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��14�7�9� <br /> �EE� �F TF�LJST <br /> Loan 1V�: 1�D'I'f��� ����1t����C�� Page � <br /> pubiic; {b) join in granting any easement or creat�ng any res�ri��ion on �he Real Proper�y; and �c} join in �ny <br /> subordina�ion o�-o�her agreem�nt a��ecting�his Deed of Trus�or the inter�st of Lender under th�s ❑eed of Trus-�. <br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet a[[ qua���ications requir�d �or Trusfiee applicable law. ln addi�ion to the rights <br /> and remedies set forth abo�e, ��th respect to all or any part a€�he Proper�y, the Trustee shall ha�e the right to <br /> fvrecIvse hy no�ice and sale, and Lender will ha�e the righ� �o fareeiase �y judicial foreclasure, in either case in <br /> accordan�e vi�ith and to the full extent pro�id�d by applicable law. <br /> SuGcessor Trus��e. Lender, a� Lender's �p�ion, ma��rom time�Co�time a successvr Trus�ee to any Trustee <br /> appvinted under this Deed v�Trust by an �nstrument executed �nd acknowledged by Lender and recorded in �h� <br /> office o�th� recorde-r of HALL Coun�y, State v� Nebras[�a. The ins�rument shalf cantain, in add�tion to all oth�r <br /> mat�ers required by state law, the names of the orEginal Lender, Trus�ee, and Trus�or; the book and page {or <br /> comput�r syste.m reference} where this D�ed a� Trust is recorded, and the name and address of the su�cessor <br /> trustee, and the instrumen�sha.11 be executed and acknowfedged by a-IE the beneficiaries under this De�d o�Trus-t or <br /> the�r sucGessors in interest. The su�cessor trus�ee, vvi�haut conveyance v�fihe Property; sha[I succeed to a�l -�he <br /> tit[e, p�wer, and du�ies conferred upvn the Trustee in this Deed of Trus�and by applieab�e law. This prvicedu.�-�far <br /> subs�itution o�Trus�ee sha�.�govern to�he exclusion o�a��other provisions for substitution. � <br /> N�TICES. Any no��ce requ�red ta be �iv�n under�his �eed of Trust, including withou� fimitativn any noti�e o-� defau[t <br /> and any notice of sale sha1� be giv�n in writing, and shall be effec-�ive Vvhen actua[[y deli�ered, when actua[[y received <br /> by te[efacsimile {unless o�herwise required by 1aw�, when dep�si�ed with a nationa[[y recognized o�ernight courier., or, i# <br /> mailed, when deposited in the �nirted Sfiat�s mai[, as firs�class, certified or regis�ered r�nail p�stage prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shown near the beginning o�this Deed of Trust. A[I capies o�f no�ices o#foreclosure from the holder o�F <br /> any [ien �nrhich has priority a�er �his Deed o�F Trust shall be sent �o Lender°s address, as shown near the�beginning of <br /> this Deed o�Trus�. Any p.erson may change his or her address far no�ic�s under this Deed af Trust by gi�€ng forma� <br /> writ�en nvtice �o the ather person or persons, specifying �:hat the purpose o� the not�ce is to change �th� person's <br /> address. For notrce purposes,Trus�or agrees to keep Lender infarmed�t all��m�s o�Trusto�'s current address. LJniess � <br /> o�herwise pro�ided or required by law, i�th�r� is more than one Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender�� any Trus�or is <br /> deemed to b� no�i�e�iven to all Trustvrs, It wiI[ be Trustor's responsib���ty to telC�he others ot the not�c�from L�nder. <br /> 11fIiS�ELLA�VE�US PRaVISiONS. The�a��awing miscellanevus pro�isia.ns are a part af�his Deed of T�ust: <br /> A�merad�nenfis. V1Iha� is writ�en in this D�ed of Trust and in the Related Dncuments �s Trus�or's entire agreement <br /> with Lender cvncerning the matters coWered by this Deed of Trus�, To be effec�i�e, any�hange or amendment to <br /> this Deed af Trust must be in w�-�t�ng and mus� be sign�d by�rvhoe�er wil[ be hound or obliga�ed by the chang� or <br /> arr�endment. <br /> Cap�ion Headings. �ap�'ran headings in this Deed of Trus� are f�r con�enience purpvses �n.fy and are n�� �o �e <br /> used to in-�erpret or define�he p�o�isions of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Me�ger. There shafl be n� merger of the in�erest or�s�ate created hy fih�s Deed of Trust vvith any other int�r�st or <br /> estate in�he Prop�r�ty at any fiime held by or�For�he bene�it of Lend�r�n any capa�ity, v�ithout�the writk�:n consent <br /> af Lender. <br /> G�verneng Law. T'h�s Deed vf Trust will be g��erned by federai la�nr app�dcable to Le�der and, �o ��e ex�en� no� <br /> preernp�ed by feder��iaw,the[aws of�he State�f Nehraska w�thou�regard to its�on�licts v��aw prov�s�or�s, Thas <br /> 17eedf v�f T�us�has b�en accepfed by L�nder ara t�e S�a�e of 1Vebr�ska. <br /> Chvi�� vf Venue. lf�here is a lawsuit, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's request to submit to the�urisdic�ion of the <br /> c.ourts of Ha�� County, 5tate of IVehraska. <br /> Nv'Wai�er by Lender. Trustor understands Lend�r wiC[ no�giWe up any o�Lender's rights und�r this Deed of�rust <br /> unless Lender does s❑ in writing. The fact that Lender de[ays vr om�ts to exercise any right virill no� mean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. lf Lender do�s agree ir� v�iri�ing �� gi�e up one �# Lender's rights, �ha� does no� <br /> mean Trustor will not ha�e ta comp�y with �he o�he�- pro�isions of this Deed of�C"�-ust;. �rustor a[sa understands <br /> that if Lend�r does cv.nsent �v a �equest, �ha� d�es not mean �hat Trustor wiE[ not ha�e to ge� Lender's consen� <br /> again if�he situation happens again. Trustor furth�r understands that jus�because Lender consen�s fio one or more <br /> o�Trustor's reques�s, tha�t does not mean Lender wii[ be required to consent to any of Trustor's €uture requests. <br /> Trustor�nrai�es presentmen�, demand�or payment, pro�est,�nd notic�of dishonor. <br /> Severabilify. If a cau�finds that any proWision a€this Deed o-�Trust is not �ra[id or should not b� enf�rced, that <br /> �ac��y itsel-F vtirifl no�mean tha�t�he r�s�of�his Deed af Trust wi[[ not be�alid or en�orced. Therefore, a court vvill <br /> enforce the res�of the proW�sions o�F this Deed o�r Trust e�en if a pro�isian of th�s Deed of Trus�may be found�v be <br /> inWalid o�r unenforceable. � <br /> Successvrs and Ass�gns. Subject�o any lim�fiafiions stated �n �his Deed of Trust on trans�er o�Trus�or's interest, <br /> this D��cf ❑��rusfi shal] be b�nd�ng upon and inur� �a fhe bene�it of the par�ti�s, �heir succes.sors and assigns, lf <br /> awnership �f the Pro�erty becvmes �ested in a person o�her than Trus�or, Lender, �rvithau�t no�Eee to Trustor, may <br /> dea� wi�h Trustor's successors with reference�t�this �e�d o�Trust anci�he lndeb�edness by way o�€orbearance or <br /> ext�nsion wi�hout re[easing Trustor�from�he o�[iga�tions of�his Deed Q�Trusfi or liability under�he In.deb�edness. <br /> TEme is o�the Essence. Time is af the essence in�he perfor�-nan�e o�this Deed af Trust. _ <br /> 11Vai�r� Ju�y. AI�par�ies to this Deed o�Trusf h�r�by waarre the �igh�t� any jury tr'ia[ in �ny�c�ian, ��oceeding, or <br /> cvu��er�laim brough�by any party agains�any oth�r par�y. <br /> V'�ai�er vf Fivrnest�ad Exe�nption. Trustar hereby re[eases and Uvai�es all righ�s and benefi�s ❑f the hvmestead <br /> exemption �aws of the State af Nebraska as to all [ndei�t�dness secured by this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> � �EFlN�T[�1V5. The�Follvwing w��-ds shalf have the followin�m�anings when used in th'rs Deed o�Trust: <br /> Bene�i�Eary. The word '�Benef'rciary" means Equitabfe Bank, and'r-ts successors and assigns. <br /> Ba�r�wer. The ward "gvrr�wer'r means MARTIN P BQOTHE and includes a�� �v-signers and co-makers signing the <br /> No�e ancl afl their suc�essors and assigns. <br /> I3eed v� Yrust. The words "Deed of T�rus�" mean �his D��d of Trust amang Trustor, Lender, and Truste�, and <br /> inc�udes wi�hout limitation all �ssi�nmen�C and security in�eres� pr��isions relat�ng to �he Persona� Praperfiy and <br /> Rents. <br /> EnWironmen�al Laws. The words °'Envirvnmenta[ Laws°' mean any and a[[ state, �ederal and �ocal s�a�utes, <br /> regu[ations and ❑rdinances refating �v the proteGtion vf human heal�h or the enWironment, inc�'uding wifihout <br /> fimi�a�ivn the CQmprehensi�e En�'rranmental Respanse, Compensafiion, and LiabilEty Act of �98D, as amended, 4� <br /> LJ.S.C. Section 96a�, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendments a.nd Reauthorization Ac�o€ �986, Pub. :L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardvus Materia�s Transportatian Act, 4-9 U.S,G. Section �8��, ert seq.,th�Resaurce <br /> ConserWafion and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. 5e��ion �9D�f, e�seq., or a�he� app[icable state or federai �aws, rules, <br /> or regulati�ns advp�ed pursuant there�o. <br /> Event vf Defaul�. The v�rords "E�ent of Defaul�" mean any of the events of de�auft set�orth in�his �eed ofi Trust in <br /> the e�ents❑�defauCt section o€this Deed af Trust. <br /> Guaranfiyw The inrord "Guaranty" means the guaranty fror�-�guarantor, endarser,surety, �r accomrrloda�ion par-ty�o <br />