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��14�7443 <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lend�r shall give Bvrrower notice of acceleration. The natiGe sha11 provide a <br /> per�od of not less than 3�days from the date the notice is given in.accordance with�ection 15 within which <br /> � Borro�ver must pay a11 sums secured by this�ecuri Instrument. If Borrower fails to a these sums rior to <br /> �Y P Y p <br /> the expiration of this period,Lender may ia�o�e any remedies p�rmitted by this Security Instrument�vithout <br /> further notic e�r�emand on Borr�wer. <br /> �I 9. Borr�ower�s Right to ReinstateAfter�Acc�ieration.If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower <br /> sha11 have the right to ha�e�nfarcem�nt of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the <br /> ea.rliest of: (a}five days before sale of t�e Pr�perty pursuant to any power�f sale contained in this Security <br /> Instrument; (b)such other period as App�ieable Law might specify for the t�rmination of Borrower's right to <br /> reinstate;or(c}entry of a jud�m�nt enforcing this Security Instrument. Those canditions are that Borrower: <br /> �a)pays Lender all sums which then wouid be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no <br /> acceleration had accurred;�b}cures any default af any�ther covenants or agreements;(c}pays a11 e�penses <br /> incurred in enforcing this Security ins�rumen�,including,but nat limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees, <br /> property inspection and valuat�on fees,aad other fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest <br /> in the Froperty and rights under this Security Instrument;and(d)takes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to assure�hat Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, <br /> and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument, shal�continue unehanged. <br /> Lender may require that Borr�wer pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one or more of th�following <br /> forms,as selected by Lender: (a}cash; (b}money order;�c)c�rtified check,bank check,treasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check,provided any such check is drawn upan an institution�vhose deposits are insured b}�a <br /> federal agency,instrumenta��ty or entity;or(d}Electr�nic Funds Transfer.Upon reinsta�ement by Borrower, <br /> �his Security Instrument and obligations secured hereby�ha11 remain fulty effective as if no acc�leration had <br /> occurred. Howe�er,this right to re�nstate sha11 not appl�in the case of acceleration under Section �8. <br /> ��. Sale of Note; Chang�af Laan Servicer;Notice of�rierr�nce.The Nat�or a partial interest in the <br /> Note(togeth�r with�thi�5ecurity Iastrument}can be sold one ar more�imes w�thout prior notice to <br /> Borrower.A sale might result in a change in the entity�l�nown as the"Loan Servicer"}that�allec�s Periodic <br /> Payrnents due under�h�Note and this Security Instrun�ent and performs other mor�gage loan ser�icing <br /> obligation�under the Note,�his Security Ins�rument,and AppliGabl�Law. There also migh�be one or more <br /> ehanges of the Loan Ser�icer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan S�r��cer, <br /> Borra�ver�vi11 be given written notice of the change yvhich wi11�tate�he name and address of the new Loan <br /> Ser�icer,the address�o vvhich ga�rments should be made and any other information RE�PA requires in <br /> connection with a notice of tran.sfer of ser�ricing. If the Not�is so�d and thereafter the L�an is serv�ced by a <br /> Loan Servicer other than the purchas�r of the Note,the mortgage loan ser�icing obtigations to Barrower wi1� <br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and a,re not assumed by the <br /> Nate purchaser unless otherwise provided b�the Note purchaser, <br /> Ne ither B�rr��ver nor Le nder may commence,j o in,or b e j o ined to any j udic ial ac�ion�as e ither an <br /> individua�litigant or the member of a class)that arises from the other pa�'s actians pursuant to th�s <br /> S�curity Instrument or�ha�a1leg�s that th�ather pa�r�y has breached aay pro�ision of,or an�du�ty o�ved by <br /> reason of,th�s Security Instrument,until such Bonower or Lender has notif ed the o�h�r party�with such <br /> natice given in compliance�vith the requirements of�ectian �S}of such alleged hreach and afforded the <br /> other party hereta a reasonabl��eriad after the giving of such notice to take corr�ctive action. If Applicable <br /> Law pr���des a tim�period which must�lapse before certain action can be#a.ken,that time periad wi11 be <br /> deemed to be reasanable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration aad opportunity t�cure <br /> g�ven ta Borrower pursuant to Sect�on 22 and the not�ce of acceleration gi��n to Bflrrower pursuant to <br /> Sectian �S shall be deemed to satisfy the no�ice and�gportunity to take corrective ac�i�n pra�isi�ns of this <br /> Section 2D. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFraeddie Mac C1NIF�RM INSTRLIMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPBAtNE}(1342}.44 <br /> Vllolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page 13 of 17 <br /> qU3333��471� �z33 354 131? <br />