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��14��57� <br /> ma�er�a�Iy false or inaccurate inforination or statements �a Lender �or failed to pravide Lender���h any material <br /> informa�ion} �n connection wi�h the Iaan e�idenced 1�� the No�e, including, bu� not limi�ed to, representations <br /> c�ncernYng Borrflwer's accupancy of the Property as a principa� residence. �f this Security �nstrument is �n a <br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply with the pr�v�sions of the lease. If Barrower acquxres fee tr�le�o�he Property, �he <br /> �easehold and fee ti�Ie shall not be merged unless Lender agrees�o the merger�n writing. , <br /> 6. Condemnat�on. The pr�ce�ds af any av�ard or claim for damages, direc�or c�nsequential, Yn cannec��on <br /> with any condemna��on�r o�her�aking of any par�of.the Prop�rty, ar for con�eyance in place of candemnation, are <br /> herehy assigned and shall be paYd to Lender to the extent of the full amount af the Yndeb�edness that remains unpaid <br /> under�he No�e and this Security Instrument. Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reductian of�he indebtedness <br /> under �he Note and thzs Security Instrurnen�, fzrs� �o any de�inc�uen� amounts applied in �he arder pro�7ded iri <br /> paragraph 3, and�hen�o prepaymen�of principal. An� applicati�n of the proceeds to the prrncipal sha��no�extend <br /> ar postpone the due date of�he mon�hly pa�rnen�s,v�hich are referred t�in paragraph 2, or change�he amount of such <br /> payments. Any excess proceeds o�er an amoun�requ�red to pay aI�autstandrng 7ndebtedness under�he No�e and th�s <br /> Security Inst��.unent shall be paid to�he entity Iegal�y en�itled�hereto. <br /> 7. �harges to Borrower and Prote�tion af L�nder's R�ghts �n the Property. Borrawer shalX pay a�l <br /> �overnmen�a�or munrcipa� charges, fines and impos7�ions that are not inc�uded rn paragraph 2. Barrower shall pa� <br /> these obli�a��ons o��time direc�ly�o the entity which is owzd the payment. If failure to pay v�ould ad�ersely affec� <br /> Lender's inte�•est in �he Property, up�n Lender's reques� Borrower shal� promptly furnish �o Lender receip�s <br /> eWidencing�hese payments. <br /> . If Borrower fails�o make�hese paymen�s or the paymen�s required by paragraph 2, or fa��s to perform any othe.r <br /> co�enan�s and agreelnents conta�ned in�hrs Security Zns�rument, or there is a Iegal pr�ceeding�hat may sign�ficant�y <br /> affect Lender's righ�s in the Property�such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, for condernna�ion or�o enforce laws or <br /> r�gu�a�ians�, then Lender may do and pay v�hatever rs necessary to protect�he va�ue of�he Proper�y and Lender's <br /> righ�s in�he Property, including paymen�of�a�es, hazard insurance and other ��ems men�ianed in paragraph 2. - <br /> Any aYnoun�s disbursed by Lende.r under�his paragraph shall become an addit�ona� debt of Borrov�er and be <br /> secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrwnent. These amaun�s sha�1�ear interes�fro�n�he da�e flf dYsbursement a��he Note ra�e; <br /> and at�he op�ion of Lender sha�l�e ilr�mediately due and payable. <br /> Bo1-rovWer shall pralnptly discharge an}� �ien�hich has pr�ori�y a�er this Securi�y Instrument uniess Borr�wer: <br /> �a�agrees in wr�ting�o�he paymen�of the ob�iga�inn secured by the Iien in a manner accep�able to Lender;�b�contests <br /> in go�d faith �he �ien by, or defends agains� enforcemen� of the Iren �n, le�al praceedings which in the Lender's <br /> opinion flpera�e to prevent �h� enforcement of the �ien; ar �c� secures fra�n �he holder of the lien an agreemen� <br /> sa�isfactory to Lender subordina�ing the��en�a�his Security Inst�u�nent. �f Lender determines tha� any par�of�he <br /> Frvperty is sub�ect to a lren v�hach lnay attain pr�ority o�er this S�cu.rity rnstrument, Lender lnay�r�e B�rrov�er a <br /> notic�iden�ifyin��he lien. Borr�v�er sha�� satisfy�he ��en or ta�Ce one ar more of the actians se�for�h above vvithin <br /> ].� days of�he gi�inb of no�ice. <br /> S. Fees. Lender may collect fees and charges authorized by the Secretary. <br /> �. Grounds for Acceleratxon vf Debt. <br /> �a} Defaul�. Lender may, exce��as Iimited by regulations issued by the 5ecre�ary in the case of paymen� <br /> def�.ul�s, re�uire i�nmediate paymen��n fu�I of all sums secured hy this Securi�y Znstrumen��f: <br /> : �i} Bo7-�•ower defaul�s by failing �v pay in full any Ynonthiy paymen� required by �h�s Security <br /> �ns�ruxnen�prio�•�o �r an�he due date of�he ne�t Ynon�hly paymen�, or : <br /> � ��i� Ba�-rower defaul�s by failing, for a perYod af �hxr�y days, to p�rform any o�her ob�igatxons <br /> � c�ntained in�his Securit�Instrumen�. �� <br /> � �b� Sa�e Withaut��•edit Appro�al. Lender sha11, if per�nitted by app�icable�aw�including se��ion 34��d� <br /> nf�he Garn--St. Germain Deposi�ory �ns�i�u�rons Ac� af 19$2, �2 U.S.C. 17�I j--3�d}} and,vtrith �he prxor <br /> , approval of the Secretaty, requu e i�nmediate paymen�in fu11 of a�� sums secured by�his Security Ins�ru.ment if: <br /> � �i} AlI or par�of�he Pr�per�y, or a Ueneficiai Yn�erest in a trust owning al� or par�of�he Property, is <br /> soid or otherw�se�ransferred�o�her�han by devise�r descent�, and <br /> _ <br /> FHA NEBRAS�A ❑EEC��F TRLIST � MERS ' ���M���c <br /> NE��T�.FHA D 71�31�2 Page 4 vf 9 w <br />