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��14�7��1 <br /> re�uired b�RESPA, and Barrower sha�l pa�to L�nd�r�h�am�unt n��e�sary to make up the de�ci�ncy in <br /> accardance wi�h RESPA, bu� in na more than �Z rnonthly pa�ment�. <br /> tJpan payment in full of a�i sums secured by th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument, Lender sha��promptly r�fund t� <br /> Borr�wer any Fun�s held by L�nd�r. <br /> 4. Gharges: Lierts. Barrnw�r sha��pay al� tax�s, assessmen�s, charges, f�nes, and�nzposzt�ons at�ributabl�t� <br /> �he Property which can a��ain priarity o�er th�s Se�urxty �nstrumen�, leasehold payments or ground rents on <br /> �he Propert�, �f any, and C�mmunity Assac�ati�n I]ues, Fees, and Assessm�nts, if any. To the e��ent that <br /> �hese items ar�Escrow ��ems, Borro�ver shall pay them in the m.anner pro��ded in Sect��n 3. <br /> Borrower shal�promptly di�charge any��en which has priori�y aver this Securit� �nstrument unless <br /> Borr�wer: ta} agrees in wri�ing to the paynZent of the ab�zga�i�n s�cured by�he��en zn a manner ac�eptable <br /> to Lender, �u��n1y s� l�ng as Borrower is perf�rm�ng su�h agre�m�nt; �b} contests the Iien zn good faith�y, <br /> or d�fends aga�nst enforcement af the lien in, lega�pr�ceedings whzch�n Lender's�pinion operate to pre�v�nt <br /> the�nf�rcement of the Iien wh��e thase proceedings are pending, but�nly unt�� su�h proceedings are <br /> c�n��uded} ar�c} secures frorn�the h��der of the�ien an agreement sa�isfactary t� Lender�ubordinating th� <br /> �zen�a�his Security �ns�rument. If L�nder determines tha�an�part af th�Propert�is sub�ec��o a�ien whi�h <br /> can a�tain pri�r�ty��er this Security Instrumen�, Lender may give Borrnwer a na�ice identifying�he�ien. <br /> Wi�hin �4 days of�he date an which tha�not�ce�s ��ven, B�rrawer shal� satisfy the�ien or�ake one or mare <br /> af�h�acti�ns se�for�h a�a�re in�hzs Se��ion 4. <br /> Lender may r�quire Borrow�r�o pay a on�-time charge for a real e��a�e�ax verif�cat�on andlor rep�rt�ng <br /> s�rv�ce u��d b� Lender in connection with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance. Barro�er sha11 keep��e�nzpro�e�m.ents now existing or hereaft�r�rected on�he <br /> Prop�r�y �nsured aga�ns��oss by fire, hazards included�v�thin�he�erm "ex�ended co�erag�," and any o�her <br /> ha.zards �nc�ud�ng, but not��mi�ed ta, ear�hquakes and floods, far whzch �ender requir�s insuran��. �is <br /> znsuranc�shall be main�ained in the amnun�s �includ�ng deduc�ible le�els}and for the p�r�ads�hat Len�er <br /> requir�s. �hat Lend�r requires pursuan��o th�preceding s�n�ences can change durzng�he term of the Loan. <br /> 'I'he insurance carri�r pro�id�ng the �nsurance sha��be chosen by Borrow�r sub�je�t to Lender's r�gh�to <br /> disapprove Bor�r�wer's cho�c�, wh�ch right sha��no�be e�ercised unreasonably. L�nder may requir� <br /> Barrower ta pay, �n connect�on with�his Loan, e��her: �a} a one-�ime charge for flood z�ne de�ermina���n, <br /> �er�ifi�ation and�racking�ervzces; ar(b} a ane-��me charge for f���d zone de�erm.ina�i�n and�er�ification <br /> serviGes and sub�equent charges each�ime remapp�ngs ar simi�ar changes�ccur which reasonably m�ght <br /> affec� such de�ermination or cer�if�ca��on. B�rrower�ha�� also b�r�sp�ns�b��for�he paymen�of any fees <br /> �mposed by the Federal Emergenc�Management Agenc� in conne�tian�rith the rev�ew of any f�ood z�ne <br /> de�erm�nat�on result�ng from an abjectian by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower fa��s to nr�a�nta�n an�of the c�v�rages descr�bed ab�ve, Lender may ob�ain insUrance co�erage, <br /> at Lender's option and B�rrower's expense. Lender is under no ab���a�xon�o pur�hase any particular type or <br /> am�unt of coverag�. Therefflre, such c���rage shall cover L�nder, but m�ght or might nnt pr�tect Barrov�er, <br /> B�rrawer's�quity in the Praper�y, ar the�t�ntents�f the Pr�p�rty, against any risk, hazard or liab�lity and <br /> mzght provide greater or le�s�r c�verage than was pre���u��y in effect. B�rrower ackno�ledges that the c�st <br /> of the �nsurance C�verage sa obtained migh�sign���ant��excee��he��st of insuran�e that Borrower cou�d <br /> have ob�ained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Se�tion 5 sha�� b�come additianal debt�f <br /> Barr��ver s�cured by�h�s Secur��y Ynstrument. These amoun�s shall bear�nterest at the Na�e rat�frnm the <br /> da���f disburs�men�and sha��be payable, with such �nterest, upon natice fr�m�Lender�t�Bflrrower <br /> reques��ng payrnent. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-�anni�Ma�IFredc�is Mac�NtFDRM INSTR�M�NT ��rm 3028 i 1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�N�}��30�) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia#5ec�i��s Page fi af 17 <br />