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��14�744� <br /> 8. DEFAULT. Trustor will be in defau�t if any of the faliawing o��ur: <br /> Fraud. Any �onsumer Barrower engages in fraud or material misrepresentation in conne��ian with �h� <br /> 5ecured Deb�that is an open end hame equi�y plan.. <br /> Payments. Any �onsumer Borrower on an� Secured Debt tha��s an open end home equity p�an fa�ils ta make <br /> a p aym�nt when du�. <br /> Property. Any act�on �r u�a�tion by the B�rrower or Trus�or o�curs txia� adverse�y affec�s the Prop�x-ty or <br /> Benefic�ary's rxgh�s in th� Property. This includes, but �s not Iimited to, the fa�lowing: ta} Trus�or fails to <br /> maintain.required insuranc�fln the Property; �b� Trustor transfers the Property; �c} Trustor comm�ts was�e or <br /> ath�rwzse destructively uses or fails to main�ai.n the Praperty such that th.� actinn or inaction adversely affects <br /> B�neficiary's securxty; �d} Trustor fai�s to pay taxes an th.e Property ar otherwxse faz�s �o a�t and th�reby <br /> causes a lxen �o be filed aga�.nst the Property that is senzor ta the Iien of�hxs Security Instrument; �e} a soi� <br /> Trustar dxes; tf} if mare than one Trustflr, an.y Trustor di�s and B�n�f�ciary's secur�ty �s ad�ers�ly aff�cted; <br /> �g} the Prop�rty �s taken thraugh em�n�nt domain; �h} a judgment is fiied agaznst Trustor and subjects Trust�r <br /> and the Prop�rty to act�on that adverse�y affects Benefi�iary's in.terest; ar (i} a pr�or Xienhalder farec�oses an <br /> the Prop�rty, and as a resu�t, Beneficiary's interest�s adversely aff�c�ed. <br /> Executive �ff�cers. Any Borrower �s an execut�ve off'icer af Bene�ciary ar an affi�xat� and such Borrower <br /> h�Gnmes indebt�d to Ben�fi�iary or another Iender in an aggr�gat� amount greater than th� amount permitted <br /> under f�dera.� �aws and r�gulations. <br /> 9. REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. In addition to any other remedy a�azlabx� under th� terms of this Security <br /> �nstrument, Beneficiary may ac�e�erate the Secured Deb� and forec��se thzs 5ecurity Instirument in a manner <br /> provided by �aw if Trustor is xn default. In same �nstaxx.ces, federal. and state law wi11 r�quzre Benef�c�ary to <br /> provid� Trustar w�th natzce of the r�ght to cur�, or notices and may establzsh txme schedules for <br /> for��losure a�t�ons. Each Trustor r�qu�sts a copy af any notice of default and any nfltzce of sale thereunder be <br /> ma�l�d to each Trustor at the addr�ss provzded�n Sectian 1 abave. <br /> At �he option �f Benefzc�ary, all or any part of the agreed fees and charg�s, a��rued znterest and principal <br /> shal.l become imm.�d�at��y due and payaU�e, after g�ving natice if required by �aw, up�n the �ccurrence of a <br /> default ar anytime�hereafter. <br /> If there zs a default, Trustee shail, at th�requ�st of Benef�ciary, adver�ise and sell the Prop�rty as a whale or <br /> �n separat�parc�is at public auctxan to the hzghest bxdder far cash and canvey absoXute t�t�� free and clear of <br /> a�I right, �xtl� ax�.d�nterest of Trustar at su�h txme and piace as Trustee designates. Trustee shail give noti�e of <br /> sale includu�.g the t�me, terms and plac�flf sale an.d a description of�he prnperty to be so�d as required by the <br /> app�icab�e xavv in effect at the�ime of the proposed sale. <br /> Upon sale af the Prapearty and to the exten� n�t proh�bx�ed hy law, Trustee shal� make and de��ver a deed to <br /> th� Property so�d which can�eys absalu�e �it�e to the purchaser, and after first payzng a.1.� fees, charges and <br /> costs, shall pay to Ben�fz�zary al� moneys advanc�d f�r, ta.xes, insurance, Iiens, assessments and pr��r <br /> encumbrances and in��rest th�reon, and the principal and interest on th.e Secured Debt, paying the surp�us, if <br /> any, to Trustor. Benefic�ary may t�ie Property. The recztals xn an.y deed of c�n�eyance shall be <br /> prima facie evxdence of the facts s�t forth th.ere�n. <br /> The acceptance by Benef�ciary of any sum �n paymen� or part�al. payment on the Secur�d i]�b� aft�r the <br /> ba�.I.ance is due or is a����erated or after fareclosure proc�edings ar� f���d shal.I not �onstitute a wax��r �f <br /> Benefz�xary's r�ght to require camplet� cure af any existing d�fault. By not exerc�s�ng �n.y remedy on <br /> Trustor's defau�t, B�neficiary daes not waxve �en�f���ary's right to Iater consider �he even� a default zf zt <br /> happens again. <br /> lU. E�.PENSES; ADVANCES �N �[]VENANrrS; ATT�RNEYS' �EES; ��LLE�TI[]N C�STS. �f <br /> Trustor �reach�s any covenant in this Security In.strum�nt, Trustor agrees to pay aII expens�s B�nefic�ary <br /> incurs in perfarming such covenants or pro�ectzng its securi�y interest in the Property. Such�xpenses includ�, <br /> but ar� na� limited to, fees in.curred for inspecting, preser�ing, or pratecting the Praperty and <br /> Benefi�iary's security interest. These expenses are payable an demand and wi�� bear interest fram the date of <br /> payment until paid xn fu�l at th.e hzghest rate of interest i�n eff�ct as pro�xd�d xn th.e terms af the Se�ur�d Debt. <br /> Trustor agrees t� pay aJ.� c�sts and expenses incurr�d by Ben�fx�zary xn co��ecting, enfarcing or protecting <br /> Beneficiary's r�gh�s and remedi�s under this Security Znstrumen�. Thzs amaunt may includ�, but �s not limi.ted <br /> to, Trus�ee's fees, court c�sts, and other ��ga.l. expenses. To t�e extent perm�tt�d by the United States <br /> Bankruptc� �od�, Trustor agre�s to pay the r�a.sonable attorneys' fees Ben�fi��ary zn�urs ta �al�ect the <br /> Se�ur�d Debt as awarded by any �flurt exer��sing �ur�sdi�tion under �be Bankrupt�y �ode. This S�curi�y <br /> Ins�rument sha�x remain in eff��� un�zx re�eas�d. Trustor agr�es to pay for any recordatian costs of such <br /> re�ease. <br /> S�cUrity Instrument-Open-�nd-Consumer-NE OCP-R�DT-N� 71212D'1� <br /> VMPD Ban�Cers Syst�msT"� VMP-�4S5�NEy ����7�.0❑ <br /> Walters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Q 1994,2Q 1 1 Page 4❑f� <br /> w <br />