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��14�7443 <br /> ��. Hazardous Su bstances.As used in this Section 2�: �a} "I�azardou.s,Su�.sta�ce.s"are those substances <br /> def ned as toxic or ha2ardaus substances,pol�utants,or wastes by En�ironmental Law and the following <br />� substances: gaso��ne,kerosene,other flammable or t�xi�petroleum products,taxic pesticides and herb�ci�es, <br /> volatiie solvents, mater�als containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive mat�rials; (b� <br /> "Er�viro�mental Law"me�ns federal�a�rs and laws of the ju�risdict�on�vhere the Progerty is�ocated that <br /> re�ate to health, safety or environmen�al protection� �c} "Envir��mer���l Cleartup"inc�udes any respanse <br /> action, remedia�action, or rema�a�action, a�def n.ed in En��ronmental LavSr; and(d}an "Ertviror�►ne�atdl <br /> �arcditior�"means a condition tha�can cause,cantribute to, or otherwise tr�gger an Envir�nmental C�eanup. <br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal, st�rage,or release of any Hazardous <br /> Su�a�tance�,or threaten to release any Hazardous Subs#an�es,on or in the Proper�y.Borrower sha11�aat do, <br /> nar a�l��any�n�else to do,anything affecting the Property�a}that is in vialation of aay Environmental <br /> La�,(b}�hich creates an Environmental�ondition,or�c)�vhich,due to the presence,use,or release of a <br /> Hazardou�Substance,creates a condition that adversety affects the�alue of th�Property. The preceding t�vo <br /> sentences�ha11 not apply to the pr�sence,use,or storage on the Proper�y of sma11 quantrties of Hazardous <br /> Substances tha�are genera.l��r recogn�zed ta be appropriate to narmal residential uses and to maint�nance of <br /> the Property�including,but not lim�ted to,hazardous subs�a.nces�n coasumer products}. <br /> Borrawer sha��pr�mpt�y give Lender written nottce of(a}an�investigation,cla�m,demand,�a�suit or other <br /> actian by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or Envir�nmental Law of which Borrawer has actual knowledge,�b)any Environm�ntal <br /> Cvndition,including but not limited to,any spilling, leaking,discharge,release or threat af release of any <br /> Ha�ardous Substance,and�c}any condition caused by the pres�nce,use or re�ea��of a Hazardous Substance <br /> which ad�ersely affects the�a�ue of the Property, If Borrower learns,or is notified by any governm�ntal or <br /> regulatary authority,or an�pr��ate party,that any remo�al or ather remediation of any Hazardous Substance <br /> affecting the Property is neces�ary,Borrvwer sha�1 promptly take a11 necessary remedial actions in <br /> accordanee wi�h En�ironn�entai Law.Nathing herein shai�create any abligation vn Lender for an <br /> Environrnental Cleanug. <br /> Non-Uniform���enants.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fot�o�r�: <br /> �2. Acceleratian;Remed ies.Lender shall g�ve n�tice to Borrower pri�r to a��elerati�n fvllvwing <br /> Borrower's brea�h of any covenant or agreem�nt in this Security Instrument�but n�t prior to <br /> aCce�eration under Se�tian 18 unless Applicable Law pra�vides otherw�se}.The noti�e shall speGify: �a} <br /> the default;tb}tbe activn required tv�ure the ciefault; �e}a date,no�less th�n 3U days from the date <br /> the noti��is gi�en to Borro�ver,by which the defau�t must be cured;and�d}that fai�ure t�cure the <br /> default on or befvre the date specified in the natiCe may result in a�celera�tion of the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument and sale of the F�roperty,The n�tice shall further inform Bvrrvwer of the <br /> r��ht t�reinstate after acceleratifln and the r�ght to bring a court a��i�n to assert the n�n-existen�e nf� <br /> default vr any�ther defense of Borrower tv a��eleratian and sale.If the default i�not cured an or <br /> befare the date spe�if ed in the nvtice,Lender at its option may require immediate payment in ful�of <br /> a�i sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument without further demand�nd may invoke the power af sale <br /> and any other remed�es perm�tted by App��cab�e Law.Lender shall be entitled tv collect all expenses <br /> �ncurred in�aursu��g the remedies provided in this Secti�n Z�,including,but not lim�ted tv,reasanable <br /> attarneys'fe�s and costs af title evidence. <br /> q�33338z4�1� U�33 3G4 1417 <br /> NEBRASKASingle Family-Fannie MaelFr�eddie Mac UNIF�RM 11d5TRUMENT W1TH MERS Fomn 3028 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA(NE}(13�2).44 <br /> Walters)t�uwer Financial Serv3ces Page 14 of 17 <br />