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��14��35� <br /> � DEED C]F TF�UST' <br /> 4��nt�nued� Page 4 <br /> Trus�also will secure payment ofi these amounts. The righ�s pro�ided for in �his paragraph shall be in addi�ion to any <br /> other rights or any rem�dies to which Lender may be en�itled on account of any defau�t. Any such action by L�nder <br /> sha�l not be canstrued as curing�h�default so as ta bar Lender from any rem�dy that i�otherwise wou�d have had. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE QF TITLE. The fol[owing p�ovisions r�[atin�to ownership of the Prape�ty are a par�ofi�his Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Titt�. Trus�or warrants�ha�: �a} Trustor ho�ds good and marketabie ti�fe of record �❑ �he Property in fee simple, <br /> free and c�ear of a�l liens and encumb�ances other�han those se# for�h in the R�al Property descrip�ian flr in the � <br /> Existing fndeb�edness sec�ion bel�w or in any��tle insurance pol��y, tit�e report, ar fina��itle opinion issued in fa�ar <br /> of, and accep�ed by, Lender in conn�ction with �his Deed ❑f Trust, and �b} Trustor has the full right, power, and <br /> authority�o execu�e and deli�er this Deed of Trust to Lender. <br /> Defense of Title. Sub�ect to th� exception in the paragraph abave, Trustor warrants and wil� fore�er de�end the <br /> ti�le �o the Proper�y aga�nst�he law�ul claims of all persons. ln the event any action or proceed�ng is commenced <br /> tha#questions Trustar's ti�le or the inte�est of Trustee or Lender under this Deed o�Trust,T�ustar shall de�end the <br /> ac��on at Trustor's expense. Trustor may be�he nominal par�y in su�h proceeding, but Lende�sha�l b�en�itled to <br /> � . par�icipa�e in the proceeding and to b� represented in the proceeding by counse� of Lender's own cho�ce, and <br /> Trustor will deli�er, or cause ta be delivered, �o Lender such instruments as Lende�may request from t�me�o time <br /> to permit such participatian. <br /> Cvm pliance 1Nith Laws. Trusto�warrants that �he Pr�per�y and Trustor's use of the Property campiies wi#h al{ <br /> existing applicab�e�aws, ordinances, and regufations of go�ernmental au�hor�ties. <br /> Survi�al of Promises. All promises, agreements, and statements Trus�or has made �n this Deed a# Trus� shall <br /> survive the execution and delivery o�this {]eed of Trus�, shall be�ontinu�ng in nature and sha[I ��main in full fo�ce <br /> and ef#�ect unti!su�h��me as Trustor's Indeb#edness is paid in ful�. <br /> EXCSTING INDEBTEDNESS. The foiiow�ng pro�isions conce�ning Ex�sting lndebtedness are a part of th�s ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Exis#ing Li�n, The [ien of this Deed of Trust securing �he Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an <br /> existing lien. Trustor express�y co�enants and ag�ees to pay, vr see to �he payment of, fhe Exis�ing lndeb�edness <br /> and ta pre��nt any defaul�on such indebtedness, any defauit under�he ins�ruments evidencing such ind�btedness, <br /> �r any default under any security documen�s for such indebtedness. <br /> Nv llllodifica��on. Trus�or shall not en#er into any agr�ement with the ha�der of any mortgage, deed of trust, or <br /> � other s�curi�y agreemen� which�has priori�y o�er this ❑eed of Trust by which �ha� agreemen# is madified, <br /> amended, ext2nded, ar renew�d withaut the prior written cansent of Lender. Trustor shall ne�ther request nor <br /> accept any�uture ad�ances und�r any such security agreement withou�th�prio�wri�ten�ansen�a�Lender. <br /> C�Ni]ENINAT[�N. The f��lowin�pro�isions relating to condemnatian proceedings ar�a part o�this❑eed❑f Trust: <br /> Proceedings. If any praceeding in condemna�ion is fil�d, Trus�ar shai� promptly no�ify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustar shalf p�ompt�y�ake su�h st�p� as may be necessary ta defend the ac��on and obtain the award. Trus�or <br /> may be the nominai party in such proceeding, bu�Lender shal�be entitfed to par�i�ipate in the pr�ceed�ng and to be <br /> represented in the proceeding by counsel of i�s own cho�ce, and Trus�or wil! de[�ver o� cause �o be deli�ered to <br /> Lender such �ns��uments and documenta�ion as may �e requested by Lend�r fram t�me to time to permit such <br /> par�icipation. <br /> Appli�a#ion vf Net Proceeds. I�all ar any part of�he Prope�ty is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by <br /> any p�oc�eding or purchase in lieu af condemnation, Lender may a#its electio� require�ha�al! or any partion of the <br /> net praceeds af#he award be applied to the Indebtedness or the repair or res�oration ❑f�he Property. The net <br /> proce�ds af#h�avuard shal� mean the award afiter paymen�of afl reasonable cos�s, expenses, and attorneys'fees <br /> incurrsd by Trus�ee ar L�nder in connectian wi�h�he condemna�ion. <br /> 1111�P�S�Tl�N �F TAXES, FEES AN D CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL A�THC]RlT1ES. The fa�lowing prov�sions reiating <br /> ta go�ernmentai taxes, �ees and charges are a pa�t ofi this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upan request by Lender, Trustor shal[ execute such documents in addi�ion to <br /> this ❑eed of Trust and take whate�er oth�r action is reques#ed by Lender�o perfe�t and continue Lender`s lien on <br /> the Rea� Prope�ty. Trustar shall re�mburse Lender for all taxes, as described be�aw, toge#h�r with ai� expenses <br /> incurred in re�arding, perfiec�ing �r continuing this Deed of T�rust, inciuding wi�hau� limitation ail taxes, fees, <br /> documentary stamps, and ather charg�s far recording or regis�ering this�eed of Trust. . <br /> Taxes. The fo��awing sha�i constitute taxes to which �his section appiies: �'�} a speci��c �ax upon this type of <br /> Deed of Trust o� upon all ar any pa r� of�he 1 ndeb#ed ness secur�d by th is Deed af Trus�; t�} a specific tax on <br /> Trustor which Trustor is au�hari�ed or required ta deduct from paymen�s on the Indeb�edness secu�ed by this�ype � <br /> of Deed of Trusf; �3} a tax❑n �his type of Deed of Trus��hargea�le agains#th� Lender ar�he holder of the Note; <br /> and �4} a sp�ci��c tax on af� or any portian of the Indebtedness ar on paymen#s a�principal and interest made by <br /> Trustor. <br /> Suhsequent Taxes. If any #ax t� which #his sectian appiies is enacted subsequent ta the date of this Deed of <br /> T�us�, this e��nt shal� have the sam� effect as an E�en� o� De�auit, and Lender may exercise any nr ai! af i�s <br /> availab�� remedi�s far an E�en� of ❑efault as pra�i�ed below unless Trus�or either �'I} pays �he #ax before it <br />