<br /> The Funds shal�b�he�d in an institut�on u�hose depasits are insured b�a fed�ral agency, �nstrumentali�,or
<br /> entity(in�luding Lender, if Lender is�n institu��Qm�hose dep�sits a.re sa insured�or in any Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender shall apply th�Funds to pay the Escr��r Ite�s no�ater thar��he t�me 5pecified under
<br /> RESFA. Lender shall not charge Borrawer for holding and applying�he Funds, annua�ly analyzing the
<br /> escra�v ac�aunt,or verifying the Escro�v Items,un�ess L�nder pays Borrower int�rest on the Funds and
<br /> App�icable Law permits Lender to make such a charge.Unles�an agreement is made in wri�ing�r .
<br /> Applicable Law r�quires interest to�e paid on the Funds, Lender shal�not be required�o pay Barrower any
<br /> interest or�arnings an the Funds. Borro�ver and Lender c;an agree in�vri�ing,hawe�er,that interest sha���e
<br /> paid on the Fund�. Lender sha�l give to Borro�u�r, without charge,an annual accaunti�g of the Funds as
<br /> required by RE SPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds h�ld in escrow,as defined under RESPA,L�nder sha��account�o Borrower for
<br /> the excess funds in accord�nce v�ith RESPA, �f there is a shortage af Funds he1��n escro�r,as defined under
<br /> RESPA,Lender shail notify�orrower as required by RESP�,and B�rrQwer shall pay to Lender�he amount
<br /> necessary ta make up the shartage in accardanc��i�h RESPA,but in nQ mare than 12 month�y pa�men�s. If
<br /> ther�is a defic�ency of Funds he�d�n escro�v,as d�f�n�d under RESPA,Len.der shall natify Borrawer as
<br /> requ�red by RESPA,and B�rrawer sha��pay to Lend�r the amount ne�essary to make up the defic�enc�in
<br /> accordance�rith RESPA,bu#in no mare than 12 manthly payments.
<br /> Upon p�yment�n fu�l�f�i�sums secured hy this Security�nstrument,Lender sha11 pramptl�refund to
<br /> Borr�wer any Funds he�d by Lender.
<br /> 4. �ha�ge�;Liens.Barrov�rer shall pay a11 taxe�, assess�nents, charges, fines, a�d impos�tions att7ributable to
<br /> the Property�vhich can attain priarity��e�this Security Instrument, leasehold payments or ground rents on
<br /> the Praperty, if an�,and�ommunity Associatian Dues,Fees,and Assessments, if any. To the�xtent that
<br /> �hese i�ems are Escrow Items, B�rrower shal�pay them in the manner pro�ide�I�n Section 3.
<br /> Borrower sha��pr�mpt�y discharge any lien�hich has priority aver thi�Secur�ty Instrument unless
<br /> Borro�ver: (a}agrees in writing ta the p�yment af�he abtigat�on secured by the�ien in a rnan.ne�acceptable
<br /> ta Lender,but only sa iang as Bonower is p�rforming su�h agreement; (b�contests the 1ier�i�good faith by,
<br /> or defends against enforcem�nt of th� lien in, �ega�proceedings which in Lender's op�nion operate ta�revent
<br /> the�nforcement of the�ien while those prQceedi�gs are pend�ng,but aniy untii such proceedings axe
<br /> conc�uded;�r�c)secures from the holder of the�ien an agreement sat�sfact�ry�o Lender subordinating the
<br /> lien to this Security�nstrument. �f Lender determines that any part�f the T�roperty is subje�t to a Iien which
<br /> can at�ain priority aver this Security�nstrum�nt,L�nder may give Barrower a notice�dentifying th�Iien.
<br /> �Vithin 1�days of�he date on�vh�ch�hat notice is given,$on�tiver shai�sa�isfy the lien�r take an�or mvre
<br /> of the a�tions set forth above in this Sec�ion 4.
<br /> Lender may r�qu�re Borrawer to pay a one-t�me charge far a real e�tate tax verxfication andlor repor��ng
<br /> service used by Lender in connec�iQn with this Loan.
<br /> �� Pr�op�rty�nsuran��.$�rro�rer shall keep the i�nprovements now existing or hereaf�er erected on the
<br /> Prv�erty�nsure�against lo�s�ay fue,ha�ards included tiv�thin the term"extended coverage,"and any ath�r
<br /> ha�ards includi�.g,but not limited ta, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This
<br /> insurance shal�be n�a�ntained in the amounts(including d�ductib�e 1e�e�s)a�nd for the periods tha�Lender
<br /> requires. Wh�.t Lender requires pur�uant to th�preceding sen�ences can change during the term of the Loan.
<br /> The insurance carrier providing the insuranc�shait be chosen�y Borrower sub�ect to Lender's right to
<br /> disappro�e Borro�uer's choice,�vhich right shall not be exe�cised unreasonably. Lender may require
<br /> �orrower to pay, in eonnection with this Loan, either: (a�a one-time charge for flofld zone de�ermination,
<br /> certification and tracking service�;ar(b)a one-time char�e for floo�zone de�ermina�ion and ce�ification
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe FamilywFan�ie MaelFr9eddie Allac LJNIFQRM iNSTRUItIlENT V1�lTH MERS Farm 3428 1101
<br /> VMP Q VIVIP6A{IVE}�13UZ1.4�
<br /> Vllalt�rs Ki�wer FinanciaE S�rvices Page B of 17
<br /> q�33�9378858 �233 375 �fi17
<br />