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��14��57� <br /> sentences shal� not app�y to th�pres�nce, us�, or s�orag�an the Praper�y of sma�� quan�it��s of�azard�us <br /> Substances �hat ar�genera��y recogn�zed tn�e appropr�ate ta normal resid�nt�al us�s and t� maintenance af <br /> the Proper�y ��n��uding, but nnt�im�ted t�, hazard�us substan�es �n�onsum�r products}, <br /> Borrovver sha��prompt�y g�ve Lender wr�tten notice of�a} any inv�stiga�ion, ciaim, demand, �awsuzt�r ather <br /> action by any governm�enta� or regulat�ry agen�y or pr�vate par�y inva���ng the Proper�y and any Hazardaus <br /> Substan�e or Environm�nta� Law of which Borrovwer has actua� know�edge, �b} any EnWironz�ental <br /> �and�t�on, �nc�uding but n�t limited ta, an�spi�ling, leaking, discharge, release or�hreat af releas�of an� <br /> �azardaus Suhstance, and t�} any con�.�t��n�aused by th�pres�nce, us�or re�ease of a Hazardous Substance <br /> which ad�er�ely affects the wa�u�of the Prop�rty. �f Barr�w�r�earns, or is na����d by any go�ernm�n�a� or <br /> regu�atary authority, or any private par�y, tha�an� rem�val �r ather renlediatian af any Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> affecting the Prop�r�y is ne�essary, Barrower shall pr�mptl�take a�� ne�e�sary remedial ac�ions in <br /> accardance w�th�nv�ronmenta� Lav�, Nathing h�rein shall creat�any obliga�ion on Lender for an <br /> Environmen�al Cleanup. <br /> Nan-Unifc�rm �or�enants. Barrawer and Lender co�enant and agree a� follows: <br /> Z�. Acce��rati�n; Remed��s. L�nder sha��g�ve not�ce ta Borrower pri�r to ac���erat�on fo�lowing <br /> Barrower'S breach�af any Go�enant ar agreen�ent in�h�5 Secur�ty Instrunlen� �but n�t pr�or to <br /> acce�eration under Section 18 unless Applicable La��providQ�otherw�se�. Th�no�ice�hall�pecify: �a� <br /> the defau��; �b} the ac�ion required to cure the default; �c} a date, not le�s�han 30 days fram the da�e <br /> the not�ce is gi�en to Borrower, by wh�ch the default mu5t be cured; and�d} �ha�failure to cure the <br /> defau�t on or before the da�e spec�f�ed in the nn�ice may result in accelera��on of�he sums secured by <br /> th�s Security Ins�rument and sa�e of�he Praper�y. The nvt�ce sha�i fur�her�nfvrm Borrower of the <br /> r�ght�o r�ins�ate after accelera�ion and�he right to bring a cour�action to asser��he non-existence of a <br /> ��fau.�t vr any o�her def�nse of Borrow�r�o acce�era�ion and sa�e. If the default is no�cured on or <br /> before the da���pec�f�e�in�h�not�c�, Lend�r at��s vp�ion may r�qu�re�mmed�a�e payrnent�n fu.11 of <br /> a�l sums secured by this Se�ur��y In��runlen��v��haut further dernand and n�ay�nvok��he pawer of sa�� <br /> and any o�her remedies permi#�ted by Appl�cable Law. Lender shal�be en�i�led to call�ct al� expen�es <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies pro��ded in�his 5ec�ion 22, �n�lud�ng, bu�not limi�ed�o, rea5ana��e <br /> a�torr�eys' fees and c�sts af ti�le e�idence. <br /> If the�awer of sale�s�nvoked, Trus�ee sha��r�card a na��ce af defau���n each c�unty�n�vh�ch any <br /> part of the Property is located and sha�l mail copies of�uch n�t�C��n�h�rr�anner pre5cr�bed by <br /> Applicable Law�a Borrower and ta�he o�her persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After�he time <br /> required by Applicable Law, Trustee shaix gi�e pub�ic notice of sale ta�he persans and in the manner <br /> prescr�bed by Applicable Law. Trus�ee, wi�hou� demand on Barrower, shall sel��he Pr�perty a�public <br /> auc��on�o the�.�ghest bidder a�the��m.e and place and under the terms des�gnated�n�he noti�ce of sale <br /> in one or mare parce�s and in any arder Trus�ee de�erm�nes. Trustee may pos�pone sa�e of a��or any <br /> par�e�af�he Property by pub�ic annaun�emen� at the t�me and place�f any pre�ious�y scheduled sale. <br /> Lender or��s de5ignee may �urchas��he Pro�erty at any sa�e. <br /> IJpon rece�pt of paymen�of�hQ pr�ce b�d, Trustee shail dei��er�a the purchaser Trustee's de�d <br /> c�n�eying the Property. T'he recita�s�n th�'I`rustee's deed sha���e pr��ma facie evidence oF the truth of <br /> �he s�a�emen�s m�d�therein. Trus�ee shal�app�y �he proceeds af�he sa�e in the fo��ow�ng arder: �a} to <br /> a�� cos�s and expens��vf��er��sing th�p�wer of sale, and�he sa��, includ�ng�he paymen�af�he <br /> Trustee's f�e�ac�ua��y�ncurred and reasona���at��rneys' fee�as p�rm����d by App��cab�e Law; �b} ta <br /> ali sums secured b�this S�cur�ty Ins�ru�n�nt; and �c} any excess�o the per�on or persons lega�iy <br /> en�i�Ied�a i�. <br /> N�E3RA5KA-5ingi�Famity-Fannie Masl�rede€ie Mac UNIFORM IN5TRt1MENT Form 3�Z8'�1�'� <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE��13�2} <br /> Wniters Kluwer�in�ncia�5er�ices Pag�'�4 0��7 <br />
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