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��14�75�7 <br /> Inspectian. Lender ar ��s agen� may make reasana�le entries upon and �nspec���ns of the Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> gi�e Borrawer notx�e a��he�ime of or prior t�an xnspection s�ecifying reasonable�ause f�r�h��nspec�ion. <br /> Condemr�ation. The proceed�af any award or Gla�m for damages, d�rec�or consequen��a�, in�oranection�vith an� <br /> condemna��on or�ther�akrng�f any par�of�he Properfiy, or for con�eyance in �zeu of c�ndemna�ion, are hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be pazd to Le�der. <br /> �n �h� even� flf a to�a�taking of�he Prop�rty, �he proceeds shall be app�i�d �o the sums secur�d by this Securzty <br /> �ns�rument, v�he�her or no� then due, with ariy e��ess paid �o Borr�w�r. �n the event of a partza� taking of the <br /> Property ir� which�h� faxr marke�value of the Pr�per�y �mmed�ately befare the takzng �s �qua�to flr grea�er�han <br /> �he am�unt of�he sums secured by th�s Security Instrum.en� immed�ate�y befvre �he �aking, u�less Borrower and <br /> Lender o�herw�se agree in v�ri�ing,the sums s�cured by th�s 5ecuri�y�nstrumen�shall be reduced by the am�unt of <br /> �he proceeds multipli�d by the f��loWing frac�ion: (a��he tota�amoun��f the sums secured immed�a�ely before the <br /> �a��ng, divzded by �b� the fazr market value of�he Praper�y immedia�ely before the taking. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> paid to Borrower. �n �he event �f a par�ia� tak�ng of the Propert� in which�he fa�r marke� �a�ue of the Pr�per�y <br /> immediately before the taking is ��ss �han �he amount �f�he sums secured immedzate�y befare �he �aking, un�ess <br /> Borrawer and Lender otherwise agree in writing�r unl�ss Applicab�e Law a�herwise pro�zdes, �he proceeds shal� <br /> �be app�xed�o the sums secured by�his Securzty�nstrumer�t whe�h�r or no��he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Prop�r�y �s abandon�d by Borrower, or if, after n��ice by Lender�o Borrov�er that th� Gondemnor offers ta <br /> mak�an award�r set��e a c�a�rn for damag�s, Bnrrower fa�is to respand to L�nder w��h�n�he m�nirnum number of <br /> days es�a���shed by Applicab�e Lavv after th�da�e the no�ice zs g���n,Lender is au�horized�o c��1�ct and apply�he <br /> �roc�eds, a� �ts ap�ion, exther ta res�orat��n or repair of the Praperty or to �he sums se�ured by this Securxty <br /> �nstrument,whe�her�r no�then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�er o�hervvise agree in wr�ting, any appl�ca�ian af proceeds�o prznc�pa� sha11 n���xt�nd <br /> or post�pane�h�due da��af�he paymen�s due under the C�ntra�t or change�he amount of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not Released; F�rbearance By Lender Not a �aiver. Extens�on af the ��me for paym�nt or <br /> modif cat�on of amortizat�on of�he sums secured by�his Security �ns�rumen� granted by Lender�o Barrower or <br /> any successor in in�erest of Borrov�er shall not ap�rate to release �he �iability �f �he original Barr�wer or <br /> Borrower's successors in inter�st. Lender sha��not be re�u�.red to comm�n�e proceeding� against an�successor in <br /> interest or refuse�o ex�end�ime for payment or o�herwise madxfy amortiza�ion af the sums secured by�h�s Securi�y <br /> �nst�-umen� by reas�n of any demand made by the origxria� Borrower or Borrower's successars in �n�erest. Any <br /> farbearanc�by Lender zn �xercisin�any right ar remedy shall not be a wa�ver of�r preclude �he ex�rczse of any <br /> rzght or remedy. <br /> Successors and As�ign5 �ound; Jv�nt and Sev�ra� Lia���ity; Accommodation Signers. The cavenants and <br /> agreements of�hxs Securi�y�nstrum�n�shal�b�nd and ben�fz��he successors and asszgns�f Lender and B�rrawer, <br /> sub�ect ta the provisi��s of section �itled Transfer of th� Proper�y or a Benef�ciai In�erest in Borrvvver. <br /> Borrower's covenan�s and agreements sha��be ja�nt and se�eral. Any person who co-signs�h�s Security znstrument <br /> bu� has na persona� liability under the ��ntrac� �"A�carnmadati�n S�gner"�: �a� is c��-sign�ng �his Se�ur�ty <br /> �nstrumen� ar�Iy to mortgage, gran� and co��ey �hat A�commodat�on Signer's �n�eres� in the Property under �h� <br /> ��rms of the Securi�y Instrumen�; �b} is no� personally obliga�ed �o pa� �he sums se�ured �y �h�s Se�ur�fiy <br /> �n�trumen�; and��} agrees tha�L�nder and any o�her Borrower may agree to e�tend, modify, forbear or ma�e a�� <br /> accommnda�ions wi�h regard to�he�erms of�hzs Security�nstrument or the �an�ra�t w��hout tha�Accommoda�ion <br /> S�gner's consen�. <br /> Laan �harges. If�he Xoan secur�d by th�s S�curi�y Ins�rument �s subjec� to a law which sets max�mum �oan <br /> charges, and tha�Iaw is f na�ly in�erpre�ed so�hat�he �n�erest or a�her�aan charg�s �o1lec�ed or�o be co��ected in <br /> c�nnec��on �ith �he lnan exceed th� permit�ed ��mits, then: �a} any su�h loan charge sha�� be reduced by the <br /> amount nec�ssary to reduce the charge�o�he permit�ed l�mi�s and�b} a�y sums air�ady collec�ed from Borro,wer <br /> which �xceeded permitted ��mi�s will b� refunded to Borrawer. Lender may ch�ose ta make this refund by <br /> reducing�he princi�a� o�ed under�he �antrac� or by making a direct paymen��o Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> princ�pal,the reduction wi���e trea�ed as a par��a�prepayment under�he Con�rac�. <br /> No�i�es. riny na�zce �o Borr�wer prov�d�d for �n �his Secur�ty �nstrumen� shal� be gi�en by del��er�.n� �t vr by <br /> ma��zng it�by frs�c�ass�unless App��cable Lav�requires use of an�ther m�thod. The n��ice shal�be d�rec�ed to <br /> the Frope�ty Address or any a�her address Barrov�er des�gna�es �y nfltice �o Lender. Borr�wer agrees to pro��de <br /> Lender vv�th Borrawer's mos� current mai�ing address, as ��may change from�ime-�a-��me. Any notxce to Lender <br /> sha�l b�g��en by f rst class mai���Lend�r's address stated herein or any other address Lender designa�es�y no�ice <br /> to Borrov��er. Any no�i��provided for in th�s Security�nstrument sha1l be deemed�o have been g�ven ta Barr�v�er <br /> or Lender when g��ven as provided in this paragraph. <br /> Governing Law; Se�erab���ty.This Security�ns�.rumen�shal�be g�verned by fed�ral law and the�aws of the sta�e <br /> flf Nebraska. �n�he even� �ha� an� provzsxon or c�ause af th�s Securi�y Znstrumen� or the �ontract �or�f��cts vvxth <br /> Applicable Law, such canflxc� sha�� not affec� o�her prov�sions of�his Securz�y �ns�rumen� or�he �ontrac� which <br /> can be gi��en effect without�he c�nflicting pr��ision. T��his end�he pra�zsions of�h�s Securzty�ns�rumen�and�he <br /> Contrac�are declared to be se�erab�e. <br /> Borrower's Capy.Borrower sha�I be g�ven one copy of�his Security�nstrument. <br /> Transfer�f the Property or a Benef�c�al Inter�st in Borrower. �f alI or any part of the Prop�rty ar any interest <br /> �n x� is sa�d or transferred �ar xf a benef��a� in��rest in Borrower �s sald ar transf�rred and Borrower xs not a <br /> natura� p�rsan} wi�h�u� Lender's prior wr��en c�nsen�, Lender may, at ��s �p��on, requxre immed�ate paymen� in <br /> C�24�4-2414 Campliance Systems,Inc.4958-423D-2aI3L2.3.1.843 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security�nstnament DL2�36 Page 3 vf S www.compliar��esystems.cvm <br />