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��14�7��1 <br /> in�he Propert�and rights under this S�curity �ns�rument; and�d� takes such ac�ion as Lend�r ma� <br /> reasonably requ�re to assure�hat Lend�r's in�erest in the Proper�y and ri�h�s under this Se�urity Instrument, <br /> and Borrower's ob��gation t�pay the sums se�ured by this S��ur��y �nstrumen�, shal��on�inue un�hanged. <br /> Lend�r ma�requ�re that Barrower pa�such reinstatem�n�sums and expenses in one ar more of�h�follow�ng <br /> forms, as se�ected b� L.ender: �a} cash; �b}rnaney order; �c}certifi�d check, bank check, trea�urer's check or <br /> cashier's�heck, provided any such check is drawn upon an ins�itution whose depasits are�nsured by a <br /> federal agency, ins�rumentality ar entity; or�d} Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. Up�n re�nsta�em�nt by Borrow�r, <br /> this Security�ns�rument and obligations secured here�� sha�l rernain ful�y�ffec�i�re as �f no acce�era���n�iad <br /> occurred. �owever, �his ri�ht to r�insta�e sha11 no�appl� in the�ase of a�celera�ion under Sec�i�n 1S. <br /> ��. Sale of Note; Chan�e of Laan Ser�icer; Notice of Grie�rance. The N�t�or a par�ial �nt�res��n the <br /> No�e�togeth�r with�h�s Security �nstrumen�}can�b�sa�d one or more times wi�hout prior not�ce�o <br /> Bnrrnwer. A sa�e might resul�in a change�n the en�ity (known as the "�an S`ervicer"}t�a�co�lects Per�od�c <br /> Payments due under�he No�e and this Securit� Instrumer�t and perform�o�her mortgage�aan serv�cing <br /> ob�igatians under the Nate, this Security�ns�rument, and Appiicab��Law. There also m�ght�e�ne or more <br /> changes of the Loan Ser�r��er unr�lated�o a sa��of the Note. �f there is a chan�e of�he Loan Ser��cer, <br /> Borrower vWiil be g�ven wri��en not�ce of the change wh�ch uril� state the name and address�f�he new Loan. <br /> Ser�icer, the address to which pay�rnen�s should be made and an�other informa��tin R�SPA requ�res in <br /> conr�e�t�on wi�h a not�ce�f transfer of ser��c�ng. If the Na�e�s sa�d and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loan Servicer ather than the purchaser of the N��e, �he mortgage iaan ser�ic�ng obl�gations to Borrower wii� <br /> r�main wi�h�h�L.�an Servicer or be trar�sfer�red tn a sucC�ssar Loan Ser��cer and are na�assumed by the <br /> No�e purchas�r unless otherw�se prov�ded by�h�Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may�ommenc�,join, or be joined to an�judi�ial ac��on tas ez�her an <br /> indi��duai �itigant or the mem�.ber�f a class}tha�arises from�he o�her party's ac�ions pursuan��a�h�s <br /> Secur�t��nstrumen�or tha�alle�es�hat�he o�her party has breached any pro�i�ian of, or any duty owed by <br /> reas�n of, �his Se�ur�ty �nstrumen�, unti� such Borrower or L.ender has no�if�ed the other par�y �with such <br /> no�ic�gi�en in compl�an�e wi�h�he requirements af Sec�ion �5}of such ali�ged breach and afforded th� <br /> other par�y hereto a reas�nable per�od after the g���ng af such no��ce to take correct��e a�t�an. �f Applicable <br /> Law pravides a t�me per��d v�rh�ch mus�elapse�ef�re cer�ain action can be�a�en, �ha�time peri�d w�ll he <br /> deenZe�t�be r�asonab�e for purpos�s�f th�s paragraph. '�T�ie n��i�e of acce�eration and oppor�unity to cure <br /> g�ven�o Borrower pursuan��0 5ection��and th�no�i�e of ac�e�eration gi�ren�o B�rrower pursuant to <br /> Se�tion 18 s�a��be de�med to sat�sfy the nntice and a�p�r�unity to tak�c�rre�t��e ac�ion provisions of th�s <br /> Section�4. <br /> ��. Hazardous Suhstances. As used in�his Sec�ion 2l.: �a} ".I�azardous Su�s�ar�ces"are those substances <br /> def�ned as toxic or hazardous substances, pa�iu�an�s, or was�e�b}� En�irann�enta� Lav� and�he fo�low�ng <br /> su�stances: gasaline, ker�sen�, other flammable or tox��pe�roleum produc�s, �oxic pes���xdes and herbicides, <br /> volatil�soi�rents, mater�als containing as�estos or formaldehyd�, and rad�oac�i��ma�erial.s; �b} <br /> "Et�virortr�zen�a�Law"m.eans federal law�and laws of the jurisdiction where�he Property �s I�cated that <br /> r�late��health, safety or�n�rironmenta�pr��ecrion; �c} ".Environr��ental Cteanup"inc�udes any respanse <br /> actinn, remed�a� act�on, or r�mo�al ac�ion, as defined in En�ironmen�a� Lavw; and�d� an "Enviro��rrtental <br /> �ortditio��"rneans a condi�ian that can cause, contri�ute to, or othe�-vvise�r�gger an En�ironmenta�C1�anup. <br /> Borrower shall na�caus��r perr�r�.�t�he presen��, us�, disposal, �torage, or release of any Hazardous <br /> Subs�ances, ar�hrea�en�o release any �azard�us Substances, on or in the Property. Borr�wer shall n��do, <br /> nor a��ov�anyon�else�o d�, anything affecting the Proper��r �a}�hat�s in vio�ation vf any Environmenta� <br /> Law, �b} whi�h crea��s an Envirnnmenta� Cond�t�fln, or�c3 v�hi�h, due ta�he pr�sencey use, or re�ease af a <br /> Hazardous Subs�an��, crea�es a cond�ti�n that ad�ersel� affec�s �he�ra�ue of the Pr�pert�. The preced�ng tw� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam�iy-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNiFQRM�NSTRUMENT �orm 3d28�1�� <br /> VMP� VNlPfi�N�)�'�3D2y <br /> Walte�s 1Ciuwer Financial 5er�ices Pag�13 v��7 <br />