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. 2oi � o � � �7 <br />' any other manner includirtg deed in lieu of Condemn�tion ("Condemnation"), ar shauld Truator <br /> receive any notice Qr ather inform�tion re�;2�rding si�ch proceeding, Tz�eistor shall give prompt <br /> written notice thereof ta Beneficiaty. Benefioiary sha11 be entitled to all compensation, awatds <br /> and other payments dr r�lief therefore, and sh�l! be entitled at its option to commence, appear in <br />� and prosecute in its own name any action or pmceedings. Benefiaiary sh�ll also be entit�ed ta <br /> ma.�ce axty compromise or settIement in connectian with such tal�ing or damage. Ali such <br />� r.,Qmpensation, awards, darnages, rights of actian and proceeds awarded to Ttustor (the <br />, "Proceeds") are her�by assigned to Beneficiary and Trustor �gr�es to execute such further <br /> assignments of Ehe Prdceeds as Benefeciary or Trustee may require. <br /> 6. APPQYh1TMENT OF SLTCCESSOR TRUS'tEE. Bene�iciary may, frc>m time to rime, <br /> by a written instrument exe�uted and acknowled�ed by $en�ficiary, mailed to TnLstor and <br /> Recordecl in the county in which the Trust Esta#e is located�nd by otherwise complying with the <br /> pravisions of the �pglic�ble law of the State of Ne�iraska substitute a st�ccessor or successors tn <br /> I the Trustee n�m�d herein or acting hereunder. <br />� 7. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This De�d af Tn.�st applies to, inures ta the benefit <br /> of and binds all parties hereto,th�eu h�irs, legat,�es,devise�s,person�t repres�ntatives, succ�ssars <br /> and assigns, The tet'm "Beneficiary" shall m�an the owner �nd halder of th� Nate, whether or <br /> not n�med as Beneficiary herein, <br /> $. TNSPECTT�NS. Benef cisry, or i#s a�ent�, representatives ar workm�cn, are <br /> autharized to�nter at any reasonable time upon ar in any part of the Trust Estate for the purpos� <br /> af inspecting th� same and for the purpose of p�rforming auty of the acts it is authorixed to <br /> pezform under t�xe terms of x.ny c�f the Loan Instruments. <br /> 9. EVEIVTS OF DEFAULT, Any of the follawing events shall be deemed an event of <br /> def�ult heneunder: <br /> (a) Tnistor sha11 have faiied to make p�ymet�t of any inst�lllment of int�rest, principal,or <br /> grincipal az�d interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;or <br /> (U) There has occurred a breach of or d�fault unde�' �ny term, e�venant, agroement, <br /> candition,provision,representation or w�rranty containea in an�r of the Loaan Instivmcnts. <br /> I 10. ACC��,ERATIC)N iJPON DEFAULT, AL)DI7IQNAL REMEDIES. Sh�uld an <br /> ev�t of default �ccur Bettef ciary may declare ail indebmess secured hereby ta be due and <br /> payable and the same sha11 thercupon became duc and payable withuut any presentment, <br /> I demaud,protest or natice of aay kind. Thereafter$eneficiary may: <br /> {i) $ither in person or by agent, with or withaat bringing any �tion or pmceeding,ar by <br /> a rcceiver appointed by a caurt and without regard to the adequacy of its security, enter upon and <br />' take possession of the Trust Fstate, or any part thEreof, in its own name or in the name af <br /> i Trustee, and do ar�y acts which it decros n�essary or desirable to pmserve the value, <br />� marketability or rentability of#he Trust Estate, or part thereof or int�rest therein, increase the <br /> income therefrom ar pr�tect the security hereof �nd, with ar without taking passessian af the <br />' Trust Estate,sue for or otherwise cullect the rents, issues and profits thered.f, including those past <br />� due and unpaid, and apply the same, le.�s costs and �xpenses of operatian �n� collection <br />, including attorneys° fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby, al! in such order 2�s Beneficiary <br />