<br /> �EE�3 �F T���T
<br /> Laan IVao 'I�'1����8� ��o�1tl�uled} F'age 3
<br /> - . � � so long as Trustor has noti�ied Lender in writing prior to doing so and sa long as, in Lend�r's sole❑pinion,-Lender's
<br /> interests in the Praperty are nvt jeopardized. Lender may require Trus�or �o past adequa�te securifiy �r a sure�y
<br /> �ond, r�asvnab�y satisfac�ory�� Len�er, tv pro�ect Lender's interest.
<br /> Dufiy to Prot�ct. Trus�or agr�es nei�her �� abandon or leave unatt�nded the Proper�y. Trusfivr shall do all other
<br /> acts, in additian�o �hose acts set forth ab�ve in this s�ctian. which�rom the chara�te�and us�of the Property are
<br /> reasanably n�cessary to protect and preser�e the Prvperty.
<br /> DUE�IV SALE - CONSENT �Y LENDER. Lender may, at L�nder's �pti�n, declare immediately due and payable all sums �
<br /> secured �y this D�ed of Trust upon the sale ar transf�r, without Lender's prior written consent, o�all vr any part vf th�
<br /> Real Prop�rty, or any int�rest in �he Real Property. A "sale ❑r trans�er" means �he can�eyance of Real Proper�y or any
<br /> right, title or interest in the Real Praperty; wh�ther [egal� beneficial or equitable; whether �oluntary vr inv�luntary;
<br /> whether by outrigh� sale, deed, installment sale contract, land con�rac�� contra�t for d�ed� I�asehol� interest w�th a
<br /> term grea�er than �hree �3} years, lease-optian cvntract, ar by sal�, assignment� vr transfer of any b�nefiicial in�erest in
<br /> ar to any land trus� holding ti�le �v the Rea[ Property, or by any o�her method of c�n�eyan�e af an interest in the Real
<br /> Prvperty. If any Trustar is a �orporati�n, partnership �r limited liabili�y campany, �rans�er als� inc�udes any chang� in
<br /> ownersh�p of m�re than twenty-�ive percent {�5°/0� vf th��otin� stock. par�nership infierests or�imited iiabi��ty company
<br /> interes�s, as �he case may be, af such Trustor. However, this optivn shall not be exercised by Lender if su�h exercise
<br /> is prflhibited by fiederal !aw or by Ne�raska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The follawing provisions relating tv the taxes and liens an the Praperty are part of this Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustvr shall pay when due �and in aIl events prior ta delEn�uency� all taxes, speciai�axes, as.s�ssmen�s,
<br /> charges �including wa�er and sewer�, fines and imp�sitions le�ied against or an account af the Prop�r�y. and shalf
<br /> pay wh�n due al� claims for w�rk done on or for services rendered or materia[ furnished ta the Property, Trustor
<br /> shafl rnaintain the Pr�perty free of all liens having priority o�er or equal to�h� in��rest o�Lender under this Deed vf
<br /> Trust, except f�r the [i�n of taxes and assessments not due and except as oth�rwise provided�in this Deed o�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Righ�t#❑ Cvntest. Trus�or may withh�ld payment vf any tax� assessment, or �laim �n �anne�tion with a govd faith
<br /> dispute over the �bligativn to pay, so long as Lender's int�rest in the Prvperty is nvt j�apardized. I�a lien arises or
<br /> is filed as a result af nonpaymentf Trustor shall within fif�een t�5� days after the li�n arises or, if a lien is filed.
<br /> wi�hin fi�teen {�5� days af�er Trustor has notice of th� filing, secure the discharge af the lien, ar i�r requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit with L�nder cash or a su��icient carpora�e surety bond�r ather security satisfactory tv Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient fo discharge the lien p[us any c�sts and attorneys' fees, or ather charges that could accrue as a
<br /> result flf a fareclosure�r sale_und�r the li�n. 1n any con�est.Trust�r shall defend itself and Lender and shali satis�y
<br /> any advers�judgmen�befor�enforc�ment against�he Prop�rty. Trustvr shall name Lender as an additianal abligee
<br /> under any sure�y�ond furnished in th�con�est proceedings.
<br /> Evidence a#Payment. Trustor shall upon d�mand furnish to Lend�r satisfac�vey eviden�e vf payment of the taxes
<br /> vr assessmen�s and shall authori�e �he appr�pria�e gvvernmental afifiicial �� deliver�a Lender at any time a wri���n
<br /> statement�f�he taxes and assessments against the Praperty.
<br /> Notice of Construc�ion. Trustor shall notify Lender at least �ifteen ��5} days be�ore any wvrk is comrnenced, an�
<br /> services are furnished� ar any ma�er�a{s are supplied to the Prop�rfiy, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien� or
<br /> other lien could be asserted on account o� the work� ser�ices, or mat�r=als. Trust�r will upvn requ�st o� Lender
<br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfact�ry to Lender �hat Trus�o�- can and will pay �he cost a� such
<br /> impr�v�ments.
<br /> PRaPERTY DAMAGE IIVSUR�4NCE. The fQ1lQwing proWisions r�la�ing to insuring �he Prop�rty are a part ofi this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Mainfienan�e o�F Insurance. Trustor shall procure and main�ain pvlicies of tire insurance wi�h stan�fard ex�ended
<br /> caWerage endorsements an a fair �alue basis fvr the fu1� insurable �rafue covering all Improvements on the R�al
<br /> Property in an amount sufifiicient to a�oid application �f any �oinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee
<br /> claus� in fa�ar�f Lender. Trustor shall also prvcure and mainta�n comprehensive general liability insuran�e in such
<br /> ca��rage amounts as Lender may requ�st with Trus�ee and Lender being named as additinnal insureds in such
<br /> liabili�y insurance poli�ies. Addi�ionaily, Trus�ar shall main�ain such ��her insuran�e, including but not �imite� t❑
<br /> hazard� business interrupti�n, and bai�er insurance, as Lender may reasonably requir�. Pol�cies sha11 be v►rritten in
<br /> �orm, amounts, c��erages and basis reasanably acceptabl� �o Lender and issued by a company or companies
<br /> r�asonably acceptable to Lender. Trust�r, upon requ�st of Lender, will deli�er to Lender frvm time to �ime the
<br /> poli�ies or certificates af insurance in form satisfact�ry to Lender, includ�ng st�pulations �ha�t coverages will n�t be
<br /> cancel�ed ar diminished withou� at feast ten �1�} days priar wri�ten nc�tice ta Lender. Each insurance pflfi�y alsa
<br /> shall inciude an endorsement pro�idin� tha�co�erage in fa�ar of Lender w�ll not be impa�red in any way by any ac��
<br /> omission or de�ault �f TrustQr or any ather persan. Should the Real Prvperty be Ivcat�d in an area designat�d by
<br /> the Admini��ratar o��he Federal Emergency Managernen�Agency as a special �lovd hazard area, Trustar agrees to
<br /> obtain and main�ain Federal Flaod Insu�ance, if availab�a, �or �he full unpaid prin�ipal �alance of the (van and any
<br /> prior liens on the property se�uring the ioan, up �ta the maximum p�licy l�mits set under �he IVational Fload
<br /> Insurance Pragram, �r as oth�rwise required by Lender, and ta main�tain such insurance�Far�h��erm of�he Ivan.
<br /> Applicativn vf Prflceeds. Trustor shafl promp�ly notify Lender of any l�ss or damage to the Praperty. Lender may
<br />