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��14��397 <br /> iVC�N�U1 NIF�RM ��11ENANTS. Barro�ver and Lender further co�enant and agree as follo�vs: <br /> 2 T. Accelera�ion; Re�ned�es. Lender sh�il give no��c� �o l�orrower priar ta ac�e�erat�on fo�xavving <br /> I�orrow�r's bz•ea�h of any ca�enan�or agreement irn this Secur�ty�nstrument�bu�no�pr�oY•�o acce�erativn unc�er <br /> �ection �7 unle�s App��ca�le Law prfl��des o�herwise}. Th�no�ice shal�specify: �a}�he defaul�; �u}the act�on <br /> requi�•ed�o cure xhe defnul�; �c}a date, no�less than 30 days from the da�e the notice�s gi�en�a�orrower, by <br /> which the defaul� mus��e cured; and(d}t��a�fa�lure�o cure the defaul� o�� or before the da�e specif�ed �n�he <br /> no�ice may resul�in acceleration af�hQ sums�ecured by thi��ecur�tiy�nsxrument and sa�e of���e�'roper�y. The <br /> noi��ce shal�fur�her inform Borrawer of�he r��h��o reinsta�e af�er acce�era�ion and the right�o brin�a cour� <br /> ac�ion�o asser��he�aon�exis�ence�f a defaul�or azxy oxher defense vf Borrower to accelerativn �nd sa�e. �f�he <br /> defaul�is r��t cured a�� or before the t�a�e specif�ed in �l�e n��ice, Lend�r a���s �pf�ion may reqY�ire immedi��e <br /> paymen� in fu��of all sums �ecured by�l�xs Security Instru�men�withou� fur�l�er dema�d and may �nval�e �he <br /> powe�- of sale a�id any a�her remedies perrnx�ed �y Appl��able Law. Lender shall ue enti�led to co�lec� a�X <br /> expei�ses incurred�n pursuYi��the rerned�es pro�ided in�hxs Sect�on 21, �nc�uding, bu�no�limited�o, reasonabie <br /> at�o�•neys' fe�s and cos�s of�xt�e e�idenc�. <br /> �f the power o#'sale�s �nvoked, Trustee sh.a�X record a natice�f defaul��n ea�h coun�y�n which any par� <br /> nf�he Property is located and s�aall �nail copies of�uch notice i�1 tihe manner prescribed by A�plicab�e Lavv to <br /> Borrower and ta�he o�her persons prescribed b�Appl��ab�e Law. Af�e�•�he time re�uired by Applxcabl�Law, <br /> Trus�ee sha��gi�e pubiic not�ce af sa�e�o�he persons a��d in the inannez•prescr�bed by Applicable Law, 'I'rus�ee, <br /> withvut dernand on Bo�•rower, sha�I se�l�he Proper�y a�public auction to �he h�ghest bidder at the time and <br /> place and under the �erms designa�ed �n �he nfl�ice of sale in one or mare pa�ce�s and �n any order Trustee <br /> de�ermix�e�. Trus�ee may pastpvne sa�e of all or any parcel of�he Prope�•ty by pubi�c announcement at the��me <br /> ��nd place o#'an��prevX�usly schedu�ed sale. Lender ar x�� designee rnay purchase xhe Proper�y at an�sale. <br /> Upon receipt of pa�ment of�he price b�d, Tru�tee�ha��del��er to th�purchaser Trustieefs deed convey�ng <br /> the Pz•operty. The recitals Yn the '�Trus��e's deed sha�� ue prirna fac�e evidence of the trt��h vf the�tatements <br /> ��xade�herein, Trus�ee sha��apply�he pr�ceeds af the sale x�a�he follavving o�•der: �a}to alX costs and expenses <br /> of exerc�s��a��he power of sa�e, and�he sale, �nc�udin�the paymen�of the Tru�tee's fee�ac�ua�ly incu�•red and <br /> rc�asona�le�ttorneys' fees as�erm�tted by App��ca�le I�aw;�b}�o all sums secured by�hxs Security Ynstrument; <br /> and (c� any excess�a���e person �r persoz�� legai�� enti���d �a i�. <br /> Z2. R�conveyance, t]pan�aymcnt of al�sums secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrunlen�, Lez�der sha�l�equesti Trus�eE <br /> �o reconve�the Prapez ty and shall surre�.der�his S�curi�y Z�st�u�nen�and all no�e� e�zdencing deb� sec��red�by this <br /> S�c��ri�y�nstz un�en�to Tr��s�ee. Trus�ee sha11 rec���Wey�he Property�vithou�waz ra�.ty�o the perso��ar pei•sox�s�ega�l� <br /> en�itled to it. Such��erson or persons s��all pay any recorc�a�i�n casts. Lender 1��.ay charge s��ch�erson❑r persans a <br /> fee for reconv�yin�the Pr operty, but only if the ree is paid�o a third�ax�y�such as th�Trustee}for servxces rendered <br /> ax�d th�charging af the fee is�ermi��ed under Applicable Law. <br /> 23. Subs�i�utie Trustee. Lender, at i�s option, may [`rat��tiine�o�iz�.ae remove Trustee and appoin�a s��c�essor <br /> �rus�ee�fl any Trust�e appointed hereunc�er by an ins�r�.�ment recorded in�he co�.�nty in�hich thxs SecG�r��y Instrumen� <br /> �s�eco�rded. VVithou�conveyance of�he Prapez ty, the sL�ccessar€z ustee shal�succeed�o a��the�itle, powex and duties <br /> c�nFer�ed L�pon Trustee he�rein ar�d by A��plical�Ie Law. <br /> Z4, Rec�ues�for Noxiees. Barrovver requesis�hat�opies oC t1�e not�ce of default and sa�e be sen�to Borrav�er's <br /> adr�r�ss which i�thc P�•�perty Add�ress. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e FamilyTUNlF�RM INSTRlJMENT ��G�a���� <br /> M�DIFIED FUR DEPARTMENT aF Vk�"ERANS AFFAIRS - MERS www.a� <br /> �R�v. �1�1} Page �2 vf�4 <br /> ���� w� <br /> . <br /> . <br /> SANK Oa2�$6945 <br /> "�FMDEE� �4Q8D82399 <br />