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��14��5�5 <br /> Property Candi.txon, Alterat�on.s and Inspect�on. Trustar w��l keep the Froperty in good cond�t�an and <br /> make a1.X repairs that ar� reasonably ne�essaYy. Trustor shall not �ommit or allow any waste, impairment, or <br /> deter�ora�ian of�he Properfiy. Tru�tar agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially <br /> change without Beneficiary's prior written cansent. Trustnr will not per.�ut any change in any l�cense, <br /> restrict�ve cavenant ar easement without Beneficiary's pr�or written consent. Trustor will notify BenefiGiary <br /> of a11 demands, proceedings, claims, and actions against Trustor, and of any lass ar damage t�the Prop�rty. <br /> Beneficiary ar Beneficiary's agents may, at Benefi�iaxy's option, enter the Propert�y at any reasonable��me for <br /> the purpose of inspecting the Properry. Beneficiary sha�I give Trustor natice at the time of ar before an <br /> insp�ctzon specxfying a reasonab�e purpose fnr the inspec�ian. Any�nspec�ion of the Property sha11 be entirely <br /> for Beneficiary's benefit and Trustor will in no way r�ly on B�nefi�iary's inspection. <br /> Aut�arity ta Pen-form. If Trustor fails ta perform any duty or any of the cflvenants cantained in this Security <br /> Instrumen�, Beneficiary may, wi�hout not�ce, perform or Gause them to be performed. Trustor ap�o�nts <br /> Senefxciary as attorney in fact to sxgn Trustar'� name or pay any amount necessary for performance. <br /> Beneficiary's r�ght to perform for Trustar sha.�l not �reate an abligation ta perform, and Ben�fi�iary's fai�ure <br /> ta p�rform wi11 nat preclude Beneficiary fr�m exercising any of Ben���ia.ry's o�.ier r�ghts und�r the �aw ar <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> LQaseho�ds; Candom�niums; Planned Urut De�elopments. Trustor agrees ta comply with the pra�isions of <br /> an.y lease if this Secur�ty �nstrument is on a Ieaseha�d. �f the Prnperty inciudes a unit in a condominium or a <br /> plan�aed unxt development, Trus�or wil� perf�rm a11 af Trust�r's duties under the covenants, 1�y-laws, or <br /> regulations of the condami�uum ar pianned unit development. <br /> CondemnatYon. Trustor w�xl give Bene�icxa.zy pr�mpt notice of any pending nr threatened action, by pr��ate <br /> or public �ntities ta purchase or take any or all of the Praper�y �h.raugh condemnatian, eminent domain, or <br /> any other means. Trustor authorizes Benefi�iary to xntervene in Trustar's name in any of the a�ove descrx�ed <br /> actians or claims. Trus�or assigns to Beneficiary the proceeds of any award ar claim f�r damages connec�ed <br /> w�th a candemna�ian or other taking of aII ar any part of the Prnperty. Such proceeds shai� be cons�dered <br /> paymen�s and w�ll be appiied as provided xn thxs 5ecurity Instrument. This assign.ment of proceeds �s subject <br /> ta the terms of amy prior mortgage, deed of�rust, security agreement or other x�en document. <br /> Insuran�e. Trustor shall keep Property insured aga�nst loss by fir�, flaod, theft and other hazards and r�sks <br /> reasanably associa�ed with the Property due to �ts type and lvcation. This xnsurance sha11 be maintained in�he <br /> amaunts and for the peri�ds that Benefrc�ary requires. What BenefiCYary requires pursuant ta �he preceding <br /> two sen�ences can change during the term of the Secured Debt. Th� Ynsurance carrier pr��iding the insurance <br /> sha11 be chasen by Trustor subj�ct to B�nefxciary's approval, wh�ch sha1l not be unre�sonably withheld. If <br /> Trustor fails �a ma�ntain the coverage described aba�e, B�n�f�cia.xy may, at �eneficiary's optian, ob�a�.n <br /> caverage to protect B�neficiary's rights in the Pr�perty accord�ng to the terms of this Secur�ty Ynstrument. <br /> All �nsurance palicies and renewals shal.l be acceptable ta Beneficiary and sha11 include a standard "mortgage <br /> clause" and, where applxcable, "Ioss payee clause." Trustar shall immediat�Iy natify Ben�f�c�ary af <br /> cancellation �r �ermination of the insurance. Beneficiary shall have the ri�ht �a hold th� pol�c�es and <br /> renewa�s. If B�neficiary requires, Trustor shall �mmediately gxve ta Bene�ciary aII recexpts �f pa.�d premiums <br /> and renewal notices. Upon loss, Trustar shall g��e immediat�notice to the �nsurance caxr�er and Beneficiary. <br /> Beneficiary may malce pra�f af Ioss�f not made im�mediately by Trustor. <br /> Unless a�herwise agreed in writ�ng, a11 insurance proceeds sha11 be applied to �he restoratxan or repair of the <br /> Properry or t� the Se�ured D��t, wheth�r or nat then due, at Bene�ciary's aption. Any applicatxon of <br /> proceeds to prir�cipal sha11 not ex�end or postpflne th� due date of �he schedu�ed payment nor change the <br /> amount of any payment. Any excess will be paid �a the Trustor. If th� Praper�y is acquired by Beneficiary, <br /> Trustar's right �� any insurance policies and praceeds resu.ltxng from damage to the Property before the <br /> ac�uisitian sha11 pass to Ben�fx�xary to the extent af the Secured Debt xmmedia�ely b�fore th�a�quisition. <br /> Ffnanc�aX Reports and Additional Documents. Trus�or wi�I provide to Ben�f�c�ary upan r�quest, any <br /> financial statement or informatian Benefxciary may deem reasonably ne�essary. Trustor agrees �o sign, <br /> deli�er, and file any add�t�ona.I documents or certif�cations that Bene�c�ary may consider n�cessary�o perfect, <br /> c�ntinue, and preser�e Trustor's obl�gatzans under this Security Instrum�nt and Benef�ciary's lien s�atus an <br /> th�Properry. <br /> 5. W Y �F TIT`LE. Trustor warrants that Trustor is ar will be lawfuXly seized �f the estate conveyed <br /> by this Security Instrument and has the rzght�o irre�ocably grant, convey, and sell the Prflperty to Trus�ee, in <br /> trus�, with power of sa.le. Trustar also warran�s that the Praperty is unencum�ered, e�ccept for encumbran�es <br /> of record. <br /> 7. DUIE C3N SAL�, Benef�ciary may, at its op�ion, de�laxe the emtire balance af �he Se�ured Debt to be <br /> immediately due and payable upon the creation of, or contra�t for th� creat�on of, a transfer or sa.le of all �r <br /> any part of the Property. This right is subj ect to the restr��tions �rx�p�s�d by federal law �12 C,F.R. 591}, as <br /> applxcable. <br /> Security Enstrument-Open-End-Consumer-NE OCP-REDT-NE 71212�1� <br /> VMPa 6ankers Systems'''"" VMP-C4S5�NEy t��v� <br /> Walters Kfuwer Finar�cial Ser�ic�s Q1994,201� Page 3 vf 6 <br /> � r <br />