<br /> �19U,50�.�D}; �b}the payment of all other sums,with interest, ad�anced under paragraph 5 ta protect
<br /> the s�curity of this Security Instrument or otherwise due und�r the terms�f this Security In�trument; and
<br /> �c}the performance of gorrv�ver's co�enan�s and agreemen�s under th�s Security I nstrument and the
<br /> Second N�te. The full deb�, including amounts described in�a}, �b�,and��}abo��, if not due earlier, is
<br /> due and payabl�on February 9,��97. Far this p«rpose, Barrower irre�ocab�y grants and con�eys to
<br /> Trus�ee, in trust, with power of sale,the fallowing described property located in HALL Coun#y,
<br /> NEBRASKA:
<br /> See legal description as Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereaf for all intents and
<br /> pu rposes
<br /> �hich has the address of
<br /> 32�W 14TH STRE�T,GRAN�ISLAND,Nebrasi�a 68SD1, �"}'r�perty Address"}
<br /> T�G ETHER WI TH all the �mpro��men�s now or hereafter erectecC on the property, and a�1 easem�nts,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, and f xtures n�w or hereaft�r a part of the pr�operty. All replac�ments and
<br /> additians shall �1so b�co�ered by�his Securi�y Instrument. All of T:he for�going is ref�rred to in this
<br /> Se�urity �nstrument as the "Property,"
<br /> B�RR��VER CQVENANTS �hat Barrower is lawfu��y seized of the estate hereby con�eyed and has the
<br /> right to grant and con�ey the Property and that the Property is onl� encum�ered by a First Security
<br /> Ins�rument gi�en by Borrower and dated th�same date as�his Sec«r�ty Instrument("First Security
<br /> Instrument"}. Borrow�r vvarrants and w�11 defend generally the tit���t�the Property against all cla�ms and
<br /> demands, subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> THiS SE�URITY INSTRUMENT C�t7l�J1I7�5 U1'llfC]I'I�7 C�V�paY7t5 f[)I'na�I�I7�.1 L15e�.I7C�I7Q17-uniform
<br /> �a�enants with limited�ariations by�urisdiction to canstitute a uniform se�urity instrum�nt co�ering
<br /> real property.
<br /> UN�F��M ��VENANTS. Borrower and L�nder cn�enant and ag,ree as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principa�and Interest. Borrower shall pay when due the principal of,and interest on,
<br /> the debt e�idenced by the Second Nate.
<br /> �. Payment af Property�harges. Barro�er sha11 pay a1t pr�perty�harges cansisting of taxes, hazard
<br /> insurance premiums, flood insurance premiums, gr�und rents, condominium fees,planned uni�
<br /> de�elopmer�t fees,homeowner's association fees, and any other ass��ssm�nts that may be required by
<br /> lo�al nr state �aw in a t�mely manner, and shall provide eWidence of payment to Lender, unless Lender
<br /> pays property charges by withholding funds from month�y paymen�:s due to the Borrower or by charging
<br /> such payments to a�ine of credit as pro�ided for in the Loan Agree�nent.
<br /> 3. Fire,Flovd and �ther Hazard Insurance. Borr�wer shall insul-e all impro�ements on the Prop�rty,
<br /> whether naw in existence or subse�uently erected, against any hazards, casualt3es, and contingencies,
<br /> inc�uding fire. This insurance sha11 be maintained in the amounts,t��the exten�and for the peri�ds
<br /> required by Lender. Borrower shall a�sa insure a1� improu�ments or�the Property,wheth�r no�v in
<br /> existence ar subseq uently ere�ted, agai nst l oss �y fl oods to the extent re�u�red by Lender. A�1 i nsurance
<br /> sha�l be carri�d with�ompanies appro�ed by Lender. The insuranc�policies and any renewals shall be
<br /> held �y Lender and shall include loss payable clauses in fa�or of, a>>d in a form acceptab�e to, Lender.
<br /> I n the��ent of 1«ss, Borrower shal� �ive Lender i mmedi ate notice�y mai 1. Lender may make proof of
<br /> Page 2 of 12 HECM Second Deed af Trust--:
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