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��14���9� <br /> Inspec�ion. Lender or i�s agen�may make reasona��e �,n�ries upon and xnspect�ons �f�he Pro erty. L�nder sha�l <br /> � <br /> give B�nrower taa�ice at�he time of or pr�or t�an�nspe���on specxfy�xag reasanab�e cause for the inspection. <br /> Condemnation. The prace�ds af any a�vard or cla�m for darnag�s, d�rect�r consequen�ia�, �n connec�ion v��th an. <br /> Y <br /> candemna�i�n ar o��er tak�ng af any par� of��e Proper�y, ar far canveyance xn l�eu.of�ande�mna�i�n, are hereb <br /> Y <br /> assigne�an�.sha�i be paxd to Lender. <br /> �n �he event of a�o�al �akir�g of the Proper�y, the praceeds �hall be app�ied �o �he sums se�ured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�, wh�ther or nat �hen due, vvY�h any excess paid �� Borr�v�rer. �n the event vf a pat-t�a� tak�ng of the <br /> Praperty in wh�ch�he fa�r marke� �alue of�he Prop�r�y �mmed�ately befflre the tak�ng is equal �� or grea�er than <br /> the am�oun� af th,e sums secured b� th�s 5ecuri�y Instrument immedxate�y befvre the taking, un�ess B�rrower and <br /> Lender��hervv�se agree�n writ�ng, the sums se�ured by�h�s �ecurity�nstrument sha1�-be redu�ed by�he amoun�of <br /> t��e prflceeds mu���pl�ed by�he fo��o�ring frac��an: �a��he�a�al amount of the sums secured imm.edia�e�y before the <br /> �ak�ng, di��ded by �b} �he fa�r marke� va�ue af�he Praper�y �m�ned�a�ely befare �h� �ak�ng. Any balance shall be <br /> pa�d�o Borravver. �n �he even� �f a par�ial ta�C�ng �f t�� Proper�y �n which �he fazr marke� va�ue Qf�he Properfiy <br /> �mmediate�� b�fare �he �ak�ng �s Iess than th� am�unt of�he sum.s secured �m�.media�eXy befare �he taking, waless <br /> Barrower and Lender a�hervv�se agree in writing or uniess Applicabl�Law othervvise pr�v�des, the pro��eds sha�l <br /> be app�zed to the sums s�cured by th�s S�curity�nstrumen�wh�ther or not�he sums are then due. <br /> If�he Prop�rCy�s abandoned by Borrov�er, or �f, after no�ice by Lender ta Borro�ver�ha�the �flndemn�r off�rs�� <br /> make an avvard or se�t�e a c�a�m for damages, Bflrrovcrer fails �o respand�fl Lender w��hi�a�he m�nimum number af <br /> days establ�shed by Applicab�e Law after�he date�he n��ice�s g�ven, Lender�s auth�rYzed to�oliect and a � �he <br /> �p Y <br /> pr�ceeds, a� its ap�i�n, e�ther to restora�ion ar repa�r of the Pr�pe�-ty ar �� �he sums secured by �hxs Security <br /> �ns�rumen�,vvhether or not th.en due. <br /> I�nless Lender and Borrfl�er flfihervvis� agree in wri�ing3 any appl��a�i�n of pr��eed��o pr�n�ipa� sha�X not ex�end <br /> or pastpone the due date of the payments due under�he Contrac�or change�he amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> �orrower Nat RelQased; �`orbearance By Lender N�t a Wai�er. Extens��n of �he ��me for pay�nent or <br /> modifi�a��on of amor�iza��on of the sums secured by �h�s Security �nstrumen� gran�ed by Lender t� B�rrow�r �r <br /> any su�cessor �n �nterest of B�rra�er sha�� r�at aperate �o re�ease the ��abi�r�y of the arig�na� Sorro�ver tir <br /> Barra�er's successQrs �.n interes�. Lender sha�� not be r�quired to cnmu�raen�e proceed�rigs against any su�cessor in <br /> i.n�eres�or refuse to e�tend ti�ne far payment or o�herwise modify am�r�i�at��n of.the sums secured by�h�s Securxty <br /> Ins�rument by reasan of any demand made by �he or�ginal Barr�wer or Borrawer's successars �n �nterest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender xn exercls�ng any rxgh�or remedy shal�not be a waiver of�r:pre��ud� ���� exercis� of any <br /> rYgh��r remedy. <br /> SuCc�s�ors and Ass�gns Bound; Jo�nt and Severa� L�ab���ty; Accommadat��n Signers. The cavenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of this Secur��y�ns�rumen�shall b�nd and be�,ef�t�e successars and assigns �f Lender and Borrower, <br /> subjec� to �he provis�flns of sec�ion ����ed Transfer �f the Property or a Benef�c�a� In�erest �n Barrower. <br /> Borrov�er's�o�enants and agreements shal� be join�and several. Any person who cQ-s�gns�his Securxty Instrument <br /> bu� has na persona� �iab�l�ty under the Con�rac� �"Accommada�ivn Sigrier"}: �a� is �o-SI�nlp� �h�.5 Security <br /> �nstrum�n� on�� �o mor�gage, grant and canvey that Accomm��a�ion Sxgner's in�eres� in the �rape�-�y under the <br /> �enms of �he Secur��.y �ns�rumen�; �b� �s na� personal�y �b�igated t� pay �he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument; an�d�c} agrees tha�Lender atad any a�her Barrower may agree to extend,mc�dify, f�rbear flr make any <br /> accommodat�ons vv�tl�regard tfl�he terms of tl��s Secur��y I��s�rument or the�on�ract�i�h�u�tha�Accflmmoda�ifln <br /> Signer's consen�. . <br /> Loan �harg�s. �f�he �aan secured by �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen� is subject �a a lavv �hich se�s ma�imum �van <br /> charges, and�hat �aw �s final�y interpreted sa�ha��he �nterest ar o�her loan charges �o�lec�ed�r��be collected in. <br /> conn�ction v�i�h the �oan exceed �he perm�tted lx�mits, then: (a} any su�h ��an charge shai� be reduced by �he <br /> amount necessary�o reduce t�e charge t��he perm�t�ed I�m��s and�b} any sums already call�cted fram Barrower <br /> vvh��h exceeded permitted ��m��s wil� be refunded �� Barrower. Lender may cho�se to make th�s refund by <br /> reducing the prin�ipaX owed under�he �on�ract or by mak�ng a direc�payment�o Barrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> prxncipal,�he reduct�an wi�I b��r�at�d as a par�ial prepaymen�under�he Cantrac�. <br /> Na���es. Any na��ce to Borrower pr�v�ded for in �his Secur��y Instrum�en� sha�l be g�ven by de�ivering it or by <br /> mail�ng xt by fzrs�c�ass ma��un�ess App��cab�e Law requires use of an��her me�hod. The nfl�ice shaI�be d�rected�o <br /> the Proper�y Address or any o�her address Barrower designa�es by not�ce to Lender. .Borravver agrees �o pro��d� <br /> Lender��th Borrower's mos� curren�ma��in�address, as �t ma� chang� from�ime-�a-t�me. Any n�tice �o Lender <br /> shaX�he gx�en by firs�class n�.a�l ta Lend�r's address s�a�ed here�n❑r an�other address Lender des�gnates by no��ce <br /> ta Bflrr�wer. Any notice pro�rided for�n�his Security�nstrumen����a��be deemed�a have been gi�en�o Barrower <br /> or Lender when g�ven as pra�xded in�his paragraph. <br /> Go��rn�ng La�v; Se�erab�l�ty.This Se�ur�ty�nstrurx�en�sha�� be ga�erned by federal law and�he Ia�s af�he s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. �n the even� �ha� an� prfl��s�on or c�ause of�his Securi�y �rastrument �r �he Cflntrac� conflicts vvith <br /> Appii�able Law, su�h conf��ct sha�l n�t affect ather pra�zsions vf th�s Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen� ar the Contra�� wh��h <br /> can be gi�en effe�t without��a�confl����ng prov�s�on. Tv�h�s end�he prov�s��ns�s Securi�y�nstru�nen�and�he <br /> Contract are declared�o be severab�e. � <br /> Borrawer's��py.B�rr�u�er sha��be g�ven one�opy af�h�s Secur��y�ns�rumen�. <br /> Transf�r of the Praperty or a Benef�cia� Intere�t��� :B�rr�wer. �f a��or a�y par�of�he Pr�per�y or any in�eres� <br /> in �� �s so�d or transferred �or �f a benefc�a� �n�eres� �n Sorro�er is so�d ar transferre� and Bflrrovver is nat a <br /> na�ural pers�n} vvith�u� Lender's priflr writ�en consen�, Lender may, at ��s �p�ion, require xmmed�a�e payment �n <br /> Q 2404-20�3 Camplian�e Systems,Inc.9F96-D749-20I3L�.0.721 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Security Instr�mer�t DL2d36 Page 3 af 5 wvYw.carnpIian�esysterr� <br />