<br /> Any app�ieat�on of p�.ynzents, insura�.ce praceeds, or 1Vliscellaneous Praceeds�o�r�nczpal due under�ie Note
<br /> sha���ot e�tend or postp�ne the due date, or char�ge the am�u�t, of the]P�riad�c JPayments.
<br /> 3= F�ds f�r Escrow�te�s. Borrower sha1�.pay to Lender on�he day Peri.od�c Payments are due und.er the
<br /> Note, until the Note is pazd zn fu��, a sum�the"Funds''�to prQvxde for pay�ne�.t of amou�ts due for: [a�taxes
<br /> ax�.d assessments a;nd ather item�which car�atta�n pri�ar�ty over�1izs Security Instrument as a i�.e�or
<br /> �ncumbrar�ce or�the Property; �b� �easehold paym�nts or groux�.d zents on�lie Pr�perty, �.f any; �c�pr�miums
<br /> for any a�nd aII ir�surance requ:�i�ed by Lender under Sectioz�5; and�d]Mor�gage Insurax�ce premzums, if any,
<br /> or ariy�urr�payab�e by Barrower tfl Lender in�.�.eu of tlie payment of Mortgage Insurax�.�e premiu.ms in
<br /> accordance w��h�ie provi���ns�f Sectian 1�. These items axe ca.�led"E�crow Items.'T At origina�iox�or at
<br /> any tirn.e durin.g the�erm of�he Loa�, Lender may�-eq�zre�.hat�ommunity 1�ss�czation 17ues, Fees, and
<br /> As�essments, if any, be escrotived by Borrotiver, and such dues, fees and assess�ne�.ts shall be an:Escrow
<br /> Item. Borrower sha1�.prQmptly furnish to Lender a11 no�ces of amaunts�o be pa�d:under�his Sec��n.
<br /> BQrrotiver sha��pay Le�der�h.e Funds for Escrow Item�s unle�s Le�der waives B�rrovver�s ob��ga�.on to pay
<br /> the Fur�ds for any or a:II Escraw Iten�. Lender may waive Borrower's ob�igat�.on to pay�ta Lender Fun.ds fQr
<br /> ax�y or aII Escraw Items a�any t�.me. Any such wai.vex may only be�.x�.urriting. In:the event af such vwa�ver;
<br /> Borrower sha�T pay direc�ly, when and where payable, �he amounts due for any Escrow Items fQr which
<br /> payme�:t of F�xxd�ha:�been wa�ved by Lex�der and, if Lex�der requ�re�, shall furnish to Lender receipts
<br /> evzdencix�g�ueh pa.ymen�Wi�n..sueh time per�od as Lex�der may requ.ir�. Borro�ver's flbligat�on to make
<br /> such pa:yments and t��rov�de recez.pts shall for a��purposes be deemed to be a c�venant and a�reemem.t
<br /> c�n�a�ined�n�s Security I�s�rument, a�the phrase"covenant and agre�ment'� is used in Section 9. If
<br /> B�rr�wer is Qbligated to pay Escrow It�ms directly, pursuant��a tivai.ver, and BorrQwer fa�ls to pay�he
<br /> amouxzt due f�r an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise its r�.ghts under Sect�.on� and pay such amount and
<br /> Bo�rower shall then�be obligated u�der Sect�on 9 t�repay to Lender any such amount. Ler�c�er m�.y revoi�e
<br /> the wai.ver a.��o ar�y or a1�Escrow Itern.s a�a�a.y t�me by a not�ce gxven�n accord:a�.ce with Sect�on 15 and,
<br /> upon such revoca�ia�, Borrower sha��pay to Lender aI.I.�unds, and ixi such amaunts, that are�hen required
<br /> und�r�is SectiQn�.
<br /> Lend�r may, at any�ne, co��ect an.d hoJ.d Funds in an a�m.�ur�t�a} suff�c�:ent�o permit Lender to app�y�b.e
<br /> Funds a�the tirne spec��ied under RESPA, and�b}not t��xceed�he ma��mum amount a�ender can requi-re
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha1�estirriate the a�ioun.t of Funds due on�he basis of current d.a�a ar�d reasonable
<br /> estimate�of expend.itures�f future Escro�I�ems or o-�herwzse�n accordance�vi.th Applicab��Law.
<br /> T�e Fu�xds sha�.b�h��.d in an inst�tut�on w�ase deposits are insured by a federal agency, �nstrurmenta�:�.ty, o�-
<br /> e�tity[ir�cl.uding Lender, if Lender is au�stxtutxor��vhose deposits are s��sured} ar xn any Fed�ra�.Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha��appl.y th.e Funds ta pay�h�Esernw I�erns n�Iater than the t�me�peci.fied u�der
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall not charg�]3orrov�er for ho�ding ax�.d ap��ying the Fur�.ds, aunually ax�.al.yzzng the
<br /> escrow account, or verifying the Escrovtr Ite�s, unless Lender pays Borrower iriterest on the Fiunds ax�.d
<br /> App�i�ab�e Lav�r p�x-�ni�s Lender�o make su�h a charge. Unless an agreement�s made ir��wri:ting or
<br /> Applicable Law requires in.teres�ta be paid or��he Funds, Lender shall not be required�a�ay Barro,arer any
<br /> interest or earrungs on�he Funds. Borr�wer and Lender�ax�.agree in tivriting, however, that in��r�st sha.l�be
<br /> paid o�the Fun.ds. Le�:der sha.��g�ve to Borrav�er, �w�.�h.out charge, an a.nnua.�aceaunting of the Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If th.�r��.s a.surplus of F'unds held in escrow, as clefzr�.ed�.nder RESPA, Lender shal�account�o�3arrower f�r
<br /> th�excess funds i-�accordance wi�RESPA. If�here i.s a sh�rtage af Funds he�d in escrov�r, as defined�der
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha��na��fy Borrower as requ�red by RESPA, a�d Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount
<br /> necessary t�ma�e up the shar�age in accordance w��h RESPA, but xn no more thari 12 monthly pay�nents. If
<br /> there�s a d�f c�:�ncy af Furnds hel:d�.n escrovv, as def ned under 1�SPA, Lender shall:noti:fy Bnrra-�er a.s
<br /> z4aa7�s2
<br /> fVEBRASKA-Single Family-Far�rzie M aelFrec�c�ie M ac UNIFQRM INSTRLJM ENT Form 3a28'i 1�'I
<br /> VM P� VN!P6[NE}��3Q2�
<br /> IN�l��rs Kluwer F�r�ancial Ser�ices Page 5 0��17
<br />