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��14��5�� <br /> loss if not made promptly by Barrower. Each insurance company concern�d is hereby authorized and <br /> directed to make payment for such loss to Lender, instead of to Bo rr�wer and Lender jvintly. Insurance <br /> proceeds shal� be applied to restoration or repair o�f the damaged P�•operty, rf the restoration or repair is <br /> �canomically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. �f the i�estvration vr repair is not <br /> ec�noi�ically feasible or Lender's s�curity vvould be l�ssened,the insurance proceeds shali be app�ied <br /> firs�to the reduct�on of any indebtedness under the Se�ond Note arid this Security Instrument and�hen <br /> to the redu��ion vf the indeb�edness under the First Note and First,�ecurity Instrument. Any excess <br /> insurance proceeds o�er an amount required to pay ali �uts�anding indebtedness under the Secand Nnte <br /> and this Security �nstrument and the First Note and the First Security Instrument shall be paid to the <br /> entity legally entitled thereto. <br /> �n the e�ept of foreclosure of this Secur�ty Instrum�nt or other transfer af�itle to the Property that <br /> extingu�shes the indebtedness, all right,title and in�erest�f Borrov��er in and to insurance poli�ies �n <br /> force shall pass to the purchaser. <br /> 4. (]�cupancy, Preser�ation, Maintenance and Protection of th��Property; Borrower"s Loan <br /> APplication; Leaseholds. Borravver shall occupy,establ ish,and u��e the Proper�y as Sarrovver's <br /> principai residence after the execution of this 5ecurity Instrument and Borrower�or a�least one <br /> Borrawer, if initially more than one pers�n are Borrowers}and shall continue ta occupy the Property as <br /> Borrower's princ�pal residence for the term of the Security Ins�rument. "Principa� residence" sha11 ha�e <br /> the same meani ng as in the Loan Agreement. <br /> Borrower shall not commit waste or destroy,damage or substantially change the Property ar a�low the <br /> Proper�y to deteri orate, reasanabl e wear and tear excepted. Borraw er sha�1 al so be i n default�f <br /> Borrawer, dur�ng the loan app�ication pracess,ga�e ma�erialiy false or inaccurate information or <br /> statennents to Lender�or fai led ta pro�id�L�nder with apy material information} in connection with the <br /> loan e�idenced by the Note, includ�ng,bu�nat limited to,representatians concerning Borrower's <br /> accupancy of the Property as a principal residence. �f this Security Instrum�nt is on a leasehold, <br /> Borrower shall comply with the pro�isions of�he lease. If BorrowE�r acquires fee title to the Prnp�rty, <br /> the �easehold and fee title shall not be m�rged unless Lender agree:�to the merger in writ�ng. <br /> 5. �harges to Borrower and Prote�tion of Lender's Ri�hts in ttie Prop�rty. Barrovver shall pay all <br /> go�ernmental or municipal charges, fines and impositions�hat are not included in Paragraph 2. <br /> Borraw�r shall pay these obliga�ions on time diree�iy to the entity ��hich is owed the paym�nt. If failure <br /> to pay would ad�ersely affect Lender's interest in th�Property, upc�n Lend�r's reques� Borrower shal� <br /> promptly furnish to Lender receipts e�idencing these paym�nts. B�frrower shall promptly discharge any <br /> l�en whi�h has priority a�er this Security Instrument in the manner pro��d�d in Paragraph I3(c�. <br /> �f Borrower fai ls to make these payments or the prop�rty charges r��quired by Paragraph Z,or fails to <br /> perform any other co�enants and agreements contained in this Sect�rity Instrument, or there is a legal <br /> proceeding that may significantly affec�Lender's rights ir�the Property�such as a proce�ding in <br /> bankruptcy, far condemnatian or to enforce laws�r regulations},tr�en Lender may da and pay whate�er <br /> is necessary to �rotect�he�a�ue of the Prap�rty and Lender's righ��, in the Proper�y, in�luding payment <br /> of taxes, hazard insurance and other items ment�oned in Paragraph 2. <br /> To protect Lepder's security in the Property, L�nder sha�l advance��.nd charge to Borrower all amounts <br /> due ta the Secretary for the Mortgage Insurance Premium as def n��d in the Loan Agreemen�as well as <br /> al� sums due to the �oan s�rvi�er far ser-�icing activities as def ned in the Loan Agre�men�. Any amounts <br /> disbursed by Lender under�his Paragraph shall become an additYorial debt of B�rrower as pro�ided for <br /> �n the Loan A�reement and shal� b�secured by thi� Security I nstru rnent. <br /> Page 3❑f 12 HECM Seca��d Deed�f Tr�st--� <br />