<br /> froi�n time ta��me�"RESPA"}, excep��ha��he cushian or reserve perznitted by RESPA for unan�icipated disbursements
<br /> ar disbursemen�s bef�re the Borrower's paymen�s are available in the account may nat be based on amoun�s due for
<br /> the mor�gage insurance premYum.
<br /> If�he amounts held by Lender for Escrow�terns e�ceed the amoun�s permxtted�o l�e held by RESPA, Lender shal�
<br /> acc�unt�o Barr�wer far�he excess funds as re�uired by RESPA. Zf�he amounts of funds he�d by Lender at any trme
<br /> are no�sufficient to pay�he Es�raw Ytems when due, .Lender may no�zfy th�Barrav�er and require Borrower�o make
<br /> up:�he shor�age as permitted Uy RESPA. �
<br /> � The Escro�v Funds are pledged as addi�ional security for al� sums secured by �his Secur��y �nstrumen�. If
<br /> Bor•r•ower�endei-s t�Lender�he ful�payment of alI such.sums, Borrower's accoun�shall be credited with the balance
<br /> re�naining f.ar alI insta�Imen���ems�a�, �b}, and�c�and any mortgage insurance prem�um installment�hat Lender has
<br /> no� becom� oblrgated �� pay to the Secre�ary, and Lender shall promptly refund any excess funds �o Barrower.
<br /> Immediate�y prior �o a foreclasure sa�e of the Proper�y or rts a�qu�sit7on by Lender, Borrower's accoun� sha�I be
<br /> cred7�ed w�th any�alance remaining for aI� ins�allmen�s for r�ems�a}, �b�, and�c�.
<br /> 3. Applicatian of Payments. AlI paymen�s under paragraphs 1 and 2 sha�l be appl�ed by Lender as fol�av�s:
<br /> FIRST, �o�he m�rtgage insurance prem�um ta be paid by Lender to the Secre�ary or ta �he manthly charge by
<br /> �he Secre�ary Yns�ead of the monthly mor�gage insurance premium; `
<br /> SEC�ND,�o any taxes, special assessments,�easehald payments or g�r•ound rents, and�re, flood and o�her hazard
<br /> � insurance premiums, as required; .
<br /> THIRD, �o in�erest due under the Note; �
<br /> � F�URTH, to amort�za�ion of the pr�ncipal of the No�e; and
<br /> � FIFTH, �o late charges due under the Note. '
<br /> 4. Fire, F�aod and �ther Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall insure a1� �mpro�emen�s an �he Property,
<br /> whether now in exis�ence or subsequent�y erected, aga�nst any hazards, casualt�es, and conti.ngencies, �n�luding fire,
<br /> for v�hich Lender requ�res insurance. This �nsurance sha�l be main�a�ned i_n�he amounts and far th� per�ods tha�
<br /> Lend�r requires. Borrower shall also insure all llnprovemezats an �he Praperty, vcrhether now rn e�Ystence or
<br /> suUseauen�ly erected,agains��oss by floads to the ex�ent requi�ed by�he Secre�ary. A���nsurance shall be carri�dwith
<br /> �ompanies approWed�y Lender. The insurance policies and any renewa�s shall��he�d by Lender and sha��include
<br /> l�ss payab�e clauses in fa�or of, and ua a form acceptab�e to, Lender.
<br /> ,;
<br /> �= In the event af lass, B�rrower shal�gi�e Lender i�nmedia�e no�ice by mail. Lender�nay make proof of loss xf not
<br /> made prompt�y by Borrovsrer. Each insurance campany cancerned�s hereby authorized and directed�o ma�ce payment
<br /> for such loss direc�ly �o Lender, inst�ad of�o Borrower and �o Lender jointl�. AlI or any part of�he insurance
<br /> proceeds�nay be applied by Lender, at its option, ex�her�a}to�he redu�t�on of�he�nd�b�edness under�he No�e a�.d
<br /> this Security instrument, f rs��o any delinquen�amounts applxed in the order in paragraph 3, and then�o prepa�ment
<br /> of princ�pal, or �b� ta �he restora�ion or repair of�he damaged Pr�per�y. Any app�zcat�on of the praceeds ta �he
<br /> princ�pal shall not ex�end or postpone the due da�e af�he mon�hly pay�nents which are referred to in para�raph 2, or
<br /> change�he amount af such payments. An�excess insurance proceeds over an a�noun�required�o pa�a��outstanding
<br /> i��debtedness under the Note and thzs Secur��y Instrumen�shall l�e pa�d ta�he en�zty le�a�ly enti�led�here�a. ,
<br /> . �n the e�ent af foreclosure of�his Securi�y Ins�r•umen�or other t�ansfer of�i�le�o�he Property that e��inguishes�he
<br /> inde�tedness, a�l righ�, ti�le and in�eres�of Barrower in and to Ynsurance policies ir1 force sha]I pass�a�he pur�haser.
<br /> � 5. �ccupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and PratQ�tion of the Pr�perty;Borrower's Loan Ap�lication�;
<br /> Leaseholds. Borz•o�er•shal� o�cupy, establish, and use the P�•operty as Borro�ver's princ�paX resxdence within sixt�
<br /> �
<br /> days after�he execu�ron of�his Security Instrumen� �or wxtihxn six�y days of a la�e� sa�e or transfer of�he Pr�perty�
<br /> and shaX� continue �o occupy�he Property as Borrov�er's pr�nc�pal res�dence for a� �eas� one year after �he date�f
<br /> occupancy, unless Lender de�ermines�ha�reQuiremen�wi��cause undue hardshxp for Borrov�er, ar unless extenua�rng
<br /> circumstances exis� v�hich are �beyond B�rrower's cont�oi. Borrovver shall no�xfy Lender of any ex�enuatxng
<br /> circumstances. Borrovver shall not �olnmit was�e�r des�:roy, damage or su�s�an�ially change�he Praper�y or al1�v�
<br /> tl�e Prope�•ty �o de�eriorate, i•easonab�e wear and tear excep�ed. Lender may inspect the Propel•�y if the Proper�y is
<br /> �acan�ar abandoY�ed�r�he loan is i1�deFau�t. Lender may�a�ce reasanaUle ac��on�o pro�ecti and preserWe such�acan�
<br /> or a�andaned Property. Borrower sha�X also be in defaul� if Borrower, during �he ]oan app��catxon process, ga�e
<br /> NED�TZ.FHA 071D 3112 Pa e 3 of 9 ����'a��c
<br /> � g www.do�rrragi�.�orx�r
<br />