<br /> �EED �F TF�LJST"
<br /> �van iVo: 1������88 �C��tinu�d} Page �
<br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATIDNS AlVD VIIARRANTIESs Trustor �rvarr�nts_that: �a) this Deed vf Trust is executed at
<br /> Borrower's r�quest and na� at �he requ�st �� Lender; �b� Trustor has th� ��u[I power� right, and authority to en�er into
<br /> this �eed af Trust and to hypo�th�cate the Property; �c} the praWisions of �his Deed of Trust do not c�nflict with� or
<br /> result in a de�ault under any agr��ment ar other instrumen� binding upon TrustQr and do na� resulfi in a �ia�ation of any
<br /> law, regulatinn� court decree or vrder applicable fo Trus�vr; (d} Trus�or has established adequa�e means ❑f obtaining
<br /> �Fram B�rrower on a c�ntinuing basis informa�kion abou� B�rrower's financial conditivn; and �e� Lend�r has made no
<br /> representation ta Trus�or about Borrower �including withaut limitation the creditworthiness of Bvrra�n►er}.
<br /> TRUSTOR'S WAIVERS. Trustor wai�es all �-ights or d�f�ns�s aris�ng by reason of any "vne a�tion" vr "anti-d��iciency"
<br /> [aw, or any other law whi�h may pre��nt L�nder fram hringing any acti�n against Trus��r, including a claim fvr
<br /> defic��ncy t❑ the extent L�nder is otherwise entitled to a c[aim f�r d��icien�y, before or af�er Lender's commencement
<br /> ar cornpletion�f any f�rec{osur�ac�ion, either�udicially or by exercise of a power of sale.
<br /> PAYMEIVT AND PERF�RMANGE. Except as o�herwise provided in �his Deed �f Trus�, Barrowe�shalE pay to Lender all
<br /> Ind�btedness s�cured hy this De�d o� Trust as i� be�ames due, and B�rrower and Trustor shall perform all their
<br /> respecfive obligatians under the Note, thfs ❑eed af T�-ust. and the Relafied Dncuments.
<br /> PDSSESSI�N AND MAINTENANCE DF THE PR�PERTY. Borrower and Trustvr agree that Borrawer's and Trustor's
<br /> possessi�n and use af�the Property shall be governed by the following pravisivns:
<br /> Pvssession and Use. Until the occurrenc� of an E�ent of Default, Trustor may {1} r�main in passession and
<br /> control of th� Property; ��y use, opera�e or manag�the Pr�p�rty; and t3y collect�he Ren�s from the Proper�y.
<br /> I]uty tn Maintain. Trustar shalE maintain the Prop�rty in �enantab�e condifian and promptly per�farm all repairs,
<br /> replacem�nts, and ma�nt�nance necessary�o preserve its value.
<br /> �omplian�e With Envirvnmental Laws. Trus�or r�presen�s and warranfs to Lender that: {1 f During the period of
<br /> Trus�or's ownership of the Proper�y, there has been na use, generativn, manufacture, stvrage,treatment, disposal,
<br /> release or threatened release of any Hazard�us Substan�e by any persan on, under, about or from �he Pr�p�r�y;
<br /> �2y Trustor has no knaw[edg� of, or reason to believe that �here has been, �xc�p� as preWiously dis�losed to and
<br /> a�I�nowEedged by L�nder in writing, {a� any �reach �r W�alatit�n of any En�ironm�ntal Laws, �b} any us�,
<br /> generation, manufacture. stnrag�, firea�ment, disposa[, ref�ase or threa�tened release af any Haza�-dous 5ubstance
<br /> on. under. about or from th� Proper�y by any p�ior awners ar occupants af th� Properfiy, or �c) any actual or
<br /> thr�a�ened litigatian ar claims vf any kind by any person relating �o such matters; and �3y Except as pr�viausly
<br /> disclosed to and ackn�wledged by Lender in writing, {a� neither Trustv�-nor any tenant. con�ractor, agent or�ther
<br /> au�hori��d user of th� Proper�y sha�l use. generate, manufa�tur�, store, �reat, disp�se of or release any Hazardous
<br /> Substance an. under, abaut flr from�he Property; and �b} any such acti�ity shall b�canduc�ed En complian�e with
<br /> a�l applicable fed�ral, state, and local laws, regula�ions and o�dinances, inc�uding without limita�ion all
<br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agents �a enter upon th� Proper�y ta make such
<br /> insp�c�ions and tests, at Trustor's expens�, as Lender may deem approp�iate to de�ermine cvmpiiance af the
<br /> Prope�ty with this s�ction �� the Deed af Trust. Any insp�ctions or t�sts made hy Lender shall be for Lender's
<br /> purpas�s on�y and shall not b� canstrued to create any r�sponsibility nr IEabtlity on the part af Lender to Trustor or
<br /> ta any other person. The representati�ns and warranties contained herein are based an Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> inv�stigating th� Property f�r Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby �1� releases and wai�es any �uture claims
<br /> against L�nder for indamnity or cantributi�n in �khe errent Trustor bec�m�s lia�te for �leanup or other costs und�r
<br /> any su�h lavus; and {2} agrees to indemnify, defiend, and h�ld harmless L�nd�r against any and a!f claims, rosses�
<br /> liabilities� damages, penalti�s, and expenses which Lender may dire�t�y�r indirec�tly sustain or suffer resulting from
<br /> a breach af this s�ction ot the Deed of Trust ❑r as a consequence af any use, genera�ion, rnanufacture, stora�e,
<br /> disposal, release or threatened releas�occurring prior to Trustor"s�wnership ar int�r�st in the Property, whether or
<br /> nofi the same was or shauld ha�e been known tv Trustor. The pr��isions of �his section vf the aeed of Trust,
<br /> including the abfigation to indemnify and d�fend, shali surWi�e th� payment of th� Indebtedness and the satisfaction
<br /> and recanv�yan�e ❑f the lien of�khis Deed of Trust and shal� not be af�eCted by L�nder's acquisitian of any interest
<br /> in the Prope�ty, whether by foreclosure ar otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Wast�, Trustor sha[I not cause� conduct ar permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, �r suff�r any
<br /> stripping ofi or waste on �r �❑ �he Praperty or any par�ion vf th� Property. VIl��hout limiting �he generality af the
<br /> �foregning, Trust�r will n��t remo�e� ar gran��o any vther party the rEght to remo��, any tim�er, minerals �including
<br /> oil and gasy,caa1, �[ay, scaria, soif, gra�el or rack prvducts wi�hout Lender'S prior written consent.
<br /> Remo�al❑f Imprav�ments. Trus�or shall nat dema�ish vr remave any Impr�vem�nts fram the Real Property without
<br /> Lender's pri�r written cansent. As a condition'ko the remvval of any Impro�emen�s, Lender may require Trustor to
<br /> make arrangemen�s satisfac�ory tv Lender to replace such impro�em�n�s w�th lmpro��ments �f at leas� equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender`s Right ta Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representa�i�es may ent�r upon the Rea� Prop�rty at all
<br /> reasonable times ta attend to Lender's interests and ta inspect the Rea� Property #vr purposes af Trus�ar`s
<br /> carnpliance with�he terms and canditions v�this Deed Qf Trust.
<br /> Campliance with Ga►rernmental Requirem�n�ts. Trustar shall pr�mptly comply with all 1aws, �rdinances, and
<br /> regula�ians, now ar hereafter in �ffect, af all go�ernmental authorities applicable �o �he use or occupancy of the
<br /> Praper�y, inc[uding without limi�ati�n, the Americans Vllith Qisabi[ities Act. T�-us�ar may �ontest in good faith any
<br /> such law, ordinan�e, ar regulatian and withhold compliance durin� any pr�ceeding, including apprvpriate appeals,
<br />