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��14��59� <br /> sen�ences sha�� zaot appl�t� the presen�e, use, or stora�e on the Property of sma11 quantities of Ha.2ardnus <br /> Substances that are genera�ly recogniz�d tn be appr�pr�ate to n�r�mal res�dential uses and ta ma�ntenanC�nf <br /> the Proper��r ��nclu�ing, but na� ��mit�d to, hazard�us su��tar�ces in cansumer products}. <br /> B�rrower shall pramptly giv� Lender written notice of�a} any investigation, ��a�m, demand, la�vsuit or o�her <br /> action b�any governmen�al �r regulatory a�enc�r or pr�vate par�y �nv��ving the Proper�y and any �3azardous <br /> Substance or Envirnnmen�a� Law of which Barrov�er has ac�ua� knaw�edg�, �b}any Environmenta� <br /> �ondi���n, inc�ud'zng bu�nat limited to, an� spil�ing, l�ak�ng, d�scharg�, release or threat of r�Iease of any <br /> �a2ardous Substance, an� �c} an�condi�ian caused by �he pr�s�nce, use ar release of a�azardous Substan�e <br /> �v�rh�ch adversel�r affects th�valu�of�he Proper�y. �f B�rrotiver�earns, ar is notified by any go�ernm�nta�ar <br /> regulatory au�hority, or any pr�va�e par�y, ��at any remaval�r ather remed�a��an of any Hazardou� Su�stance <br /> affectzng �he Praper�y is necessary, Borraw�r sha�I pr�mptly take a��necessary remedial a��ions �n <br /> accardance wi�h Environmental Lau�. Noth�ng h�rein sha�� cr�ate any obiiga�ion�n L�nder f�r an <br /> Environmenta� C�eanup. <br /> Non-Un�form C�venants. Borro�ver and Lender covenant and agree as fo�Xavvs: <br /> ��. A�celerativn; Remedi�s. Lender�hall give not�ce ta Borrvwer prior to ac�eieration fo��ow�ng <br /> Borrower's breach vF any co�enan�ar agr��ment�n this Security InS�rumen� �but not prior�a <br /> acce�era�ion under Sect�on 1S un�es�App�icab�e Law pro�ides o�herw�se�. The n��ice sha�l spec�fy: �a} <br /> the defau��; �b} �he aCtian required�o cure the defaul�; �c� a date, na�Iess�han 3U day� fram�the date <br /> the not�ce�s given�a Borrawer, by which�he defau�t must �e curedy and td) �hat fa��ure to cure the <br /> defau�t an ar befnre the da�e specified in the no��ce may r�suit in accelerat�on of�he sums secured by <br /> �his Security Ins�rument and sa�e nf the Proper�y. The no�ice shall fur�her inform Borrawer of�he <br /> right ta reinsta�e after acce�erat�vn and the r�gh���bring a court ac��on�a assert�he non-existence oF a <br /> default or any�ther deFense of Bvrrow�r�o acce�era��on and sale. If�he default�s nv�Cured on ar <br /> before the da�e specified in�he nv�i�e, Lender at�ts np�ivn may require immediate payment in ful�of <br /> a��sum�secured by�his S�cur�ty In��rumen� w�thau�fur�her demand and may�n�oke�he power of sa�e <br /> and any ather r�med�e�perm�t�ed by App�icable Law. Lender shal�be en����ed�o co��ect ali�xpensQs <br /> incurred�n pursu�n��he remedie�provided�n�his Section 2�, �nc�ud�ng, �ut not Iimited�o, reasanab�e <br /> a��orneys' fees and co�ts of title evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is inv�ked, Trustee sha��record a nvtice of default in each coun�y in which any <br /> par��f�he Property�s loca�ed and sha��nia��copies af such noti�e in the n�anner prescribed by <br /> App�icab��La►w�o Borro�ver and�o�he a�her persons prescribed by App��ca��e I�aw. Af�er�he�ime <br /> r�qu�r�d by App�ica���Law, 'I`rus�ee shaii gi�e public no�ice of sa�e�o�he persons and�n the manner <br /> pre�cr�bed by Applicable Law. Trus�ee, �ithou�d�mand on Borrower, shal�se���he PrvpQr�y a� public <br /> aucti�n to the highest b�dder a�the��me and p�ace and under�he��rms des�gnated in the natice af sa�e <br /> in vne ar more parce�s and in any order Trus�ee de�erm�nes. Trus�ee may pos�pane saie of ai�or any <br /> par�ei of�he Praperty by pub��c announcexnent a�the time and p�ace af any pre�ivus�y schedu�ed sa�e, <br /> Lender vr�ts des��nee may purchase�he Proper�y at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt af payment of�he price bid, Trus�ee sha�� deli�er to the purChaser Trus#ee'�deed <br /> conveying the Proper�y. The reci�als�n.�he Trus�ee's deed shall be pr�m.a facie evidence af�he�ru�h of <br /> �he s�atements made�herexn. rI`rus�ee sha��app���he pro��eds of the�a�e in the fo��ovving arder: �a� ta <br /> a���os�s and expenses of exercising�he power nf sa�e, and the 5a�e, inc�uding the payment flf the <br /> Trusfee's fees actuaiiy incurred and reasonable a�torneys' fees as permi�ted by App��cab�e Law; �b� �a <br /> a��sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumen�; and��} any exces5�o�he person or persons Iegai�y <br /> ent���ed�o i�. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle FamiEy-�annie Ma�l�rec�die Mac UNI�nRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3��8 11�1 <br /> VMP p� VMPfi4N�]413�21 <br /> INafLers KEuwer Financia!Ser�ices Pag�14 pf 17 <br />