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��14��59� <br /> �n�he Property and rights under th�s Securit� Ins�rumen�; and �d} �akes su�h action as L�nder may <br /> reasonabl�requ�re t� assure that I.�ender's in�eres� in t�� Proper��and r�ghts under th�s Securi�y �nstrum.ent, <br /> and Borr�wer's ab�igat�on to pay th�sums secured by�his S�curi��Instrumen�, shall can��nue unchan�ed. <br /> Lender may r�quire tha�Borrower pay su�h rein��a�emen�sums and expenses in ane or more of the following <br /> forms, as s��ected b�r Lend�r: (a}cash; �b}m�ney order; �c} cer�i�ed check, bank check, �reasurer's check or <br /> cash�er's check, pra�ided an�such Check is drawn upon an�ns��tution wh�s�depos�ts are insur�d by� <br /> federal agency, instrumenta�ity�r ent��y; or�d} Elec�ron�c Funds Transfer. Upon reins�a�emen�by Barrawer, <br /> �his Securit�Instrument and obi�gations secured hereby shal� rexnain fu��y effecti��as if no a�cel�ra�ion had <br /> �ccurred. However, �h�s righ�to reinstate shall n�t apply in�h�case of acceleration under Sec�ion �$, <br /> �t�. Sa�e of Note; Change of Lc�an Servi�er; Notice of ���e�ance. The N��e or a par�ial �nterest in the <br /> No�e�tage�her�vi�h this Secur��y �nstrument� can be so�d ane or more�imes w��h�u�pr�or no�i��to <br /> Borrower. A sa�e m�ght result in a change in�he en�it��known as�h� "Loa�� Servicer"��hat colle�ts Peri�dic <br /> Payments due under the Nate and this Security �nstrun�ent and perfor�ms a�her mor�gag���an serv�cing <br /> �bl�gations under�he Note, �hi�Securit� �nstrum�.en�, and Appl�cah�e Law. There a�so might be ane or n�.ore <br /> changes of�he L�an Ser�ricer unrela�ed to a sale of�he No�e. �f�here is a change flf�he Laan Ser�icer, <br /> Borrower w�ll be gi�en vvri��en no�ic�of the change which wi�� state the name and address of�he new Loan <br /> Servi�er, the address�o which payments shou�d be made and an�o�her�nformat�on RESPA requ�res in <br /> conne�t�on w�th a no�ice of�ransf�r af ser�v�c�ng. �f th�N��e�s so�d and�hereafter the Laan is serviced by a <br /> I.�an Servicer ather than the purchaser�f�h�Note, the�nortgage�oan servici�ng obiiga�ions to Borrow�r v�il� <br /> remain w�th the L.oan Serv�cer or h�transferre�.to a su�cessor Laan Ser�icer and are no�assumed by�he <br /> Note pur�haser unless otherv�r�se pro�ided by the No�e purchaser. <br /> �either Barr�wer nor Lender may�ommence,join, or��jained�o any�udicia� acti�n �as either an <br /> individual lztigan�or the member of a c�ass} tha�arises from the o�her par��'s action�pursuant to th�s <br /> 5ecuri�y �ns�rurnent�r�hat a��eges tha��he other�art� has hreached any pro�ision of, or any du�y owed b� <br /> r�ason af, this S�curity �nstrumen�, un�i� such Borrower ar Lender has nat��ed the other par�y tv�rith such <br /> notice g��en�n c�mp��ance with�he requirem�n�s�f S�ct�on �S} of su�h alleged breach and afford�d th� <br /> other par�y hereto a r�asonab�e peri�d af�er the gi�ing of such not�ce to take corre�t�v�action. �f Applicable <br /> Lav�pra�ides a time peri�d which must elapse before certain act�on can b�taken, that t�me period v����b� <br /> deemed�o be reasonab�e for purp�s�s flf this paragraph. The not�ce�f acce�eration and oppartun�ty tio cure <br /> gi�en ta Borrower pursuan��o Sec�ion 22 and�he not��e�f ac�eleration gi�en t�Borrower pursuant�o <br /> Sect�on �S sha��b�d��med to sat�sf��he no�i�e and opp�r�unity ta take�orrective acti�n pro��sians�f�his <br /> Se�tian 24. <br /> �'1. Hazardous Substances. As used�n�his Section 2�: �a} "�a�ardous Su�s�an�es"are those subs�ances <br /> d��n�d as tox�c�r hazard�us subs�ances, p���utants, �r wastes�y Environtnen�a� Lav�r and the foxlov�ing <br /> subs�ances: gasn�ine, kerosene, other flan�.mab�e or�oxic petroleum products, t�x��pest�cides and herbicides, <br /> �oia��le so��vents, mater�als�antain�ng asbes�os or forma�deh�de, and radioac�i�re mater�als; �b� <br /> "E��viranr�z�rr�al L��v"means �'ederal 1av�rs and Iav�s of�he jurisdic�ion wher�the Propert� �s Iocated that <br /> relate to h�alth, safety or environrnen�a�prat�ction; �c} "Etzvirojxn�er�tar Cleanup"includes an�r response <br /> ac�ion, remediai act��n, or re�ma�al ac�ion, as d���ed in Environmenta� La�; and�d� an "�nvir�nmQyztal <br /> Conditiotz"means a condi�ion�hat can cause, contribu�e to, or otherw�se�r�gger an En�ironmental�l�anup. <br /> Borrower shall not cau�e or p�rmi�the presenc�, use, dzsposa�, storage, �r release of an� �azardous <br /> Substances, or�hreaten�� releas�any Hazardous Subs�ances, �n or in the Pr�per�y. B�rrower shall nn�d�, <br /> nor a���v�r anyone e�se to do, an�thing affeG�ing the Froperty �a}�ha� is in��olati�n of an� En�ironmenta� <br /> La�, �b} v�hich�reates a�.��al�ond��ion, or�c} urh�ch, due to the presence, use, or release of a <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, crea�es a condition�ha�adv�rsely affects�he value of the Prop�rt�. Th�preced�ng two <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Farnily-Fannie MaelFredcfie Mac UNl�ORM INSTRUMENT Form 3D28 110� <br /> VMP� VMP�[NEf�13n23 <br /> WaltErs Kiuwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 13 vf 7 7 <br />