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��14�7154 <br /> Inspection. Lender or its agen�may ma�Ce reas�nab�e entries upon and inspec�ions �f the Property. Lender sha�X <br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or pr�or�o an�nspe�t�on speczfying reasonable cause far�h�i.x�spec�ion. <br /> Condemnat�on.The proceeds of any a�ard ar claim for damages, direc�or consequ�n�ial, in connection vvi�h any <br /> candemnation or other tak�ng of any par�of the Proper�y, or for can�eyance in lieu of c�ndemzaation, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��b�paid to Lender. <br /> In�he event of a�ota� �aking of the Property, �he proceeds sha�� be applied�� the sums se�ur�d by th�s Security <br /> �nstrum�nt, whether ar not �hen due, vw�xh any �xcess paid ta Borrower. �n the even� of a partial taking of the <br /> Praperty in which the fazr m.arke� value of the Praperty immed�a�ely before �he tak�ng is equa�to ar greater�han <br /> �he amoun� of the sums secured by�his Security �nstrumen� immed�ate�y b�far� the �aking, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender o�hervvxse agree�n wrxt�ng,�he sums secured�by�his Se�urity Instrumen�shail be reduced by�he amount af <br /> the proceeds mul�iplied�y the fo�lowing frac��vn: �a}�he�a�al amaunt of�he sums secured immedia�ely before th� <br /> tiak�ng, dxvxded �y �b� �h� fair mar�et va�ue of�he Proper�y ��ely before the tak�ng. Any ba�anc� sha�� be <br /> paid�o Borrower. �n �he even� of a par��al taking of the Properry �n which �he fair marke� value af the Praper�y <br /> immediately before the �aking is �ess than �he amaunt af the sums secured �mm�diately �efore the �aking, un�ess <br /> B�rrovver and Lender atherw�se agre� xn wri�ing or unless Appli�able Law otherw�se prfl�ides, the prviceeds shall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security�nstrumen�wheth�r or no��h�sums are�hen due. <br /> rf�he Property is abandon�d by Borro�wer, ar xf, after no��ce by Lender�o Borrower tha�the condemnar�ffers ta <br /> make an award or set�le a claim for damages, Borrower fails tfl respond to Lender w�th�n�he m.xnimum number of <br /> days es�ab�ished by Applicable Law after�he da�e�he n��zce �s gx�en,L�nder xs authvr�zed ta collec�and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at its �ption� �ither �o restarat�fln nr repair of the Pr�perty or to �he sums se�ured by th�s Security <br /> Instrumen�,whether�r na��hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and BorrovWer��herwxse agree in writing, any applicatian of pr�ceeds�a pr�ncipal sha11 not ex�end <br /> or postpane the due da�e of th�payments du�under�he Contrac�or change�he amoun�af such paymen�s. <br /> Barrower Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Not a V�ai�er. Ex�ension of the t�me for paymen� or <br /> mad�fica��on of amor�izatzon of�he sums secured by thzs Security Instrumen� gran��d b� Lender t� Borr�vv�r �r <br /> any su�cessor in �ntere�� vf Borrav�er sha�� not �pera�e to releas� �he Iiab�lity of the arxgixaal Borrov�er or <br /> Borrov�er`s successors in in�erest. Lender sha�l not be r�qu�r�d�o �ommence proceedxngs against any successor�n <br /> �n�eres�or refuse to ex�end time far payment or�therv�ise mod�fy amor�iza��on of the sums secured b�th�s S�cur�ty <br /> �nstru.ment by reason of any d�mand made by �he or�g�na1 Borrower ar Borrower's success�rs �n �nterest. Any <br /> forbearan�e by Lender in exercising any righ�or remedy sha��n��be a waiver af or preclude the �xercxse �f any <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns Bound; Jfl�nt and SeWera� L�ability; Accommfldatifln S�gners. The covenants and <br /> agreemen�s af�h�s Secur��y �nstrument sha��bind and benef�the succ�ssars and assigns �f Lender and Borrov�er, <br /> su��ect to th� pro�zszans of section txtled Transfer of the Pr�pert� or a Benef�c�a� Interest �n Borrawer. <br /> Borr�vver's cfl�enan�s and agreements sha11 be j o�n�and se�eral. Any person vvho co�signs th�s S�curity Inst�rument <br /> bu� has no pers�na� ��abi�i�y under the �ontrac� �"Accommadat�on Signer"�: �a� is co�s�gnxng �his Security <br /> �ns�rument on�y to mor�gage, grant and con�ey that Accamrnodat�on Signer's �n�erest in �the Fraper�y under the <br /> �erms af the Security Instru.ment; (b� �s not personaily oblzga�ed �� pay the sums s�cured by �his Security <br /> �nstrumen�; and(c} agrees that Lender and any other Barrov�er may agree�o extend, mod�fy, forbear or make any <br /> ac�ommodatians wi�h regard tfl the�erm.s of this 5ecurity�nstrument ar�he�ontrac�wi�hout�hat Accommoda��an <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> Laan �harges. Zf�he �oan secured by th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� is subjec� to a �aw which se�s maximum �oan <br /> charges, and�hat Iaw �s f na11y in�erpre�ed sa�hat�he in��rest or other�oan charges collec�ed or t�be ca��e�t�d in <br /> connec�ior� v���h �he Iaan exceed �h� permitted ��mits, �hen: �a} any su�h lflan charge shail be reduced by �he <br /> amount necessary�o reduce�he charg��o the permzt�ed 1i.m�ts and(b) any sums already collected from Borrower <br /> wh��h �xceeded p�rmit��d �xmi�s wi�� be refi.�n.ded �o Borrower. Lender may choose �a make th�s refund by <br />�he pr�ncipal owed under�h� Contrac� or by makzng a direct pa�men��� Barrower. zf a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipal,the reduc�z�n w��i be treated as a par�ia�prepayment under�he Con�ract. <br /> Notices. Any n��ice �o Borrawer pro�zd�d for in this 5ecur��y Instrument sha�� be given by deliver�z�.g i� or by <br /> ma�ling it�y�rst class ma��unless Appl�cabXe Lav�requ�res use�f ano�h�r me�hod. The no�ic�shall be direc��d�a <br /> �he PraperCy Address or any other address Borr�wer des�gnates by notice�o Lender. Borrow�r agrees�� provide <br /> Lender wi�h Barrow�r's mos� current ma��ing address, as i�may change fram.��me-�o-tzme. Any notice to Lender <br /> shall be gz�en by frs�class mail to Lender's addr�ss stated here�n�r any o�her address Lender designates by n��i�e <br /> x�Borrovt�er.A�ray notice pravided for in this Security�ns�rument shall be deemed�o have been g�ven�o Borrawer <br /> or Lender v�hen gi�en as pro�ided�n this paragraph. � <br /> Go�erning Law; Severab���ty.This Security�nstrum�n�shal�be go�erned by federal Iaw and the�av�s of�he s�a�� <br /> af Nebraska. In the even� �hat any provis�on or c�ause of this S�curitiy �nstrumen� or �he Contrac� conflic�s vWith <br /> App�icable Lav�r, such conflic� shall no� affect other pro��s�ons of�his Se�urity �ns�rument �r�he Gantract which <br /> can be given effect wi�hout�he conflict�ng prov�s��n. To�his end the prov�sions af�his Security�nstrum�n�and�he <br /> ��ntract are declared t�be se�era�le. <br /> Borr�wer�s Capy.Barrower shall be g�ven one capy of�his Security�nstrum.en�. <br /> Transfer of the Property�r a Benef�cial Interest�n �arrower. If a��or any par�of�he Property nr any interes� <br /> in it zs sold ar transferred �or if a benef��a� �n�eres� in Borrawer xs sold or transf�rred and Borrower is not a <br /> natural person} wi�haut L�nder's pr�or written consent, Lender may, at ��s op�z�n, requ�re immedxa�e payment xn <br /> Cc�2����2014 CvrnpFiance Systems,ir�c.4958-SA56-2ai3L2.3.1.8�3 <br /> Consumer Rea1 Estate-Security Ins�rumen�DL2435 Page 3 af 5 www.camplian�esystems.�om <br />