<br /> A �i�able Lavv. As used �n �his Secur�ty �nstrument, �h� te�n "App�icable La.w" sha�l mea� a�� ��r�trol�ing
<br /> pP
<br /> app�icable federal, s�ate and �oca� statutes, regula�ior�s, �rdinances and adminis�ra��ve rules and �rd�rs �that have
<br /> the effec�of�av��as�vell as aIl applicable fnal,n�n-appealable jud���a��p�n�ons.
<br /> ��a�-ge�; Li�ns. Borr��wer sha�l pay a1� �axes, assessments, charges, fines and �mp�si��on� a�tributab�� to the
<br /> Pr�per�y�vhich may at�ain pr��ori�y o�er�his 5ecurity�nstrument, a��leasehold payrnents t�r�round r�n�s, �f any.
<br /> At the reques�of Lender,B�rrower sha�I prompt�y furn�sh t�L�nder rece�p�s ev�de�.�ing the pa�naen�s.
<br /> Borra�ver sha1� pramptly d�scharge any ��en wh�ch has pr�ority over this Se�urity�nst�ument unless Borrov�rer: �a}
<br /> agrees in v�r��ing t� th� payment �f�he �bligat�on secured by �he �ien in a �nanner accep�able �o Lender; (b}
<br /> �ont�st� in good fai�h the l��n by, or defends against enforcement of the lien �n, lega� pr�c��dings wh�ch in �he
<br /> Lender's �pin�dn opera��e to preven� th� enfarcem�nt oF the lien; �r �c� secures from �he halder �f the lien an
<br /> agre�men�satisfac�ory�fl Lender subordina��ng the lien ta�hi� Secu.rxty Instrun�ent. �f Lender determines tha� any
<br /> par�of�he Praper� is sul���ct�� a lien whicl�may attaxn�r�ari�r ��er�h�s Security �nstrumen�, Lender n�ay give
<br /> Borrower a notice xden�:ify�ng�he lien. B�rr�wer sha11 sat�sfy the �ien or take one �r more af�he a�ti�ns set for�h
<br /> abo�e vvi�hxn I 4 da�s of�he g��ing of no�ice.
<br /> Haz�rd vr Property Imsurance. Borr�wer sha�I keep the improvements now e�.�sting or her�after erected on�he
<br /> Property�nsured agains�loss by fire,hazards�n�luded�v�thin�he term"e�.tended coverage" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> inc�uding floads ar fl��d�ng, for v�hich Len�er requ�res xn.suran�e. Th�� �nsurance shall be main�ai�ed �n �he
<br /> amoun�s and for the per�ods that�ender requires.The insurance carri�r prflviding�he insuranc�sha�i be chosen by
<br /> Barrower subjec� t� Lender's appro�ra� �hich sha�I no� be unreasonab�y �rithhetd. �f Borr�wer fails to main�ain
<br /> coverage described a1��ave, Lender m�.y, at �.ender's op�i�n, ob�ain �overag� �o pra�ect Lender's righ�:s in the
<br /> Pr�per�y in accordance with sect��n ti��ed Prot���ivn�f I1end�r's R.ights in the 1'�oper�y.
<br /> A�1 �nsurance polic�es and renewa�s shal� be acceptable to Lender and sha�1 ir�c�ude a s�andard m�r�gag� clause.
<br /> Lender shall ha�e the righ��a hold the pol�c�es ar�d renevWals. �f Lender re�uires, Barr�wer sha�l prompt��gi�e ta
<br /> Lender a�l recexp�s�f�aid prem�ums and renewal n���ces. �n�he event of I�ss, Barr�wer sha�l give pram�t n��ice
<br /> �o�he insurance�a�rier and Lender.Lender may make proof af�oss if no�made prompt�y by B�rrower.
<br /> IJnl�ss Lender and B�rrower othe�ise agree in vv���ing, insurance pr�ceeds shall be a�p�i�d to restora��an or
<br /> re�a�r of the Praper�y �damaged, if, in Lender's so�� dis�retxon, th� res�orati�n �r repair �s econon�ica�ly feasible
<br /> ar�d Lende.r's secur��y is n���essened. �f, �n Lender's s�le d�scre���n, ti�e rest�rat�on or repa�r is not e��n�n��cally
<br /> fe�.sib�e ar Lender's security�vould�e I�ssened,�he insuranc�proceeds shal�be app��ed t�the surn.s secured by this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrumen�, vwhe�her or no� th�n due, wi�h any excess paid to Bflrrawer. If Btirrower aband�ns �he
<br /> Property,or d�es nat a��wer vvithin�he number af days prescribed by Appl�cab�e Lav�r as set f�r�h in a n�t�ce fr�m
<br /> Lender�o Borrflwer that the insurance Carrier has uffered ta se�tle a Glaim,the�Lender may ���iec�the i�surance
<br /> proceeds. Lender n�.ay use �he proceeds�� repair ar res�Qre �he P�roper�y �r to pay su�ns secured ��this Security
<br /> �nst�umen�,v�he�her or not ther�due.The peri4d of�ime for Barrovtrer to ansv�er as se�for�h in�he nati�e vv���begin
<br /> v�hen the no�ice is g�ve�. .
<br /> �Jnl�ss Lender and Bo�rrower�thervsrise agree zn writing, any app��ca�ion �f proceeds t�principal sha1�no�e��end
<br /> ar p�s�p�ne the due date�f the paymen�s due ux�der the �on�:rac�or change�he amoun�of the paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he sec��on titled Aec��erat�on; Remed��s, �h� Proper� �s acquired by Lender, Borrovver`s right�o any insurance
<br /> polic�es and proceeds resul�ing fr�m damage to �he Proper�y pr��r t� �he acquis���on shall pass �o Lender �o �he
<br /> ex�en�af the sums s�cured by this Security�ns�rument�mmediate�y pri�r tv the acqu�si��an.
<br /> Preser�ativ�n, Maint�r�ance �nd Protectian �f the Prop�rty; Barrfl�ve�-'s Loan Ap�li�ation; Le�seholds.
<br /> Borrvwer sha�l nat des�ray, damage�r impair the Propert�y, a�lav�the Prop�rty�� deteriora�e, �r commit was�e on
<br /> the Praperty.Borr�v�er shal�be�n default if ariy forfe��ure actian��pro�eeding,�vhe�her ci��X or crimina�,is begun
<br /> that �n Lender's good fai�h judgment cauld result in farfe�ture of�he Property �r ��her�vise ma�eria�ly �mpair�he
<br /> ��en created by �his Secur�� I�strumen� or Lender's securi�y in�eres�. B�rr�wer may cure such a de�ault and
<br /> reinsta�e, as pra�id�d in se�ti�on����ed Bo�rower�s Right to �t�in�tate, by�ausing�he actian or proceeding to b�
<br /> d�smissed w�th a ru�in�tha�, in Lender's goad faith de�erminat�on,precludes forfei�ure�f the B�rrower's i��eres�in
<br /> the Pr�perty ar ather material impairxnen� �f. th� lieri created by �his Security �nstrument or Lender's security
<br /> interest.Borrower shall alsa be in default if B�rrourer,during the��an appl�cation pracess,gave ma�eriall�fa�se or
<br /> inac�urate inf�rmation or s�a�emen-�s to Lender �or fai�ed �� pr�vide Lender with any mater�al inform.a���n� in
<br /> connec�ion vvith the lo�n e�ide�ced by the �a�atract. �f this Secur��y �ns�rument xs on a�easehold, B�rrov�er sha11
<br /> comply w��h all the pr�visions of�he Iease. �f Borr�wer acqu�res fee t���e to the Pr�perty,the�easehold and�he fee
<br /> ti�l�shall not m�rge unless Lender agrees��the r�erger in�riting.
<br /> Pr��ection �f L�nder'� Rights in the Pr�perty. Tf B�rro�er fa�1s to perfarm the �avenan�s and agreements
<br /> c�n�ained xn�this Security�ns�trumen�, or there �s a�ega�pr�ceeding�hat may sign�fican�ly affect Lender's right�in
<br /> the Property (such as �proceed��g in bankruptcy, praba�e, fflr coridemna��on �r forfe�ture �r�o enft�r�c� iaws �r
<br /> regulations}, �hen �ender may do ax�d pay for v�hatever �s necessary �a pr�tec� �he �a�ue of the Praperty and
<br /> Lender's righ�s�n�he Proper�y. Len�er's ac��ans�nay inc�ude paying any sums se�u.red b�a�ien�rh�ch has prior�ty
<br /> o�er�chis Se�uri�ty�ns�rument, appearing in court,paying r�as�nable a�torneys'fees and enter��g on the Proper�y�o
<br /> ma�e repairs.A�th�ug��Lender ma�take ac��an under�h�s sec�ion,Lender dQes not have�o do so.
<br /> A.ny amounts disbursed by Lender under �his section sha1� becorne additiona� deb� of B�rrower secured by �his
<br /> �ecurxty Instrumen�. �Jnl�ss Borrflwer and Lender agree to o�her terms �f payment, �hes� amounts shal� bear
<br /> �nt�rest fram th� c�ate �f d�sbursemen-� a� the same rate assessed o�n advances under the �ontract anc� sha�1 be
<br /> payable,wi�h interes�, upan no��ce frox�.Lender to B��rawer request�ng payment.
<br /> �2Q04-2�13 Conzp�ia.nce Systems,Inc.9F96-D749-2D13L2.�.7�1
<br /> Consu�er Rea�Es#ate-Security�nstrumer�t DL.2�3 b Pa�e 2 of 5 www.compliancesystems.com
<br />