<br /> Al� insurance po�icies required by Lender and renewa�s of su�h po�icies sha�I be subje�t to Lender's ri�ht�o
<br /> disappro�e su�h po�icies, sha�� include a s�andard n�or�gage�lau�e, and shal� name I.,�nder as mortgagee
<br /> andlor as an addi��onal loss payee. Lender shal� have�h�right to ho�d th�poiicies and renewal cer��fzcates. �f
<br /> I.ender requires, Borrower sha��pronlpt�y give t� Lender a�l receipts of paid premiums and renewa� nfl�i��s.
<br /> If Borrov�er ob�ains any form of insurance coverage, na��therwis�required b� Lender, for damage�o, �r
<br /> destruc��on of, the Proper�y, such paiicy shali inc�ude a standard m�r�gage c�ause and sha��name Lender as
<br /> m�r�gagee andlor as an addi�ionai �oss payee.
<br /> �n th�e�en�of�oss, Borrawer sha��g��e promp�no�ice to�he�nsurance carr�er and L.ender, Lender may
<br /> make proof of�oss if not made promptX�b� Borr�wer. Un�ess L,�nder and B�rrower ofherw�se agree in
<br /> writing, any insuran�e proceeds, whether�r not the under��ing insuran�e was requir�d by L.�nder, sha���e
<br /> applied ta r�stora��on or repair�f�he Property, if�he restora��an or repazr�s econom��ally feasib�e and
<br /> Lend�r's security �s not lessened. During su�h repair and res�ora�ion period, Lender shai�have�he right�o
<br /> hold such insuranc�pr�ce�ds unt�� Lender has had an oppor�uni�y to �nsp�et such Proper�y ta ensure�he
<br /> wark has been comple��d��Lender's sa�isfacti�n, pro�rided that sueh �nspe�tion shall be under�aken
<br /> prampt�y. Lender may disburse proceeds f�r the repairs and restorat�on in a single pa�ment or in a�er�es af
<br /> progress pa�men�s as the work is�ampleted. Un�ess an agre�ment is made in writ�ng or App�icable Law
<br /> requ�res interes��o be pa�d on such insurance prnceeds, Lend�r sha�� not b�required�o pay Borr�wer any
<br /> inter�s�or earn�ngs on suc�.proceeds. Fe�s for pu��ic adjus�ers, or other�hird par���s, reta�ned by Borrower
<br /> sha�I not be paid�ut of the insurance proce�ds and sha��be�he sole obiiga�i�n of Borrower. �f the r�s��ratxan
<br /> or repair is not econam��a��y feasible or Lender's securi�y would be less�ned, the�nsurance proce�ds sha.l�be
<br /> app�ied ���he sums secured by this S�curi�y Ins�rumen�, whe�her or no�t�.en due, with�he excess, if an�,
<br /> pa�d�� Barrower. Such insurance proceeds sha�l be ap�lied in the order pro��ded f�r in Section�.
<br /> �f Borrower abandons�he Property, Lender ma� fi�e, negot�at�and se�tle an.y a�aiiab�e insurance c�aim and
<br /> related matters. If Barrower do�s not respond w����n 3�days to a nat�ce fram Lender tha��e insuran�e
<br /> carrier has offer�d to s��tle a claim, �hen Lender ma�r negot�a�e and se��le�he claim. The 3Q-day period wili
<br /> begin when�he notice is given. �n�i�her even�, �r if Lender acquires�he Proper��under Sect�on 22�r
<br /> atherw�se, Borrower hereby ass�gns to Lender�a} Borr�v�er's rights�a any �nsuran�e pra�e�ds in an amoun�
<br /> not t�ex�e�d�he amaun�s unpaid under�he No�e or�h�s S�curity Ins�rumen�, and �b� any other of
<br /> Barr�wer's rights�other��.an the r�gh���any refund of unearned prem�ums paid by Borrov�rer}under all
<br /> insuran�e palicies c��ering the Prop�r��, insofar as such r�gh�s ar�appl�cable to the coverage of�he
<br /> Praperty. Lender may use the�nsuran��proceeds ei�her tio repa�r or r�s�ore the Property flr to pay amounts
<br /> unpaid under the Nate�r�his Securit� �nstrument, whether or no�t��n due.
<br /> C. �ccupancy. Barravver sha11 oc�upy, estab��sh, and use the Proper�y as Borr�wer's princ�pa� residence
<br /> within 6�days after the e�ecu�ion af�his Securi�y �nstrun�.ent and sha�l c�n�inue to�ccllpy�he Propert�r as
<br /> Borrow�r's pr�ncipa�resid�nce for at�east one year after th�date of�ccupanc�, unless Lender otherwise
<br /> agrees in wri�ing, wh�ch�ansen�sha��not be unreasonably wi�hhe�d, or unl�ss exfenuating circumstances
<br /> ex�st whi�h are beyand Barrower's�ontrol.
<br /> 7. Preser►rativn, �Itaintenance ant� Protect��n of the Property; lnspecti�ns. Borrov�rer sha11 not destro�,
<br /> damage or impa�r th�Proper�y, al�ow�he Property to d�teriorate ar comm�i�waste on the Proper�y. 'Vijhether
<br /> or not Barr��ver is residing �n the Propert�, Borrav�rer sha��ma�ntain�he Praper�y in order to preven��he
<br /> Proper�y from deteriorating or decreasing in�alue due�� ��s cor�d�t�on. Un�ess i�is detiern�.�ned pursuan�to
<br /> Sec�ion S that repair or rest�ration is n��economically feasible, Borrower sha11 pr�mp�I�repair�he Prop�r�y
<br /> �f damaged�o avo�d fur��.er de�er�aration�r damage. �f insurance or condemna��on pra�eeds are paid�n
<br /> con�.ec��on vv��h damag�to, or the taking�f, the Praper�y, Borrower sha1l he responsxb�e far r�pairing�r
<br /> restoring the Prape�ty�niy if L,�nder has re�eased proceeds for su�h purposes. Lender may d�sburse pr�ceeds
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac tJNl��RM�NSTRUMENT �arm 3428 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMP6{NE�t13��3
<br /> Walt�rs Kiuwer Financial Ser�ices Page 7 af 17
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