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��14��57� <br /> in�he Proper�y and rights und�r�his Security Instrument; and �d� takes su�h actio�.as Lender rnay <br /> reasonah�y re�uire to assure tha�Lender's in�erest in�he Property and rights under this Secur��}� Instru�nent, <br /> and Borrower's�bl�gatian�o pay�he sums secured��this Securit� �nstrument, shall cantinue unchanged. <br /> Lender may requ�re that Borr�wer pay sueh re�nstatement su�ns and expenses in one ar more of the fol�ov�rin� <br /> farms, as se�ected by Lender: �a}cash; (b} mone�arder; �c} cer����d check, hank che�k, treasurer's�h��k or <br /> �ash�er's check, pro�ided any such check �s dra�rn upon an �nstitution vvhose deposits are�nsured b�a <br /> fed�ral agen�y, instrum�n�ality or en�ity; or td} �lec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon re�nstatem.en�hy B�rrower, <br /> this Securit� Instrument and o�liga��ons secured hereby shall rema�n full��ffective as if na accelera�ion had <br /> occurred. �3owe�er, �his ri�ht to re�ns�a�e sha�� not appl� in the case of acce�eration under Section 18. <br /> 2�. Sa�e �f Note; �hange of Laan 5er��c�r; Natic� nf Grie►rance. The No�e�r a par�ia� �nterest�n the <br /> Note �together vvith this Securi�y Instrum�nt}can be sald one or more times withaut prior not�ce ta <br /> B�rr�wer. A sale migh�resuit in a change in�he ent�ty �known as the "Laa��Servicer"}�hat ca1leG�s Periodic <br /> Paymen�s due und�r�h� Note and this S�cur���r�nstrument and perf�rms o�her mor�gage�oan servicing <br /> ob�iga��ons under the Nate, th�s Securi�y �nstrument, and AppliGab�e Lav�r. There also mi�ht be on��r rnore <br /> changes of�he Laan S�r�icer unre�ated�o a sa�e of th�Note. If there is a change of�he L.�an 5ervicer, <br /> Borrower w�l�be given written not�ce�f the chang�wh�ch w��� state�he name and address of the nevw L�an <br /> Sez-v�icer, the address to which pa�ments should�e made and any ather inf�rmatifln RE�PA r�quires �n <br /> �onn���ion w�th a no��ce of�ransfer of servi��ng. �f the Nate is sold and therea�er��.e Loan is ser`riced��a <br /> Loan Ser��cer o�h�r than�he purchaser of the No�e, the m�rtgage loan servic�ng ob�igations ta Borro��r w�11 <br /> remain�nrith the L.�an Serv�cer ar b��ransferred�o a s�ccessor Loan Serv�cer and are no�assumed by the <br /> Note pur�haser unless o�herw�se�rovid�d by the No�e purchaser. <br /> Ne�ther Borrower nor I�ender ma��ommence,jo�n, or be joined to an�jud�c�al ac�ion �as either an <br /> ind�vidua� li�igan�nr�he member of a c�ass} �hat arises from the other part�'s actians pursuant to�h�s <br /> Securz�� �ns�rum�nt or tha�a�leges�hat�he other party has�rea�hed an�r provision af, or any du�y ov�red by <br /> reason of, this Security In�trumen�, until such Borrower ar Lende�r has not�f�ed�he o�her par�y �w�th su�h <br /> notice gi�en in compliance with the r�quirernents�f Section �5} of such alleged br�a�h and afforded the <br /> ��her par�y�.ereto a rea�onab�e per�od af�er the giving of such not�ce�fl take c�rrecti�r�actian. If Applicable <br /> Law pro�ides a time peri�d which mus��Iapse before�er�ain action can be taken, tha�t�m�peri�d w�Xl be <br /> deemed to be reasanab�e for purpos�s of�his paragraph. The not�ce of accelera��on and opp�rtuni��ta cure <br /> g��en to Borrawer pursuant�o Sect�on 2�and the no�ice of acceierat�on given to Borrov�r�r pursuan�t� <br /> Sec��on 1 S sha��be de�med to sat�sfy�h�no�i�e and oppor�unit� to take corr�ctive acti�n pro�isinns of�his <br /> SeC�ion��. <br /> �'1. �azard�us Substances. As used �n this Se�tion 2I: �a} "I�'a�ardaus Su�stances"are those subs�ances <br /> defined as t�xzc�r hazardous substances, p�l�utan�s, or was�es by Environmen�al Law and the fo�lovving <br /> su�stances: gasfli�ne, kerosene, other flammab�e or�a�i�petroleuna pr�ducts, t�xic p�stic�des and h�rbxc�des, <br /> �olatii�sol�en�s, materials containing asbes�as or f�rma�dehyde, and radioact���ma��rials; �b} <br /> "E��vira�����e�t�al Lrxw"means federa� �aws and�a�us�f the jur�sdic�i�n where th�Property �s Ioca��d�ha� <br /> rela�e�o�.eal�h, safe��or en�ironmental protection; �c} ".��viroj�rr���t�l Clear�up"inc�udes an}� response <br /> acti�n, rem�d�al action, or remova� act�on, as defined in Environmen�a� Lav�; and �d} an "Er�viroyi���ental <br /> �'ortd��io�"means a condi�ion�hat can caus�, contribu��to, ar o�herwise�rigger an Environm�ntal ��eanup. <br /> Barrower shall not cause or permi��he presence, us�, disposal, s�orage, or re�ease of an� Hazardous <br /> Substances, ar thr�a�en�o rel�ase any Hazard�us Substances, on�r�n the Propert�. Bvrr�wer shall not do, <br /> nor a11ow anyone else to do, any�hing affe�ting the Proper�y �a} �hat �s in violation of any En�ironmentai <br /> Law, �b} which crea�es an�nvironmen�a� Cflndition, or�c} wh��h, du��o the presence, use, or re�ease of a <br /> Hazardous Subs�an��, �reates a c�ndition tha�ad�ersel}� affec�s�he�aiue of�he Frnperty. The prec�ding�wo <br /> NEBRASKA-SingEe�amiEy-Fanni�Mael�reddi�Mac l7Nl��RM INSTRUM�NT F�rm 3D28 1141 <br /> VMP(� VMP6�NES�i 302y <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Financia!S�r�ices Page 13 of�7 <br />