�I be applied to the sums secured hy �his Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument, whe�her or na� then due, with any excess paid �n Barrovver. �n �he event of a par�ia� �akxng of�he <br /> Pra�ez-ty �.n.which the fair market va�ue of the Pr�p�z-�y immediately before�he tak�ng �s equa��o ar grea�er�han <br /> �he amoUnt of�he sums secured by thzs Securi�y Ir�strument immedia�e�y b�fore the taking, unless Borrav�er and <br /> Lender atherwise agree in writing,�he sums secured by this Secur�t��ns�rumen�sha�l be reduced by�he amaunt of <br /> �he pro�eeds multiplzed by�he follov�ing frac�ian: �a}�he�o�ai am.oun�of�he sums s�cured immediate�y bef�re�he <br /> tak�ng, di�ided by �b� �he fair marke� �alue of the Prop�r� �mm�dza�ely before the taking. Any balance sha1l be <br /> paxd �o �arrower. In the e�en� of a par�ial taking �f the Praper�y in wh��h the fair mark�� va�ue af the Property <br /> immedia�ely �before the taking zs less �han�he amoun� of�h� sums secured zmm�dia��ly before the tak�ng, unless <br /> Borrawer and Lender otherwise agree in wri�ing or unless Applicable Law otherwise provides, �he proceeds sha�� <br /> be appl�ed��the secured by thrs Secur�ty�nstrumen�vwhether or not�he sums ar��hen due. <br /> If�he Propez-�y �s abandoned by Barrower, or�f, aft�r no���e by Lender�a Bflrrovver�hat the condemnar offers�o <br /> make an award or set�le a claim for damages,Borrower fails to respond ta Lender within�he minimum number of <br /> days es�ab�xshed by App�i�ab�e Law af�er�h� da�e the no�zce�s g��en,Lender is authar�zed���o��ect and appl��he <br /> proceeds, a� i�s op�ion, either ta res�oration ar repair of the Pr�pez-�y ar to the sums secured hy this Security <br /> �nstrument,wh��her or n���hen due. <br /> Un�ess L�nder and Borrower a�herwise agree in writing, any app�ica�ion of praceeds to principal shall nat extend <br /> or pos�pane�he due date of the paymen�s due under the Contract or change th�amoun�af such paymen�s. <br /> Borrov�er Nat Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a �Vax�er. Ex�ensxfln of the ��me far paymen� �r <br /> modif ca��on �f arnartization of the sums secured b�th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument granted by Lender to Borrower or <br /> any succ�ss�r in interest of Barravver shal� not opera�e to rel�as� the �iab���ty of �he or�gzna� Borrower or <br /> Borrawer's successors in zn�erest. Lender sha11 no�be required to commence praceedings agains�any successor�n <br /> interest�r refuse to extend time for payment or o�herwise m4dify amar�iza�i�n of the sums s�cured by thzs Se�ur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason af any demand made by th� orzgina� B�rrov�er ar Borr�wer's successars in interes�. Any <br /> forbeararce by Lender zn ex�rcis�ng any r�gh� or remedy shall n��be a waiver of ar prec�ude th� exerc�se of any <br /> right ar r�medy. <br /> Suc�essars and Ass�gns Bound; Jaint and Se�era� L�ab���tys Accomm�datian Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreemen�s af�his Security �ns�rumen�shall bind and benefit th� succ�ssors and asszgns flf Lender and Barrower, <br /> sub�ect tv �he pro�isions af section �itled TranSfer of the Property ar a BenefiCial Interest �n Borrower. <br /> Borro�wer's ca�enan�s and agre�men�s shall be j ain�and several. Any persan v�ha co-signs�h�s 5e�ur�fiy�nstr�umen� <br /> but has �a personal Iiability under �he Contrac� �"Acc�mmoda��on S�gner"�: �a} is ca-signing �h�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen� only to mor�gage, grant and con�ey tha� Accor�.m.odat�on Szgner`s interes� in th� Propez-�y under �he <br /> �erms of the 5ecur��y �nstrumen�; �b} �s nflt personally ab��ga�ed �o pay the sums secured �y th�s Security <br /> �nstru.ment; and�c3 agrees that Lender and any o�her Borrovver m.ay agree to ex�end, m�dify, forbear or make any <br /> accammc�dat�ons with regard ta�he�erms of�his Secur��y Ins�rum�nt or�he Contrac��v�thout tha�Acc�mmoda�x�n <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he �oan secured �y this Secur�ty �ns�rument �s subjec� to a �aw �vh�ch se�s maximum Ioan <br /> charges, and�hat Iav� is f�.ally xn�erpr��ed so�hat the znterest�r�tiher loan charges c�Ilected ar�� be coilected in <br /> conne�tic�n with �he Xoan ex��ed �he permi�ted �im��s, �hen: �a3 any such loan charg� sha�� be reduced by the <br /> amoun�n�cessary�o reduce�h� charge ta�he permitted Iium�ts and�b} any surns alr�ady co�lec��d from Borrower <br /> wh�ch exceed�d permitted �imits vv�l� b� refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this r�fund by <br /> redu�ing the principal ov�ed under the ��ntra�� or b�mak�ng a direct payment�o Barrowver. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,�he reduc�i�n will be treated as a par��al prepayment under�he�ontract. <br /> Not�ces. Any no�ice ta Borrower provzded f�r �n this Security �nstrumen� shall be given by deli��ring �t or by <br /> mazling x�by f rst class ma�l unless App�zcable La�v requzres use of an�ther me�h�d. The not�ce sha��be direc�ed ta <br /> �h� Pr�p�rCy Address or any o�her address Barrower des�gnates by no��ce to Lender. Borr�,wer agrees to prov�de <br /> Lender w ith Barr�wer's most current max��ng address, as it ma� change fram�ime-�o-t�m�. Any no�ice �o Lender <br /> shall be�iven�y f rst c�ass ma�I�a L�nd�r's address s�ated herexn or any�ther address L�nder designates by notzce <br /> �o Borro�er. Any nat�ce provided for�n th�s Securit��n�trum�nt sha�I be deemed��ha�e been gi�en�o Borravv�r <br /> or Lender when given as provxded in this paragraph. <br /> Govern�ng Law� SeWera��x�ty. This Security�nstrumen�shail be g�verned by federal lavw and the Iaws�f the s�a�e <br /> �f Nebraska. In�h� even� �ha� any proW�s�on or clause of�h�s Securi�y Instrumen� �r �he Contract conflxcts v�ith <br /> App�icab�� Law, such confl�c� sha�� no� affec�a�her prav�sions of th�s Security �ns�rurn.en� flr the Cantrac�whxch <br /> can be gi�en effec�withou�the canf�x�tzng provision. T��hxs end�he pr��zsxons of this Securrty�nst�rument and the <br /> �on�ract�.re d�c�ared��be severab�e. <br /> Barrower's Copy.Borr�wer sha�l be gzven one copy of�hzs Secur��y Instrument. <br /> C�2004-201�4 Compiiance Systems,Inc.4958-37��-24�3L2.3.�.843 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-5ecurity�nstrument DL2436 Page 3 of 5 www.cvmpliancesystems.�om <br />