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��14�7�9� <br /> 1DEE�3 �1F TR�J�T <br /> r <br /> Lo�n No: 7����2�� on��nu�c�� Pa�e � <br /> of�he Proper�y, or any par�the�eof, in ��s own name nr in the name��Trus�ee, and do any ac�s�rvhich it <br /> deems necessary or desirah�e to preserve the�a�ue, markefia�i�ity or r�ntabili�y af-�he Property, or pa�t o� <br /> the Praperty or in�erest in the Praperty; in-crease the income from the Prvper-�y or protec��he securi�ky o�r <br /> �he Prapertyr and, v�rith ❑r w�thou� taking possession of the Property, sue �or or o�th�rwise collect �he <br /> rents, issues and prof�ts of�he Property, includin� �thflse past due and unpaid, and app[y�h� same, less <br /> cos�s and expenses of operation and cQl�ection at�orneys' fees,to any indebtedness secured by this Deed <br /> of Trust, all in such ❑rder as Lender may de�ermine, The entering upon and taking possession o� the <br /> Property, the co�lec�ion fl� such rents, issue5 and pra�its, and the appIication �hereo� shall not cure or <br /> wai�e any default or no�ice o�defau[t unde��his Deed o�Trust or in�alida�e any act done in respvnse to <br /> sueh defaul�or pursuant�o such notice of default; and, no�w'rthstanding th�con�inuance in possession �f <br /> �he Property or the co��ec.�ivn, �eceipt and applicat€on o� ren�s, issues or profi�s, Trustee or Lender shall <br /> be enti��ed to exercise eW�r-y right pro�ided for in the No�e or the Rela�ed Documents or by [aw upon �he <br /> vccurrence o�any e�ent of defiault, inc[uding�he�-igh�to exercise the power o�sale, <br /> �b} Commence an action to fore�[ose�his Deed o�Trust as a mortgag�, appoint a recei�e�ar spec�fica�iy <br /> en�orce any of the cavenants he��af; and <br /> �c} Deliver�a Trus�ee a wri�ten dec�aration of defau,[t and demand tor sale and a vvritten noti�e o�defau�t <br /> and elee�ion ta cause Trus�vr's interest in the Propert�to be sold, which notice 1 r-ustee shall cause ta be. <br /> duly�iled f�r record in the appropriate���iees of the County in which the Property is located; and <br /> {�} V11i�h respect to ai[ or any part vf-�he Pers�nal Property, Lend�r shal[ have all �he rights and rerriedie� <br /> �f a secured par�y under�he Ne�raska Uniform Commercial �vde. <br /> Fnreclvsure by Pvwe�o�5al,e. [�F L�nder elec�s to�oreclose by exercrse vf the Povve�o�Sa[e herein contained,. <br /> Lender sha[[ no�ify Trus-�ee and sha[[ deposit wi�h Trustee �his Deed of T�-us� and �h� Na�e and such re�eipfis <br /> and e�id�nce of expenditures made and secured by fihis Deed a�Trus�as Trustee may require. <br /> �a} lJpfln receip�of such not�ce f�-om Lender,Trustee shall cause to be re�orded, pub[�shed and deI€�ered <br /> to Trusto�r such No�ic� o� Defau[t and Notice of Sa[e as then required by 1aw and by�his Deed of Trus�� <br /> Trus�ee sha[[, without demand vn Trusto�-r after such fiime as may �hen be required by �aw and afte� <br /> recordation o€such No�ice of D�fau�t and after Nvti�e of Sa[e having �een gi�en as required by law, se�� <br /> �he Proper�y at the �ime and p[ace of sa�e �ix�d by it in such Notic� of Sale, either as a whole, or in <br /> separate lots or par�els or items as Trustee sha[[ deem e�€pedient. and in such order as ��may determine, <br /> at publie auc�ion tv the highest�idder#or cash in law�u� rnoney❑-��he United S�ates payab[e at�he time <br /> of sale. �rustee shall de[ive�- to such pu�-chaser or purchasers therevf i�s good and sufiFicien� deed or <br /> d��ds con�eying the property so sold, bu-� w�thout any cavenan-t or v�rarranty, express or irriplied. Th� <br /> r�citals in such d�ed of any matters or�acts shall b� cflnc[usi�e proo�F of the tru�hfu�ness �hereo�. Any <br /> pe�san,inc[ud`€ng without lim�tation Trustvr, Trustee, or Lender, may purchase a�such sa[e. <br /> {b} As may be pe�-mi��ed by faw, af-ter deducting a[I costs� fees and expenses o� Trustee and of �his <br /> Trust, including casts of e�idence of tit[e in can.nection wi�h sa�e,Trus�ee shall apply the proceeds of sale <br /> to payment of �i} a��sums expended under the terms of this Deed of Trus�k or under the terms o-�the Na-te <br /> not then repaid, including but no� limi�ed �o accrued �nterest and [ate cha�ges, �ii� all vthe� sums then <br /> secured hereby, and �iii}�he remainder, i�any,to the person ar persons legally entitled�her�ta. <br /> �c} Trus�ee may in the manner pro�ided by law pos�pone saie of a[[or any portion o�the Property� <br /> Remedies �ot Ex��usive. T�-ustee and Lender, and each v� them, sha�i be en-tit�ed to en-�oree paym�nt and <br /> perfvrrnanee o�any indeb��dness vr ob�igations secured by�his �eed o�Yrust and fio e�cer�ise a�[ rights and pavve:rs <br /> under th�s Deed of Trus�, under the Note, under any of fihe Related Documents, or under any v�her agreement or <br /> any laws now ar herea�ter in force; notwi�hs�anding, sorr�e or a�l of such ind�btedness ar�d v�Iigat�ons secured by � <br /> this ❑eed vf Trus� may nov�r vr hereafiter �e otherwise secured, whether by mortgag�, de�d o�trus�, pledger lien, <br /> assignment or otherv�rise. Nei�her the accep�ance o� this Deed af Tr.ust nor its enforcemen�, vvhether by �aurt <br /> ac�ion ar pursuant�o the pov�rer a�sa[e or vther powers con�aiined in this Deed of Trustr shal� prejudice or in any <br /> manner a��ect Trustee's or Lender's right to rea[iz� upvn vr enforce any other security nn�rv or herea-��er he[d by <br /> Trustee or Lender, it being agreed�khat Trus�ee and Lender,and each of�hem, shall be entit�ed to enforce�hEs Deed <br /> of Trust and any other secu�r�ty naw or hereafter he[d by Lender or Trustee in such order and manner as they or <br /> either of them may in their ahsolute discretion de�ermine. No remedy conferred upon or reserved ta Trust�e or <br /> Lender, is intended to be exc�usi�� vf any vther remed�in this Deed of Trust or by [aw pro�ided or permitked, but <br /> each sha[[ b� cumulative and sha[[ be in addition to every other �-emedy gi�en in this �eed of Trust or now or <br /> here=after e�eis�ing at[aw or in equity or by sta�ute: E�ery power or r�medy gi�en by the Note or any vf the Related <br /> Documen�s to Trus�ee or �ender or �a which ei�her vf them may �e otherwise enti-t[ed, may be e�c�rcised, <br /> cvncurren�ly or independent�y�-�rorn tirne�a time�an� as ofter� as may be s�eemed exped�ent ��Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and either o� them may pursue �nconsistent remedies. Nothing in �h,is �Deed of T�-u�fi sha[[ be c�nstr�ed a� <br /> prohibiting Lender��-vm seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor t��the e-xtent such a�tion is permit�ed by <br /> �aw. <br /> Electivn �f Remedies. A[[ o� Lender's rights and remedies w�ll be cumu-[at��e and may be e�ercised a[�ne or <br /> together. lf Lender decides �o spend m�ney or to perform any of Trustor's obI'igatiflns under this Deed of Trust, <br /> af�er Trustor`s �ailure to do so, that de��sion �y Lender wi11 not a��ect Lender's rEght to declare Trus�or in defau[t <br /> and�o exercise Lende�-'s remedies. <br /> Request fvr Nvtice. Trusrtar, on behalf of Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that� eopy of any Notice o�Detau[t <br /> and a copy�-�any Notice of Sa�e under�his Deed o�Trus�be ma�fed to�h�m at fihe addresses se�forth in�he first <br /> paragraph of this Deed o�r Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; �xpenses. �f Lender institu�es any suit �r �ction -�❑ en�orce any af the �terms of this Deed o� <br /> Trust, Lender sha[[ be en-�itfed fio reca�er such sum as�he co�rt may adjudg� reasonable as a�tor�eysr f�es a�tria� <br /> and upon any appea�, 111lhether or not any court ac�on is invo[ved, and �o the extent not prahibited by law, a11 <br /> �easar�able expenses Lender incurs that in Lend��`s opinior� a�e necessary at any �ime �or the pro�e��ion of �ts <br /> in�erest or the en�orcement o�i�s r�gh�s s�all become a pa�of the lndebtedness payab[e o�demand and�hall bear <br /> �nterest a��he Nvte rate�r�m�he date o�the expend��ure untif repaid. Expenses cc�ver�d by th�s paragraph include, <br /> wi�hou� [�mitativn, howe�er sub��ct�a any limits under app��cable [aw, Lender's attarneys� fees and Lender's [ega! <br /> �xpensesr virhether or no� there is a lawsu�t, inc[uding attarneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy prviceedings <br /> {including ef�orts ta modify or vacate any au�omatic stay vr injunctian}, appeals, and any anticipated past-sud�men� <br /> collectian se��ices, the cost vf searching records, vhtaining ti�le repor�s 4inc[uding forecfosur� repor�s�, surveyors" <br /> reports, and app�aisal fees, �it[e insurance, and fees �ar th� Trustee, to the exten� permi��ed by app[icable [aw. <br /> Trus�or a[s�will pay any court co�sts, in addition to all other sums Rrovic�ed by�aw. <br /> ��ghts vf Trustee. Trustee sha[� ha�e a[f of�he rights and duties of Lender as set for�h in this section, <br /> P��lSIE�S �►N� ��3L1GAT6aN5 �F T�USTEE, The�allowsng pr��isions relating to the p�wers and o�ligati�ns of Trustee <br /> are part o�th�s Deed o€Trust: <br /> Powers v�r`��ustee. [n additivn t� al� p�tirvers of�rus�e��r�sing �s a ma�er of law,Trustee shai[ haWe the power to <br /> take the fvllowing actions wi�h respec��o the Properfy upon th�written request vf Lender an.d Yrustor: {a}l�in ira <br /> preparing and filing a map or p[a�k ofi the Real �'raper�y, including the dedicat�on o� stree�s ar ather righ�s �to th� <br />