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��14��397 <br /> secL�red hereby sha�l rei��axn fi��ly effee���e as if��o acc�l�rati�n had��curred. However, this ri�h�to reinsta�e shall <br /> nat �pply in���e cas�of ac�eieration under Section 17, <br /> 19. Sa�e of Nate; Change of Loari Servi�e�r;�Io��ce�f Gr�e�ance, The Note or a partial in�erest in the Note <br /> �tngether vvith t���s Securi�y Instiruxx�en�}can be s�ld one ar n�.ore times witho���prior notice�o Borxower. A sa�e might <br /> result�n a change in �he en�ity �knawn as�he "Loan Servicer"}that co�lects P�riadic Payz��ents due u�ader�he No�e <br /> and th�s Secui ity�nstrumen� and pexfarms n�her m�rtg�.�;e�oan servicYng�b1�ga�ions under the N o�e, �his Se�urity <br /> Instrui�lent, and Appltcable Law. There a�so might be or�e or x��ar�chan�es af�he L�an Servicer L�nrelafed to a sale <br /> of the Note. If�here�s a change of�he Loan Ser�i�ez, Borro�er w���be given�ritten notice�f:the change whic�wil� <br /> sta�e t�1e na�ne�.nd add�•ess of�l�e new Loan Sexvicer, the address to w�aich payments sho�,ild Ue na.ade and any other <br /> inf�r���ati�n R�SPA re�uiz•es in connection with a no�ice or�ransfer of serv�cing. If�he Note is sold and�:hereaf�er <br /> the Loan is ser�iced by a Loan Ser�icEr other than the purchaser•of�he No�e, the mor�gage l�an ser�xeing obliga��ans <br /> �o Borrower wi��re���ain vv�th t�a�Loan SerWiccr or be transferred�o a successor Loan Ser��cer and are nat assumed <br /> by�he Not�purchaser ut�Iess ot��er�rise pr�vic��d by the No�e puxchaser•. <br /> 1Veith�r Bar�awer nor Lendez•may com�nence,join, ar be�oined �o any�udicial ac�ion�as ei�l�er an individual <br /> liti�ant ot-���e in�mber of a class}tha�arises froi���he o�h�r pai•Ly's act�ons pursuan��o���is Secuz ity I��s�rument�r that <br /> a�Ieg�s t��at��e ather�aar�y has breached any pro�ision af, or any duty owed by reasan of, this Security�nstrumet�t, <br /> ut�til such Bai z ower or Lender�aas noti�ed the o�her party��r��h sL�ch n�tice given in cozr�pliance vvith t�e z equiren�en�� <br /> of Section �4} a�'s��ch al�eged breach an�afforded the o�her pa�-ty here�o a reasonable pei i�d af�er the giving of such <br /> no�ice to tal�e correc�i�e action, rf Ap�Iica�Ie Law pr•�vides a titne pexiod which mus�eiapse before certain actxon <br /> can be talcen, that time period wi11 be deemed to �e reasonable for purp�ses of�h�s paxagraph. Z�he natice of <br /> acce�eration and�pp�rtunity ta Cure givcn �o Ba1�rower purs�.�an�to Sec�ian�� and�he no�ice of acce�era�ion giv�n <br /> to Borrawer pursuan��a Sectiot� 17 sha11 be deemed�o satis�y the no�zce and opport��nity to �ake carrect��e action <br /> provisio�s of this Sec�io�a �9. <br /> Z0. Hazardvus Subs�ances. As used in �his Section��; (a} "Ha�ardous Substances" are those substances <br /> defined as toxic or hazardaus s���stances, pnllu�ants, or wastes�by Er��ironment��l Law and�he fallowin�substances: <br /> gasoline, l�eroscne, other f�a�a�n�a�ie or��xic p��raleum prnducts, �oxic pestxczdes and herb�cides, �o�ati�e sal�en�s, <br /> ma�erials containin� as�es�os ar �Formaldehyde, ar�d radxoac�i�e mate�rials; �b} "Environn�ental Law" means federal <br /> laws and�ar�s af�he�urisdiction v�here the Pro�aerty is�ocatcd tha�rela�e to���a�th, safe�y or en�ironmental pratect�an; <br /> �c) "Environza�en�a� Cleat�i�p'" in�lude� any response ac�iot�, renledial �.�t�on, or removal acfion, as defined in <br /> Environ�i�.ental L�.w; and �d} an "En�iron���nta� C�nditic�n" ia�e�.ns �. canc�i�ion �ha� can �ause, con�ribute �o, ar <br /> oti�erwise trigger an Environi��e�atal C�ean��p. <br /> Bo�rx�we�shal�not cause or pe�mi��he��rese��ce,use,dYsposal, s�orage,or�re�ease of any Hazardaus Su�stances, <br /> or tl�i•eaten ta z elease any Hazardaus Suhs�at�ces, on or in�he Pr�perty. Borrower sha�l no�do, nar allow any�ne else <br /> �o do, anything affecting the P�•aperty �a} �ha� is �n violation af any Env�ronmenla� Law, �b} whzch crea�es an <br /> �nvi�ont��enta� Condit�on, or �c}which, du��a th�presence, use, ar xelease of a Haza�dous S�ibs�ance, �reates a <br /> condition �ha� adverseiy affects ihe value of�he �'roper�y. The prec�ding two sent�nc�s shall no� apply �o the <br /> p�esenc:e, use, or s�ora�;e an��Ze Praperty of smail quat�tities of HaLardous Substances tha�are generally re�a�niz�d <br /> to �e appro��xia�e �o noxza�al residential us�s and ta ���ai�tenance oF th� Prapei t� �inclu�ing, bu� nat limited ta, <br /> �a�zardo�.�s��rl�stan�es in consumer p�raduc�s}. . <br /> Borra�uer�ha��pz omp�Iy �;ive Lender written not�ce of�a� any�nvestigation, claim, dez��an�, 1av�suit ar. a�her <br /> actiot�by any gover�menta�oz regulator�a�ency or��rivate party�nvol�fng�he:Propei�y and any I�azardous Subs�ance <br /> or En�iron�ne��tta�Law of wl�.i�:h Borrower has ac�ual knawXedge, �b}az�y En�ironn�ental Conditi�n, including but n�t <br /> l��a�ited t�, any spill�ng, lealfing, di�charge, release ar th�eat nf�release of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance, and �c} any <br /> condi�ion caused by the presence, use ar rE�ease of a Ha2ardous Substance�vili�h adversely affccts the val�xe of�he <br /> Prope�ly, If Bo�rower leari�s, ❑r�s no�if�ed by any gov�rt�i��en�al or regu�ataz y a��thority, ar any pri�atie party, tha� <br /> any �•eX�aoval or otl�er�e�7�edia.tinn of any I�azard�us Substance affectin�;the Property is necessary, Borrov�er shall <br /> prfl�np��y�al�e all necessa�•y�emcdial a.c�ions in accorda��ce wi�h En�ironxnental Law. Nothing herein shal�create any <br /> ob���ation on Lende�far an Environznental C�eanup, <br /> NESRA5I�A-�ing�e Family-UNIF4RM INSTR�MENT ����a�p���.� <br /> MC��IFIED F�R ❑EPARTMENT QF VETERANS AFFAIRS - MERS www.docm�gi�.�am <br /> �F�ev. �ID�} Page �'I of �4 <br /> A"'�� 6*r� <br /> . <br /> r <br /> SAN�t 0���86J45 <br /> �FM DEED �4D8fl8�399 <br />