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��14��35� <br /> qEED �F TRU�T <br /> ��ont�nued� - Pag� 5 <br /> becomes del�nqu�nt, or ��} �ontes�s the�ax as pro��ded above in the Taxes and Liens section and depasits with <br /> Lender cash or a suffic�en��orparate surety bond or�ther security sa�is�ac�ary to Lender. <br /> SECUR�TY AGREEIVIENT; F�NANCING STATEMENTS. The fo�lowing pra�isiflns re�ating to �his Deed of Trust as a <br /> se�urity agreement are a part��this Deed of Trust: <br />- S�curit�r Agreement. This �nstrument shall constitu�e a Secu�rity Agreemen� ta the ex�en� any o� the Property <br /> const�tu��s fixtures, and Lender shall have all ❑f the righ�s�f a secured party unde�#he Uniform Commercial Code <br /> as amended f�om time to time. <br />. S�curity Interest. llpon request by Lender, Trustor shall take whate�er actian �s r�ques�ed by Lend�r to perfect <br /> and �ontinue Lender's se�urity in�eres� in the Personal Property. In addition to record�ng this D�ed of Trust in the <br /> reai prope�ty records, Lender may, at any time and without fur�her au�hor�za�ian from Trustar, fiie exe�uted <br /> caunterpa�s, copies or repraductiflns of this Deed o� Trust as a financ�ng statement. Trusto� shail reimburse <br /> Lender for a�! expenses incurred in perfecting �r continuing this security interest. �pon de�ault, Trus�or shall nat <br /> remo�e, se�er or de�ach the Persanal Property fram th� Praperty. Upan defaul�, Trustor shall assemhle any <br /> Persanai Prope�ty na� aff�xed to th� Prope�ty in a manner and a# a place reasonably convenient to Trustor and <br /> Lender and maks it ava�labCe to Lender within three t3} days after receipt of wri�ten demand f�om Lender tQ �he <br /> extent permitted by app�icab�e law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor �debtar} and Lender (secured par�y} from which informatian <br /> concerning �he security �nterest granted by this ❑eed of Trust may be obtained �each as required by th� Uniform <br /> Comme��ial Code}are as stated on the first page of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEYw�NTFACT. The fo�lowing pro�isions relating to �urkh�r assuran�es and <br /> a#ta�ney-in-fact are a part o��h�s Deed o�Trust: <br /> Further Assurances, A# any time, and fr�m �ime �o time, upon requesf of Lender, Trustor will make, execute and <br /> de[i�e�, or wiil cause to �e made, execut�d or deli�ered, ta Lender or to Lender's designee, and when re�uested by <br /> L�nder, �ause t� �e filed, recorded, refi{ed, �r rerecarded, as the case may be, a� such �imes and in such offices <br /> and places as Lend�r may deem app�opriate, any and al1 such mortgages, deeds o�trust, secur�ty deeds, security � <br /> agreements, financing s�atemen#s, continuation statemen�s, instrumen#s of further assurance, certifi�ates, and <br /> o�her documents as may, in the sole vpinion of Lender, be necessary or desirabl� in orde�to effectua�e, cample�e, <br /> perfe�t, con�inue, or pres�rve �'1} Trusto�`s ob�iga�ions under fihe Note, this Deed af Trust, and the Reiated <br /> Documen�s, and ��} the liens and securi�y interests created by this Deed of Trust on �he Property,whether now <br /> owned or hereafter acquired by Trus�or. Un�ess prah�b�ted by law or Lender agrees to the cantrary in wrifing, <br /> Trust�r shall r��mburse Lender for al�cos�s and expenses incurred in Gonne��ion with the matters re�erred ta in this <br /> paragraph. <br /> Attorney�in-Fact. If Trustar faiis to do any of the things referred to in #he preceding paragraph, Lender may da s� <br /> for and in �he name o�Trustor and a�Trustor's expense. For such purpases, Trustor hereby irrevocably appoints <br /> Lender as Trus�or's a�torney-in-fact far�the purpose o�making, execu�ing, deli�ering, filing, re�ording, and do�ng all <br /> other things as may be n�c�ssary or desirab�e, in Lender's sole �pinion, to accomp�ish th� matters referred to in <br />- the preceding paragraph. � <br /> F�LL PERFQRIVIANCE. If Trus�or pays all the Indeb�edness when due, and otherwise perFarms all �he obligations <br /> imposed upon Trustor under this ❑eed o� Trust, L�nder sha�! execute and deliver �o Trus�ee a request far ful! <br /> reconveyance and shal�execut�and deliver to Trus#or sui#able sta�ements o��errnina�ion o�any financing statem�nt on <br /> file evidencing Lender's security in�e�es�in�he Rents and the Persanal Property. Any recon�eyance fee r�quired by law <br /> shail be paid by Trus�or, if permitted by applicable law. <br /> EVENTS aF DEFAULT. A� L�nder's ❑ption, Trustar will be in default under�h�s Deed of Trust if any af�he fol[ow�ng <br /> happen: <br /> Payment Default. Trus�or fails to make any paymen#when due under the indebtedness. <br /> 8reak �ther Pramises. T�ustor lareaks any promise made to L�nder or fa€is to perform promptly at the time and <br /> stric�ly in�he mar�ner pr��ided in this Deed of Trus#ar in any agreement related ta this Deed of Trust. <br /> Gvmpliance De#ault. Failu�e �o comply wi#h any ather term, obfigation, coWenant or condit�on canfained in this <br /> . Deed af Trust, �he Note or in any o�the Reiated Docum�n�s. <br /> Defau�t on�#her Paymen#s. Failure of Trustar within�he time re�u�red by this Deed o�Trust to make any payment <br /> �or taxes or insurance, or any other payment necessary to pre�ent filing o�or�o effec�discharge of any lien. <br /> Fa�se Statemen#s. Any r�presenta�ion o�s�a#ement made or furnished ta Lender by Trus�or or on Trust�r's behalf <br /> under this Deed o�Trus�❑r the Re�ated Documents �s fa�se or misleading in any mate�ial respect, ei�her now o�a# <br /> the time made or�urnished. � <br /> Defective Co��ateraiizat�on. This Deed of Trust or any o��he Refated Dacuments ceases to be in fuil force and <br /> effec# {including fai�ure of any co[�at�ral dacumen�ta create a �alid and pe�fec�ed securi�y interest or lien} at any <br /> time and for any reason. <br /> Dea�h nr Insol�ency. The dea�h of Trusto�, the insofvency of Trustor, the appoin�ment of a receiver fo�any part af <br /> Trustor's prQperty, any assignment for the �enefit of �reditors, any type �� credi�or workout, o� the <br />