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��14�7495 <br /> r <br /> ser�ices and subsequent charges each time rernappings or sim��ar changes oc�ur wh�ch reasonably m�ght <br /> affect such determinativn or eerti#"ication, Borrv�rer shal�a�so be responsible for the payment�f any fees <br /> �mp�sed by the Federa�EnYergency Management Agency in connect�on�ith th�revie�v af an�flood�on.e <br /> deter�in�txvn resulti�.g�rom an ob,�ecti�n'��Borrower. <br /> If Borra�v'er fai�s ta ma�n�ain any af th�caverages described abo�e,Lender may�b�ain insurance covera�e, <br /> at Lend�r's op�ion and Barro�er's expense. Len�er is under no ob�igat��n to purchase any particu�ar type�r <br /> amount of coverag�, Th�refore, such cov�rage sha��caver Lender,but might ar might not protect�orrower, <br /> Borrawer's�qui�in��e Property,ar th�contents of the Property,agains�any risk,hazard ar�iabi�i�y and <br /> might pro�ide greater ar lesser co� than was prev�ously in�ffect, B�rrQwer ackn���edges that th�cost <br /> of the insuranc�coverage sa obtained m�ght s�gnificantl�exceed the cast of�nsurance that Borrower cou�d <br /> ha�re obta�ned.Any amount�disburs�d�y Ler�der under�his Sec�ion S sha�l become additiona�debt of <br /> . ��rro�ver secured by this Se�urity Instrument. T�.es�amaunts sha�l�ear interest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disburs�ment and sha��be payab��,with such interest,upon notice fram L�nder to Bort�wer <br /> requesting payment. <br /> All�nsurance polieies required by Lender and rene�vals of such polic�.es shall be sub,�ec�ta�ender's right to <br /> disapprove such policies,sha��include a sta.ndard mortgage clause, an�sha��name Lend�r as mortgag�e <br /> andlor a�an additional loss payee. Lender�ha11 have the rzgh��o hold th�policies and renewa�cer�ificates. <br /> �f Lender requ�r�s,Barro,t�ver shal��romp��y give to Lender aIX receip�s of p�.�d premiums and renevval <br /> notices. If Borro�ver obtains any form of insurance coverage, not��her�vise r� by Lender, for damag� <br /> to,or destru�tion of,the Property, such�o�icy sha11 inc�ude a standard mortgag��la�se and sha1�narne <br /> Lender as mortgagee andlor as an additiona�loss paye�. <br /> �n the e�ent of�oss,Borro�ver sha�l give promp�notice��the insurance carrier and Lender, L�nder may <br /> make praof of loss if not made promptly by$orro�rer,Unless Lender and$arrovver o�herwise agree in <br /> wri�ing,any insurance proceeds,u�hether or n�t the under�yin�insurance�vas required by Lender, sh�.1�be <br /> applied to restoration�r repair Qf the Prop�rt�, if the restoration or repa�.r is economically feas�ble and <br /> Lender's security is no��es�ened.During such r�pair and restoration p�riod,Lenc�er shal�ha��the right to <br /> hold such insurance prac�eds unt��Lender�as had an oppo�uni�to inspect such Praperty ta ensure th� <br /> wark has been comp�eted�o L�nder's sa�isfaction,provided tha�such inspection sha��be undertaken <br /> pramptly. Lender may disburse prace�ds far�he r�pair�and restoration in a single pa�ment�r in a series of <br /> pragress payments as�he work is campleted. Unless an agreemen#is mad� in writing ar App�icab�e Law <br /> requires�n�erest to be paid on such insuran�e prviceeds,Lender shall no�be required t�pay Borro�er any <br /> interes�or earnings an such proceeds. Fees for gub�ic adjus�ers,or other third parties,re�ained by Borro�ver <br /> sha��not be paid out of the insurance pro�eeds and shall b��he sale ablig�.tion of Barrow�r. If the restorat�on <br /> or repair is no�economically feasible or Lender's se�curity would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shai��e <br /> applied ta the sums se�ured by this�e�ur��y Instrument,wh�ther or not then due,vv�th the�xce�s, if any, <br /> paid to Borro�ver. Such insurance proce�d�sha�I be applied in the order pro�ided for in S�ction 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons�he Proper�y,Lender�ay file, n�go�iate and se�tle any available insurance cia�m and <br /> related matters. If$vrrower does not respond with�n 34 d�.ys�o a notice frQm L�nder that the insuran�e <br /> easr�er has offered�o settl�a claim,th�n Lender may n�gotxate and s�ttle the claim. The 3 D-day p�riod wil� <br /> begin when the notice is gi�en, �n either e�ent, or if Lender acquires the Pro�er�y under Secti4n 22 or <br /> other�vise,Barrovver hereby assigns ta Lender�a)Borrov�er's righ�s t�any insurance proceeds in an amoun� <br /> not to ex�eed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Seeurity Instrument,and(b�any other nf � <br /> Borrower's righ�s(other than the r�ght to any refund of unearn�d prem�um.s paid by Borro�er�under a�1 <br /> insurance policies covering the Property, insofar a�such righ�s are applicable to the ca�rerage of the <br /> Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repau�r restore�he Proper�y or to pay amounts <br /> unpa�d un�ier the Nate or this Security�n�trument,whether�r not then due. <br /> 1�EBRAS�iA�ingle F�miiy-Fannie MaelFr�e�die Mac UNIFQRM lNSTR�MENT W1TH MERS Form 3�28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMP�A[NE}[i 3��).44 <br /> Walters Kluwer Fir�ancial Services Page?of 17 <br /> �o33z93�s�5$ a��� ��� o��� <br />