<br /> full of al� surx�s secured b� �his Securi�y �n�trument. Howev�r, �his option shall no� be ex�rc�sed by Lender if �
<br /> exercis�e is prohibi�ed by federa�law as of th�date of�his Security Instrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises �his option, Lender shall gi�e Barrower no�ice of accelera�ion. The not��� shal� pr��ride a
<br /> periad of not �ess �han �he min�mum numbe�� of days es�ab��shed by App��cable Law firQm the date the notice is
<br /> de�i�rer�d or mailed wi�hin wh�ch �orrower must pay al� sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty �nst�•umen#. If Borrower
<br /> faiis to pay these sums prior to the expiratian of�his period, Lender may in�oke any remed��s p�rmi�ted by �his
<br /> Securi�y Instrumen�wi�hou�further no�ice or�demand on Barrower.
<br /> I�orrower's Righ� to Reinstate. �f]3orrower meets certa�n c�ndi�ions, Borrov�er sha�1 ha`�e �e ri�h� ta have
<br /> e�forc�ment�f�his Security Instrum�n� dis�on��nued a� any�ime pr�ar to �he ear�ier�f: �a� 5 days �or such other
<br /> period a.s Applicable La�v may spec�fy for re�nstatemen�}before sale of the Property pursuant to any pawer�f sale
<br /> c�ntained in th�s Secur��y �nstrument; or ��} entry of a judgment enfarcing �his Security �nstrument. Those
<br /> c�nditians are �hat Borrower: �a3 pays Lend�r�a�l surns which �hen would b� due under this Se�u.r��y Ins�rument
<br /> a�.d the�antract as if na ac�elera�ron had occurred;�b3 cures any defau��of any other cavenan�:s�r agreements;���
<br /> p�.ys all expenses incurred in enforcing�his S�curi�y�ns�rument, includYng,but not lim�ted to,reasflnable attorn�ys'
<br /> f�es to�he extent permitte�by Iaw; and�d�takes such ac�ion as Lender may reasanably requi.re to assur�tha��he
<br /> lien of�h�s Security�nstrument, Lender's r�ghts in�he Pr�per�y and Borro�ver's obl�ga�ian ta p�ay�he sums secured
<br /> by th�s Security Instrument sha1l conti�a.ue ur�changed. Upon re�nstatemen��y Borrower, this Sec�.rity �nstrumen�
<br /> a�.d�he obliga���ns secured h�reby shall rema�n fully effec�ive as if na a��e�era�ti�n had oc�u�rred. Hov4rever, th�s
<br /> righ���reinstate sha�l n�t apply�n�he case oi�accelera�ion u.r�der the secti�n titled Transfer a;�the Pr�perty nr a
<br /> �en�f��ial Int�re5t in B�rr�wer.
<br /> I�Iazardous Substances, BQrrov�er shall no�rause or permxt�he presence,use, d�sposal, stora�e, �r release of any
<br /> I�azardous Substances on or in�he Pr�perCy.Borrower sha��not do,nar al�aw anyone else to dr�,ar�ything affeCting
<br /> the PrnperCy tha� is �.n �iola�ion of any En�i�ronmental Lav�r. The preced�ng two sentences shall not apply to �he
<br /> presen�e,use,�r storage on the Properry of sxna��quantiti�s of Ha�ardous Su�s�ances�ha�are�;enerally r�c�gn�z�d
<br /> to be apprapriate to n4rma�residen�ia��xses and�o maintenance of th�Proper�y.
<br /> Borrower sha�l prnmpt�y give Lender v�rit�en not�ce of any in�estigation,c�a�m, demand, Iavvsu.it or oth�r act�on by
<br /> any ga�rernmen�al or regula�ory agency or p�•i�ate party invfllving the Pro��rty and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Enviranmenta� Law of whxch Borrov�er h�s actual knowledge. If Sorrower learns, or is no��f�d by any
<br /> g�v�rnmen�al or r�gulatory au�hor�ty,that an�r remaval or Q�her remedia�ian of any Hazardous Su�bs�anc�affec�ing
<br /> �he Property zs necessary, Borrower shall promptly �ake all necessary remedial actions u� accordance with
<br /> Envzranmental Law.
<br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Hazaxdous Subst�nces" are those su�stances defined as�oxic or h�azardflus substanc�s
<br /> b� �n�iranmen�al La�v and �he follavving s�ubs�an�es: gas�l�ne, kerosene, a�her flammahle or �ox�c petroleum
<br /> p�aduc�s, taxi� pes��c�des and herbicides, vola�ile so�yen�s, ma�erials ca��air��ng ashes�os ar for�riald�hyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive rnateria�s,As used�n this paragraph, "En�ironrnen�al Law"means federal laws and �av�s of the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate to heal�h,safety or environmentai protec�ian.
<br /> Acceleratian; Remed�es. Lender sha�� gi�� notice to Borr�wer pr�or to accelerat�on fal��v�ing �orrvwer's
<br /> breach of any co�enan�or agreement in#his Se�urity InStrumen�or the Contrac�under�whi�h a��e�eration
<br /> is p�rmitted (but not pr�or to acce�eration under the sectian �it�ed Transfer�f the Prvpert�or a Benefic�aZ
<br /> Interest in Borrower, un�ess App�xcablQ Law proWides otherwise�. The nvt�ce 5haI1 specify: �a} the default;
<br /> �b} �he ac�xon required to cure th� def�u�t; �c� a date, n�t less than the min�mum� number of days
<br /> e�tablished by Appl�cable Law from the da�te the na�ice i�given tv Borrawer, by which the defaul�must be
<br /> cured; and �d} that failure to cure the d.ei�au�t on ar before the date specifed in �he natice may resul� in
<br /> a�ce�eratian �f �he sums �e�ured by this Secur�ty Instrument and sale �f the Prope�rty. To �he extent
<br /> p�rmft�ed by law, the na�ice shali further �nfarm Borr�wer af the right to r�instate af�er acce�eration and
<br /> t�e r�ght ta bring a cvurt act��n to assert t�ie non-existence af a defau�t or any o�her defe�n.�e�f B�rra�ver�o
<br /> a�celeration and sa�e. If the default is na� ��ured on or befare the da�e 5peci�ed in the notic�, Ler��er a� �ts
<br /> o��ion may require immediate payment i�n full �f ali sums 5e�ured by this Security Instrumen� w�thout
<br /> fi�rther d�mand and may in�oke the power ❑f sa�e and any other remedies p�rmitted b;y Appiicab�e Law.
<br /> T� the extent permitted by �aw, Lender s.hall be entitled to col�ect aIl expenses in�urr�d in pur�uing the
<br /> remedi�s pro�ided in this Sec�tion, �n�luding, but not limi�ed to, reasonable attorney5� fe�� a�d costs of tit�e
<br /> ewid�nce.
<br /> If�he power of saie is rnvoked,TruStee sha��l record a notice of defau�t�n each county in wh�ch a�y part of
<br /> th�e Pr�perty is located and �hall mail�opies of such notice in the manner pre�crf bed b�.A►.pglicable Law to
<br /> B�rrower and to the other persons prescr�bed by Appl�cal��e Law. After the t�me required by A►pplicable
<br /> L�w, Trustee shall g��e publ�c notie� of 5a�e t� �h� persons and �n the manner pre�cri�ed by Appl��ab�e
<br /> _ L�w. Trus�ee,w�thout demand vn Borrnw�r,shal�s��l the Property at pubiic auc��on to the high��t bidder
<br /> �t�he time and place and under the t�rms designated in the notice�f saie�n one or mor��par�els�nd in any
<br /> �rder Tru�tee determines. Trus�ee may p�stpane sale of alI or any parcel of the P�rflperty by pub��c
<br /> ann�uncemen�at the time and p�a�e�f any previausly 5cheduled sale. Lender or its designe�may purchase
<br /> t�e Proper�y at any sa�e.
<br /> Upvn r�ce�pt �f payment af the pr�ce b�d, 'Trustee shall �e�iver to the purChaSer Truste��'s deed ��nveying
<br /> �he Proper�y. The recitals in the Tru�tee's Edeed shal�be prima facie e��denc�of the truth of the s�t�t�ments
<br /> xnad� therein. Trustee shal� apply th� pr+�ceeds of th� Sale �n the follawing order: �a} to a�l �osts and
<br /> ��penses of exercising the power of sale, ��d the 5alei including �he payment of�he Tru�te�'s fees actua�ly
<br /> fl 2��4-��14 Compliance 5ystems,Inc.4958-8AS6-2Di 3L2.3.I,803
<br /> Ca��sumer Real Estate-Security Ins#rument DL2436 i'age 4 af 5 www,cvmplian�esystems.com
<br />