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��14�7��3 <br /> A1I i�.surance po��c�es requ�ired by Lender and renew�:Is of�uch pol�ci�s shall be sub�ec��o LenderT s r�ght�a � <br /> disappro�re such pol�cies, sha11 inc�ude a sta�.d.ard mor�gage clause; ax�.d sha�I name�ender as mortgagee <br /> andl�r as an add�tional la5s payee. Len.der sha.l.J.ha�re the right to hold�he�olic�es and re�ewal cert�.f�ca�es. If <br /> L�nder r�quires, Borrower sha1l.prana:ptly give�n Lender a1�.receipts of prexniu�ns aazc�ren:�vva.�n�tices. <br /> If Borrov�er�btains any form.�f insurance co�erage, not otherw�se requ�red by Lexlder, for damage to, or <br /> destructzon of, �he Praperty, such shall inc�.u�.e a star�dard mortgage c�ause and sha�.�name Lender aas <br /> martgagee andlor as ar�ad�.ti.flnal Ioss payee. <br /> In the event af Ioss, ��rrower sha11 g�ve prompt nat�.ce to the carrier a�a.d JLender. Lender xnay <br /> �al��proof of I.oss zf not made prom��ly by Borrower. IJr�ess Lender and�orrQwer fltherwise agree�n <br /> vrriti�..g, axiy insUrance proc�eds, whether or�ot�e underlying zn.�urance was required by Ler�der, sha1l be <br /> applied�a res�ora��.an ar repair of the Pr�perty, �f the restarati�n or repa�-is eca�omically feaszbl.e and <br /> Lender's secu.r��y�s�:a��essened. I�uring such r�pair and restoration peri�d, Lender sha�.l have�he right�o <br /> ho�d such in�urance praceeds ur�til.Lender has had an appor�tu�ity t�inspect such Property�o ensure the � <br /> work has bee�campleted ta Lender's sa�isfaction, provided�hat such i-n.�pection sha1�.b�undertake� <br /> promptly. Lender may dzsburse proceeds for�he repa�.rs and restoration in.a sing�e paynment or in a series of <br /> progress payments as�he�ork is cornple�ed. Unl�ss a.x�.agreernent is mad�i.��vriting ar Appl.zcable Law <br /> requires in�ere�t to be paid on such i.�surance proeeeds, Lender sha1�not be requ�red��pay Borr�wer�y <br /> interes�or earnuz�s on such proceeds. Fees far public adjusters, ar thirc�par�es, reta�.ned by I3orr�ur�r <br /> sha11 not be��d out flf th.e i.r�surance proceed� and sha�1 b��.:�sole abl�gat��n of Borrov�er. If the restarati�n <br /> or repair is n�t economically fea.��b�e ar I�ex�.d�r's��curity�v�u1d be�.es�er�ed, the i�surance proceeds shal�.be <br /> applied ta�he su.rn.s secured by tha.s Security Ins�rument, whe�her or not then due, u� the�xcess, if a�a.y, <br /> pa�.d ta Porro�er. Such�nsurance proceeds shall be applie��n�he order provided for in Se��-ion�. <br /> If Barrawer aban.�.�x�.s�li.e Propez-�y�, Lender may�Ie, negotiate axYd set��e ar�y avai�able in.surance ela�im and <br /> related mat�ers. If Borrower daes no�respor�d wx.�h�.n 3�days to a not�ce from Lender that the insura��e <br /> earrier has affered ta set�e a�1aim, then Lender may negotia�e and�ett�.e�thhe c�aim. The 3�-day period wi.Il <br /> begi.n whe�.�he not�ce��g�ve�x. I-�:�i.ther eve�.t, or if Lender acquire�t�ie Property u.nder Sectian 22 or <br /> othe�vv�se, Borr��rer hereby assigns�o Lender[a�Borro�xrer's r�gh:ts to any�nsurance pr�ceed.s it�axx amount <br /> n�t t���ceed the amounts unpaid under�he Note or this Seeurity Insl�ment, and�b� am.y other of <br /> Borrower's rights�ather�han the rig�t t� any refund of u�earn.ed premituns Borrower�under al.J. <br /> ir�surance pol��ies co��r�ng the Pro�erty, �nsofar as such rzgh.�s ar�a��al�cabie to the cov�xag�of�he <br /> Prope�y. Lender may use the insurance prace�ds exther�a repair�r restore tlie Propex�y�r to pay amounts <br /> unpaid uncler t�e Note ar this Securi�y I�strument, �vhether or nat then due. <br /> fi. �ccupan�y. Borrawer shall occupy, establi�h, and use the Proper�y as B�rrov�rer's prir�cipal residence <br /> �rit�un�0 days after�ie e�ecut�.�n�f t�is Secu:r�ity Ins�ru.mer�t and sha1�Gontinue to occupy th�Proper�y as <br /> Bnrrower's pr�ncipa�residence for at Ieas�one year a�ter�he d.ate of accupancy, unless Lender otherwise <br /> agrees�tivrit�g, which cansent shall not be unreasonably wi�hheld, ar unless extenua.tin.g c�rcumstances <br /> e�ist which are beyond I3orrower's co��r�I. <br /> �'. Pr�s�rvation, 1�[aintenan�� and Protec�i�n of the Pr�per�y; �nspec�ion�. Barrower shall r�a�destr�y, <br /> damage or impaar the Prflperty, a��ow the Praperty to deter�.orate or comxmi�wa.�te on the Property. �he�he� <br /> or not Borrawer�s residing�the Praperty, Borrow�r�ha11 mai�ta�n�.he Praper�y�arder to pr�vent�.ie <br /> Property from de�eriorati�g or d�creasir�g�n value d�e to i�s condition. Uriless�t is determined pursuant�o <br /> Se�t�.on 5 that repair or restoratxon�s nat eco�.omica�.�y feas�.b�.e, Borrower shall promptly repair the Property <br /> if damaged�a avoid further deterioration flr damage_ If insurance or eonc�emnat�on proceeds are paid in <br /> conne�t�on damage to, or the tal�ing of, �.he Property, Borrovver sha11 be respor�s�ble f�r repa�ring ar <br /> restorzng the Pro��rty��ly if Ler�der has re�eased proceed:s for�uch purpases. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> 24007392 <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Far�nie M ael�reddie M ac LlN1F�RM lNSTRUM ENT Form 3�28�1D� <br /> VM P� VM PG�NE}�13�2} <br /> IN�I'�ers K[raw er Fnancia[5ervices Page T of 17 <br />