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��14�7��1 <br /> s�ntences shall not app�y�a th�presence, use, or storage on the Pr�per�y of sma�x quant�t�es of Hazardous <br /> Su�stan��s that are genera�ty rec�gn�zed to be appropr�ate ta n�rma� r�sid�nt�al us�s and��maintenance nf <br /> the Property �inc�uding, but nat��m.�t�d ta, hazardous �ubstances in cansum�r pradu��s}. <br /> B�rrower shal�promptly g��e Lender wr���en no��ce of�a} any �nvestiga�ian, �la�m, demand, �au�sui�or other <br /> action b� ar�y gov�rnm�ntal or re�u�atory ag�nc� ar pr�vate party in��l�ing th�Pr�per�y and any�3azardaus <br /> Substanee or Env�r�nmental Law of which Borrower has actuaX know�edge, ��} any En��ronmental <br /> �nnd���on, �nc�uding but nat l�mi�ed to, any spil�ing, ��ak�ng, d�scharge, re�ease�r��rea�of rexease of any <br /> �azardaus Substance, and�c} any c�ndition cau�ed�y th�presence, use or re��as�of a Hazardous Substance <br /> which adversel�r affe�ts the�a�ue of the Proper�y. �f Borrower Iearns, or is nati��d by any g��ernmen�a� or <br /> regula�ory authority, or any pri�a��party, �hat any renz�va� �r o�her remedia�i�n of any �azardous Su�s�ance <br /> affec�ing the Praper�y is ne�essary, Borr�vver�hall prom�.p��y take a��necessar�r�me�.�a�act�ans �n <br /> ac�ordance wi�h En�irnnmenta� Law. Nothing here�n sha�� crea��any ob��ga��on on Lender for an <br /> Env�ronmen�a� C�eanup. <br /> Nnn-Un�form ����nant�. B�rro�ver and Lender co�enan�and agr�e as follows; <br /> ��. Accelerativn; Remedies. Lender sha��g��e not�ce to Borrower prior�o acce�era���n fal�ow�ng <br /> Borrvwer'�breach of any c��enant or agreement�n th�s Secu�-i.�y Ins�rument �hut not pr�vr ta <br /> acce�era�ion under Section 18 unless Applicable Law pro��des o�herw�se�. 'The noti�e sha��specify: �a} <br /> the defau�t; �b} �he ac���n r��uired tv cure�he defauit; €c} a da�e, n���ess�han 3U days from the da�e <br /> the no�ice is given ta Borrawer, by wh�ch�h�defau�t must b�cur�d; and �d} �ha� failure to cure th� <br /> defau�t on or befare the da�e specif�ed in�hQ nvt�ce rnay resul�in accelera�ion af the sums secured by <br /> this Security Ins�r�umen�and�ale af the Property. The no��ce shal�further�nforxn Barrower of th� <br /> r�ght to rei�.s�a�e af�er acce�erat�on and the right to bring a court act�on�a as�ert th�non-ea�is�ence af a <br /> defau�t or any o�ber deFense of Borrower�v acceiera�ion and sale. If�he defaul�is not cured on ar <br /> before the da�e spec�f�ed in the n�tice, Lender a�its option ma�require immediate pa�ment in full of <br /> all�ums secured b��h�s Security Instrument w�th�u�further demand and may invoke�he power vf sale <br /> and any o�her r�medies perxn�tted by App��cab�e I1aw. Lender shall be enti�led�v co��e�t all exp�nses <br /> �nCrxrred in pursu�ng the remed�es pro��ded�n�h�s Sec�xvn 22, including, but not��m�ted�a, reason�b�e <br /> at�ox�n.eys' fee�and c�s�s vf ti��e eviden�e. <br /> If the pvwer of sa�e is�n�oked, 'Trus�ee shal�record a notice of default in each cvunty in which any <br /> part of�he Property�s�vcated and shali mai�copies of such noti�e in�he manner prescribed by <br /> App�icab�e Law to Borrower and�o�he other persons pre5cribed by Appli��b�e Law. Af�er the�ime <br /> requ�red hy Applicab�e Law, Trus�ee sha��g��e public nati�e of sa�e to�he persons and�n�he manner <br /> pre�cribed by Ap�licab�e I�aw. 'T`rus�ee, withou� demand on Barrawer, shal�se��the Praper�y a�pub�ic <br /> auct�on to the h�gh�s�l�idder at�he�ime and p�ace and under the�erms des�gnated�n�he not�ce of sale <br /> in one�r mare par�e��and�n any ord�r Trustee de�ernr�ines. Trus�ee xnay postpon�sale of ai�or any <br /> parcel of the Praperty�ay pub��c ann�uncemen� a�the�ime and p�ace vf any previous��scheduled sa�e. <br /> Lender or its d�signe�xna�purchase the Froperty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rec�ipt of payment of the pr�ce b�d, Trus�ee sha�� deli�er�v�h�purchaser Trust�e's deed <br /> can��y�ng the Property. The rec�ta�s in the'T`rus�ee's deed sha��be prima fac�e ev��dence af�he�ru�h of <br /> �he�taternen�s m�ade therein. Trus����hail app�y�he praceeds of�he sa�e in�he fo�iowing order: �a� to <br /> ali co�ts and expen�es oF exerc�sing the power af sale, and the sa�e, including the payment of�he <br /> T`rusfiee's fees ac�ual�y�ncurred and reasonab�e a�torneys' f�es as perm�t�ed by Applicab�e Law; €b} to <br /> all sums secured by this Se�ur��y Ins�rurnent; and �c} any excess�o the persan or per�ons�ega��y <br /> en�i�led to i�. <br /> NE6RASKA-Singf��amily-�anni�Ma�IFredc�ie Ma�UNIFQRM 1NSTRUM�NT Fvrrn 3�2$1 J0"I <br /> VMP� VMPf{N��[13Q2f <br /> VIlDIterS KI�IWBr�irl�riCi�l S�rViC�S Page'#4 vf 17 <br />