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��14�744� <br /> The properry is xoca�ed in ...Ha 11.................................................. at ................-----................ <br /> (County} <br /> ..�11�,,Sta�e�oach..Rd ................. ..Grand,I s land.................., Nebraska ..6 8 8 41... .... <br /> ••••••• ••••• ••••••••�• •••••■i• •••••�•��• ••••••••••• ••••••••• ••• <br /> �Addr�ss} (City) �Z�P Code} <br /> Tageth�r w�th aII rights, easemen�s, appurtenan�es, royal�ies, mineral. rzghts, oil and gas rights, aI� water and <br /> riparian rights, dztches, and water stock and aI� existing azxd future improvements, structures, fixtures, and <br /> r�placements that may now, or at any t�m�in th�future, be part of th�real�state descrz��d abfl�e�all referred <br /> to as "Prop�rty"}. <br /> 3. �BLIGATI�N LIMIT. The tatal. prxnc�pal amaunt secured by thxs Security �n�tn�m.ent at any <br /> one time sha1.� nat exce�d $ 10 0.�.o 0 0:.o o................................. . This limitatzon of amount does nat <br /> �nc�ude inter�st and ath�r fees and charges vai�d�y mad� pursuant �a th�s Security Instru�nent. AXso, this <br /> ��mxtatxon does not app�y to advances �nade under the terms of th�s Security Tnstrument t� pratect <br /> Benef��xary's security and to perform any of the covenants contazned zn�h.xs Security znstrument. <br /> 4. SECU'RED DE�3T A.ND FUTURE ADVANCES. The term "Secured Debt" zs defzned as fallaws: <br /> A.I�eb� incurred under th� terms of al.� promissory note�s}, contract�s}, guaranty�ies� or at.�.er evxdence �f <br /> debt d�scribed be�ow and a�l �hezr e�t�nsions, renewal.s, madifications or substitutians. ��ou mr�s� <br /> spe�z�cally idertt�ify t�he debt{s� se�ured and you should ir�cZude t�he finar maturi�-y date of such debt{s}.� <br /> Note Dated �ctaber 2�, �014 ,zn The Am�unt of $loo, oao.�� <br /> Ac�ruing At A Variable Rate �ith A Maturity Date Df �ctober �5� 2D19 <br /> Saicl L�an In Th� Name�s} �f �raig L Parc� <br /> And �arla A Paro <br /> B.A�� future advances from Beneficiary to Trustor or o�her future o�ligatzons of Trustor to B�nefx��ary <br /> under any pramissory note, cantract, guaranty, ar ather ev�dence af debt executed by Trustor in favar <br /> of Benefzczary after this Security �nstrument whether or not this Securxty �nstrument is specif�cal�y <br /> referen��d. �f m�re than one person s�gns �h�s Security �nstrument, �a�h Trustor agrees that th.xs <br /> S��uriry Instrument will secure al.� fu�ure advanc�s and future obligations �hat are g�ven to or incurr�d <br /> by any one or more Trustor, or any one or more Trustar an.d others. A�� futur� ad�ances and ath�r <br /> future oblxgat�ons are s�cur�d by �hzs S�curity �nstrument even though al.� �r part may not yet be <br /> ad�anced. AI� future advan�es and other futur� obligations are secured as zf made on the dat� of this <br /> S�curity Instrument, N�th.�ng in �hxs Security instrument sha1.I const�tute a�nt t� mak� <br /> addztional. ar future �oans or advances in any amaunt. Any such �omm�tmen� must b� agreed ta in a <br /> sep arate,wr�t�ng. <br /> C.A��other ob�zgat�ons Trus�or awes�� Beneficiary, which may Iater aris�, to the extent n�t proh�bxt�d by <br /> �aw, in��udzng, but not �imz�ed to, �xab�l�txes for overdrafts r�lating to any deposit a�count agr��ment <br /> betw��n Trustor and Beneficiary. <br /> D.A�x a�idztzana.i. sums advanced and expenses zn�urred by Benef�c�ary far insuring, preservxng or <br /> otherwise protecting the Praper�y and rts �alu� and any other sums advanced and exp�nses incurred by <br /> Benef��xary under the terms nf this Security Instru.ment. <br /> Ln.the event tha�B�neficiary fa�ls tv provrd� any requzred not�c�of�he right of rescission, Bene�ciary waives <br /> �ny subsequent securit-�r interest�n�he Trustar's principa�dwelling that is crea�ed by this Security Instrum�n�. <br /> 5. DEEI) �F TRUST C�VENANTS. Trustor agr��s that the �avenants in.thzs sectzan are material obligations <br /> und�r the S�cured Debt and this Security Instrument. �f Trus�or breaches any �ovenant �n this section, <br /> Benef���ary may refuse to make additional extensz�ns of credx� and r�du�e �he credzt ��m�t. By not ex�rcising <br /> ezther remedy an Trustor's brea�h, B�nefxc�ary does nat waive Beneficiary's right to Iater consider the e�ent a <br /> �reach if�t happens aga�n. <br /> Paym�nts. Trustor agrees a�i payments und�r the Secured Debt wi�l be paid wh�n due and �n a�cordance <br /> with the terms of the Secured Debt and this S��urxty �nstrument. <br /> Pr�ior S�curity Interests. W zth regard to any ather martgage, deed of trust, secur�ty agr�ement or other lien <br /> docun�ent �hat created a prior security zntere�t or �ncumbrance an th.e Prop�rry, Trustor agrees to mak� al� <br /> paym�nts when due and to perform �r �flmply with al.� �avenants. Trustor also agrees not to allow any <br /> modification ar�xtenszon of, nar to request any future advan�es under any not�or agr��ment secured by �he <br /> lien document wzthout Beneficiary's prior wrztten appro�a�. <br /> Clai�ms Agaxnst Title. Trustor w��� pay aIl taxes �inc�uding any tax ass�ssed to this I]eed af Trust}, <br /> assessments, �iens, en�umbran.ces, ��ase payments,� ground rents, utili�ies, and ath�r charges relating to the <br /> Pr�per�y when due. Ben�f�cxary may require Trus�or to pr�vide to Beneficiary copx�s of a�� natices �iat su�h <br /> amount� are due and th� re�ezpts evidencing Trustor's paymen�. Trust�r w��� defend ti�ie to the Praper�y <br /> agains� any claims that wfluld impair the �xen of �his Security Instrument. Trustor agrees to assxgn �o <br /> Benef���axyy as r�quested by�3eneficiaryy any r�ghts, claims or defenses Trustar may have agains�parrxes who <br /> supp�y�ab�r or mater�al.s�o main�ain or improve the Pr�perty, <br /> Se�urity Enstrumen#-apen-�nd-Consumet-N� ❑CP-REC]T-NE 71212D�� <br /> VMP�ganKers 5ystemst'v' VMP-C4fi5�NE7 �T�D7}.Dfl <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financial Ser�ices C��994,2QT� Page 2 of fi <br />