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��14��5�5 <br /> $. DEFAULT. Trustor wi.Il be in default if any of th�fol�owing occur: <br /> Fraud. Any Consumer Barrow�r �ngages in fraud or material misrepr�s�ntat�on �n connection vvith the <br /> Secured Debt that is an open end h�me equity plan. <br /> Paym�n.ts. Any Cansumer Bnrrow�r on any Secured I]ebt that is an open end home e�uxty plan fa�ls �o make <br /> a p ayment wh�n.due. <br /> Pro�erty. Any ac�ion or inact�on by th� BorroWer or Trustor �ccurs tha� adverse�y aff�cts the Prop�rry or <br /> ]Beneficiary's rights in the Propert�y. Th�s zn�iudes, but is not limzted �o, the fa��ow�ng: �a} Trustor fails to <br /> ma.znta�n re���red insurance on the Property; �b} Trustor transf�rs the Pr�perty; �c} Trust�r cam�mits waste or <br /> atherw�se destructively uses or faixs t� maintain the Property suGh that th�a���on or �nactian adversely aff�cts <br /> B�n�ficzary's security; td� Trustor fails to pay taxes on the Properry ar �therwise fazls ta act and thereby <br /> causes a Iien to be filed aga.inst the Prop�r�y �hat zs senzor to the I�en of this Security Instrument; (e} a sole <br /> Trustar dies; �f� if mar� �han an� Trus�or, any Trustor d�es and Beneficiary's security is adversely affec�ed; <br /> (g} the Praperry is taken thraugh eminen�damain; �h� a judgment zs fi�ed a�ainst Trustor and subjects Trustor <br /> and th� Property to action that adverse�y affects Ben�ficxary's znterest; ar tz} a prior lienhalder fareclose� on <br /> the Pr�p�rty and as a resu�t, �enefz�zary's �nterest zs adversely affected. <br /> Executive �fficers. Any Barrower xs an �xecu�x�e offzcer af Beneficiary ar an affilzate and such B�rrfltiver <br /> becomes indebted to Beneficxary �r ano�.h�r Iender in an aggregate amount greater than the am�unt p�rnutted <br /> under federal Iaws and regu�atians. <br /> 9. REMEDIES qN DEFAULT. �n. addztxon to an.y a� r�medy avai.�ab�e under the te�ms af this S�curzty <br /> Instrument, Benefrczary may accel�rat� th.e S��ur�d I]ebt and fore��ose th�s S�cur�ty Instrument in a manner <br /> provid�d by law xf Trustor �s �n default. �n some in.s�ances, federa�. and s�ate xaw w��x r�quzre Benefz�zary tfl <br /> provide Trustor wzth na��ce of �he right �a �ure, or other no�ices and may establzsh �zme sch�d�l.�s for <br /> foreclasur�ac�xans. Ea�h Trustar requests a�apy of any n�txce of defau�t and any nfl��ce of sa1.e�a.ereunder b� <br /> maxled t� each Trustor at�he addre�s pro�rided�n Se�t�fln 1. abflve. <br /> At th� option of Benef�ciary, all or any part of the agreed f��s and �harg�s, a��rued in�eres� and princ�pal <br /> shall b�come xmmedxat�ly du� and payabl�, aft�r gi�ing notice if r�quxr�d by Iaw, upon the occurrence of a <br /> default ar anyt�rne thereaft�r. <br /> rf there is a default, Trus�ee shal�, at the requ�s� of B�n�fxcxary, advertise and sell the Prvperty as a whole or <br /> �n separate parcels at public auctian ta the highes�bidder for�ash and con�ey absolut� tzt�e free and clear of <br /> a1� rzght, title and in�erest of Trustor at such tinae and place as Trustee deszgnates. Trustee sha�� gi�e rnat�ce of <br /> sale including the time, t�rms and pla�e of sale and a description of th�pr�p�rty to be soid as r�quired by the <br /> appli�able law in effect a�the t�me af the proposed sale. <br /> Upan sale of the Praperty and to the extent not prahibzted by Iaw, Trustee shall make and delzver a deed to <br /> �h� Propex�y s��d wh�ch conveys absa�ute tit�e �o �he purchaser, a.n.d after f�rst pay�ng all f��s, charges and <br /> casts, shall pay ta Benef�ciary all moneys advanced for repairs, taxes, insurance, liens, assessments and priar <br /> �ncumbrances and interest therenn, and the principa� and in�erest on the 5ecured D�bt, pay�ng the surp�us, zf <br /> a.ny, t� Trustar. B�n�f���ary may pur�has� �h� Praperty. The recitals in any deed of conv�yance shall be <br /> prima facie evidenc�af the fa�ts set forth therein. <br /> The acceptance by B�neficzary of an.y sum zn paym�n� or partzal payment on th� Secured Debt after the <br />�e zs due ar zs accelerated �r after forec�osure proc��d�ngs ar� f���d shall n�t cans�itute a wai�er of <br /> B�nef�c�ary's rzght ta requzre �omp�et� cure of an.y exxsting default. By not exerci�xng any r�medy �n <br /> Trustor's default, Benefic�ary does not waive Beneficiary's right ta Iat�r cans�der th.e ���nt a d�fault �f it <br /> happens again. <br /> 1�. E�.PENSES; AI]VAN�ES �N ��VENANTS; ATT�RN�YS' �EES; C�LLECTI�N ���TS. If <br /> Trustor breaches any cavenan� in �his Securi�y Instrument, Trustor agrees to pay all expenses Beneficiary <br /> incurs �performing such covenants or prntecting its securi�y interes� zn the Pr�perty. Su�h expenses include, <br /> bu� are no� �imited t�, fees incurred for inspecting, preserving, �r ��herwise pratectimg the Praperty and <br /> Ben�f��xary's security zn�erest. These expenses are payable on demand and w�l� bear interest from the date of <br /> payment untrl paid in full at�he highest rate of inter�st �n effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt. <br /> Trustor agrees tn pay a11 costs and expenses incurred by Ben�fic�ary �n co��ectxng, enfor�xng or prQt�ct�ng <br /> Beneficiary's rights and remedies und�r th.�� Secur�ty �n�trument. Th�s amoun�may in�lude, but is not limit�d <br /> to, Trustee's fees, caurt costs, and ather Iegal expenses. To the extent p�rm�tt�d by the United States <br /> Bankruptcy Code, Trustor agrees to pay the r�asonable attarneys' fees gen�fi��ary �n�urs to coll�ct th� <br /> S�cur�d Debt as awarded by any cou.z�t exercxsing jurisdictian under the Bankruptcy Cade. Th�s Securzty <br /> �zastrument shal.� remazn �n effect untx� r���as�d. Trustor agrees to pay for any recardation co��s of su�h <br /> release. <br /> Security lnstr�ment-apen-End-Consumer-N� OCP-REt7T-NE 712120�1 <br /> VMP�Bankers Systemsr"" VMP-C4fi5�N�� ��107�.QQ <br /> Wv[ters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Q1994,201 1 Page 4 vf 6 <br /> r <br /> � <br />