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��14�75�7 <br /> A�pplicable Law, As us�d in �his Securi�y �nstrument, the term "App�icable Law" shall xnean al� contrti��ing <br /> applicable f�deral, s�a�e and lo�al s�a�tes, regulat��ns, ordi.nances and admin�strat��e rul�s and orders �tha�have <br /> �the eff���of�aw)as vc�el�as all appl�cab�e fnal,non-appealab�e judicial�p�nions. <br /> �harg�s; I.�iens, Borrov�er shall pay al� �axes, assessment�, �harges, f��.es and �mpos�tions at�ributable �o the <br /> Froperty wh�ch may attain prior�ty ❑�er th�s Secur�ty Instrurr�ent, and leasehald payments or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> A�the request of Lend�r,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender rece�pts evid�nc�ng the payments. <br /> �orrov�er shall pro�nptly d�scharge any lien which has prior�ty��er this S�curity Instrument unless Borrower: �a} <br /> agrees in �vrit�ng to �he paymen� of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptab�e �o Lender; �b� <br /> �ontes�s in good faith the ��en by, flr d�fends against enforc�men� of�he I�en in, legal pr�c�edin�s which zn the <br /> Lender's opin�an operate �� pre�ent �he enforcement af the �ren; ar �c� secures fram the halder of the ��en an <br /> agreemen�s�.�isfact�ry�o Lender su�ord�na�ing�h� Iien�a th�s Secu.r�ty Instrument. If Lender determ�nes�hat an� <br /> part of the Property is sub�ect�o a lien which may at�ain priority over this 5ecurity Instrument, Lenc�er may g��e <br /> Borrower a notice iden�ify�ng the li�n. Borrov�er shall sa�isfy the �ien or�ake one or more of the actions se�for�h <br /> ab�ve wi�h�n 1�da�s af the giving of no�ice. <br /> Ha�ard ar 1'raperty]�nsurance. Borrow�r shal�keep the zn�pro�ements now existing or hereafter erect�d on�he <br /> Property insured again��t loss by fire,ha�ards�nc�uded w��hin the term"ex�end�d�o�erage" and any other hazards, <br /> rnc�ud�za.g floods or fl►aoding, for vt�h�ch Lender requ�res insurance. Th�s insurance sha�l be maintarned in �he <br /> amflun�s and for the perio�s�hat Lender requires. The insurance carr�er pravid�ng the�nsu.rance shall b�chosen by <br /> �orrower subject t� Lender's approval whi�h sha�l nat be unreasonab�y withhe�d. �f Borrawer fa��s to ma�n�ain <br /> ��verage d�scribed above, Lender may, a� Lend�r's option, flb�a�n caverage �o protect Lender's righ�s in �he <br /> Praperty in accordanc�wxth sec�ion t���ed Pratection of Len�er's Righ�s in the Prflper�y. <br /> A.I1 �nsurance policies and r�ne�va�s shall be a�ceptable to Lender and shail inc�ude a standard mor�gag� clause. <br /> Lender shail have the righ�to h�Id the palicies and ren�v�als. If Lend�r requires,Borrower shall promp��y g�ve�fl <br /> Lender all r�c�ip�s�f paid premiums and renewal notices. rn the event of�oss, Borr�wer shall give pr�mpt notr�e <br /> �o the ir�surance carr�er and L�nder.Lender may make proof�f loss if not made promptly by�orrovver. <br /> �C1�nless Lender and Barrov�er atherwise agree �n wr�t�ng, �ns�rance proceeds shal� l�e appl�ed to res�oration or � <br /> repa�r �f the Property damaged, if, in Lender's sole d�scre�ion, the restoration or repair �s e�onomi�a�Iy feasible <br /> and Lemder's security is nat lessened. If, �n Lender's so�e dis�re�ion, the r�storation or repair is no� ecanomica�ly <br /> feasib�e or Lender's securi�y w�uld be lessened,the insurance praceeds shal�be app��ed t��he sums secured by�his <br /> Security Instrument, �vhether or not �hen due, vvi�h any excess paid to Bo�ro�er. �f B�rrovver aband�ns the <br /> Proper�y,or daes not answer with�n the number of days pres�ribed�by Appl�ca�le Law as se�for�h in a nvt�c�from <br /> Lender tv B�rro�vsre�tha��he insurance carrier has offered t� set�le a c�a�m, then Lender may eollec�the �nsurance <br /> prflceeds. Lender may use �he prnce��s �o repair or restore the Prop�rry or to pay sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rumen�,�vhether or rno��hen du�e.The period of�ime for Borro�er�o answer as se�fnrth in the no��c��v�rz�l begin <br /> when�he no�ice�s gi��n. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree �n wri�ing, any appl�ca��an�f praceeds to prin��pal shal�n��ex�end <br /> o�pos�pone the due date of�he paymen�s due under the �antrac��r change the amount af the paymen�s. �f und�r <br /> �he section ti��ed A��e�era�ion; Remedies, the Prqper�y is a�quired by Lender, Borrov�er's righ��o any �nsurance <br /> polieies and praceeds resuiting from damage to the Prap�r�y pr��r to the acqu�s�tion shall pass to Lender �o the <br /> ex��n�of the sums secured by this Security�nstrumen�immediately pri�r�o the�.cquisi�ion. <br /> Preser�atio�, Main�enance and Protec�ion of �he Property; B�rruwer�s L�an App�i�ati�n; Le�seho�ds. <br /> Borr�wer sha11 no�destray, damage or�mpa�r the Praper�y, a11ov�the Proper�y�o deteriorate, or�ommit vvas�� an <br /> �he Proper�y. Borravver sha��be in default if any forfeiture ac��on or pro�e�d�ng,whether�ivi�ar criminal,is begun <br /> �ha� in Lend�r's good faith j udgmen� cauld result in farfei�ur� of the Property �r othervvise mater�aily impair the <br /> Iien created by th�s S�curity Instrument or L�nder'� security in�eres�, Borrfl�er may cure such a defau�� and <br /> reins�a�e, as pro��ded in sec�ion titled�orrower's Right tv Reinstate, �y causing�he a��ion or proceeding�a b� <br /> dismissed with a ruling that, rn L�nder's goad faith de�erminat�on,prec�udes forfeiture of�he Borrawer's�n�eres��n <br /> the Proper�y ar other material impairment of�he lien creat�d by this Security Instrumen� �r Lender's security <br /> interest.Borrov�er shal�also be in default if Borro�er,durxng�he Ioan app�ication process,ga�e ma�erzally false or <br /> ina�curate infarmation ar sta�ements to Lender �or failed to provid� Lender wi�h any materia� �nforma��on� in <br /> conneGt�on v�ri�h th� �o�.n e�idenced by the �on�ract. �f this S�cur�ty Ins�ru.m.ent rs on a �easehold, Borrovver sha�� <br /> �omply wxth a11�he pr�vis�ons of the le�.se. �f Borrower acquires fee tit1��o�h�Property,the leasehold and�he fee <br /> �i�I�shall n��merge un�ess Lender agre�s�fl�he merger in v�ri�ing. <br /> Pro�e�t�an of L�nder's Rights in the Pr�perty. If Barrower fai�s �o perform �he �ov�nan�s and agreements <br /> contained in this Se�ur��y Ins�rumen�, �r�here is a legal prflceeding tha�may sign�f cantly affect Lend�rTs rzghts in <br /> �he �roperfiy (such as �.proceed�ng in bankruptcy, probate, for cvndemna�ion or farfeitur� or�to enforce �aws or <br /> regu�a�ions�, �hen Lender may do and pay for wha�e�er is necessary �o pro�e�t the va�ue �f�he Property and <br /> Lender's rights in the Proper�y. Lender's actions may�nclude paying any sums secured by a lien which has pri�rity <br /> over�h�s Secur��y r�s�rumen�,appearing in.cflur�,paying reasanable attorneys'fees and en�er�ng on the Properry ta <br /> make repa�rs.Al�hough Lender may take action under this sec�ian,Lender do�s nat ha�e to do so. <br /> Amy amounts d�sbu�sed by Lender under this sectian shall b�come addi�i�naX deb� of Bnrrower secured by this <br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Unless Barrower and Lender agree to flther ��rms of paymen�, these amoun�s sha�� bear <br /> i�terest fr�m �he date of disbursement a� �he same ra�e assessed on advances under �he �on�ract and shall be <br /> pay�.b�e,w�th in�eres�,upon n��ice from Lender to Borrawer request�ng paymen�. <br /> C�2044-24I�Cvmpliance 5yslems,Inc.49S8W423D-�413L2.3,1,8fl3 <br /> Consuaner Real Estate-Security�nstnzrr�ent DL2436 Pa���af 5 www.compliancesys� <br />